Getting Started with FLFE

Tuning in to the FLFE Field

When you tune in to your experience in the FLFE field, you open yourself to transformative opportunities that elevate your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This connection can lead to noticeable shifts in your energy levels and emotional clarity, resulting in improvements across various aspects of your life.

This heightened awareness allows you to recognize how the FLFE energy positively influences your daily experiences, fostering enhanced creativity, better relationships, and a greater sense of purpose. Whether you seek personal growth or a deeper connection to the world around you, engaging with the FLFE field can serve as a powerful catalyst for positive change.

The Impact of Hydration

Proper hydration within the FLFE field is essential for maximizing its benefits. The FLFE environment supports your body’s healing processes, which require increased water intake to detoxify and optimize organ function. If you’re dehydrated, the service down-regulates to avoid overwhelming your system, and chronic dehydration can dull your thirst receptors. Notably, about 80% of customers who don’t feel the FLFE effects are dehydrated, emphasizing the importance of staying well-hydrated to fully experience the transformative power of the FLFE field.

Valuing Your Individuality

Our mission is to create the optimal conditions for the evolution of consciousness in an economized society. One of the ways we serve that mission is to value the uniqueness of each individual person in the world and another way is that we encourage people to trust themselves. If we can empower you to trust your own experiences, encourage you to explore your perceptions through diverse perspectives—including the FLFE environment—and guide you toward a reasoned, measured conclusion through observation, analysis, and experimentation, then we have fulfilled our mission in supporting your evolution, regardless of whether you’ve purchased the FLFE service.

How do I Notice the Service?

Be Your Own Consciousness Researcher

Ask yourself the following questions

Mind Observations

  • Do you have more clarity and concentration?
  • Do you feel more creative? As though things are flowing more?
  • Have you noticed your thinking is clearer and sharper?
  • Do you feel more balanced emotionally?
  • Does making key decisions appear to be easier?
  • Are you feeling you are reaching higher states when meditating?

Self Observations

  • Are you sleeping better?
  • Are you feeling a greater sense of well-being and feeling more relaxed?
  • Do you feel a relaxing of tension and it feels easier to breathe, particularly when you turn off and then back on the EMF Mitigation program?
  • Are you more patient with yourself and others?
  • Are you feeling more productive at work?
  • Are you clearing old negative patterns and or old insecurities quickly?

Environment Observations

  • Are your pets happier?
  • Do you feel you want to stay at home more?
  • Is your neighborhood changing around you? Have you noticed better relationships or even new or happier neighbors?
  • Does the maintenance of your property seem to be easier?
  • Have you received that new job offer you were waiting for?
  • Has money come in that you’ve been waiting for?

Friends & Family Observations

  • Has the communication with your coworkers and others in your family improved?
  • Do your neighbors, friends or family members comment how good your home feels and seem to want to stay?
  • Is your relationship more loving?
  • Has the communication between the people sharing the space improved or between you and your spouse improved?
  • Have you found your kids have started cleaning at home without being told to do it?

Your Unique Experience

Not feeling the energy does not mean you’re not an evolved person. Not everyone notices high-consciousness fields and those that do, may not notice it in the same way as others. The FLFE Co-Founders emphasize that people experience these energies differently. Some may notice it more in areas such as with plants, pets, wildlife, guests staying longer when they visit, less conflict in the house, rather than a personal physical sensation.

Other Resources


Get your challenge number. Go to the FLFE Hydration page (see below) and enter your weight into the calculator. Write down the number of ounces or milliliters calculated and shown in the area “After your first three days:” as your daily goal. Measure. Have a way to measure the water you are drinking: Such as a marked water bottle or by measuring how many ounces are in a standard water glass you always use. Add electrolytes. Add 1/8 teaspoon of Himalayan salt or some other appropriate...

Shungite taking your FLFE protection to the next level

Unleash the power of FLFE's EMF 5.0 upgrade and authentic Shungite.Almost all of us enjoy the benefits of new technology arriving every day, better cell phone coverage, stronger wifi signals and faster communications with loved ones. New, more harmful EMFs are rolling out all the time, increasing debilitating symptoms in people around the world. The new FLFE EMF Mitigation 5.0 upgrade, active in all FLFE subscriptions, provides enhanced relief, harmonization, and protection right when and...

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Some items will have social media links below them, where you will find a post that can be shared. Other items are intended to be saved by using copy & paste functions, and for images, right-click and ‘save as’ functions however, these processes are different depending on your device, browser, etc.  If you need help learning how to copy and page images and text visit: computerhope.comWhat is life like with FLFE? Find out with the FLFE No Credit Card Free Trial! This post may also be found...

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(FLFE Innovations Corp. is not a registered charity and therefore we cannot issue tax receipts for your donations.)