Consciousness Nutrition & Supplements

Suggestions to Support the Neurological and Physical Upgrades in Your Body.

The following recommendations are made in the context of being in a high consciousness environment for an extended period of time, specifically the FLFE high-consciousness field. We are defining high consciousness as an environment of 550 or higher on the Hawkins Map for eight hours or longer continuously. In this context, these recommendations may be outside of traditional nutritional advice (of which there are wide variances of recommendations). Please see our medical disclaimer HERE and please do your own research with medical professionals.

Whether you are in the FLFE high-consciousness environment, creating high-consciousness fields for healing and intuitive work or experiencing them in your day-to-day life with your loved ones or various other kinds of devotional work, there is a benefit to supporting the body. We have found in our research that in particular the nervous system requires additional support to optimize it for the increased energy that may be moving through it.

Our focus is supporting an optimal environment for the evolution of consciousness, which usually mean rising personally in consciousness. You will see below our research on the average personal rise in consciousness that we measure for subscribers in the FLFE community. The following nutrition protocols are offered to assist you in maximizing your physical capacity to rise in consciousness as you adapt to carrying more energy in your nervous system. Why does that matter? We see rising in consciousness as increasing freedom and joy in our lives. We believe that one person can affect all of creation by rising in consciousness and shining brighter.

Below are example of how the nutrition principles apply in day-to-day life in and outside of the FLFE environment to illustrate the principles.

Healer Burnout can occur when someone spends extended time in a high-consciousness field and the nervous system does not have the nutritional resources and/or time to rest and adapt. According to our consciousness kinesiology research, often advanced healers and intuitives activate fields in the 700 range on the Hawkins Map when doing their work. We recommend that healers and intuitives consciously close the sacred pace, ritual space or field that they have created after the session and consciously monitor the size of their aura and their intuitive openness to rest their system in-between sessions. The following nutrition protocols are offered to assist in increased capacity of the nervous system and faster recovery in order to carry the light and other energies of high consciousness environments.

Olympic elite athletes have benefited from the advice of strength coach Charles Poliquin to supplement with magnesium, Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) such as fish oil, Zinc and Vitamin D. Charles Poliquin coached numerous gold medal Olympic athletes, world champions and national champions. The Poliquin Group recommends 10 mg of magnesium per kilo of body weight per day HERE. This is the same as our recommendation below (converted to pounds). The recommendation in this article is for general health. Charles Poliquin has recommended for decades 3000-4500 mg of EFAs per day. The ratio of Fish oil to magnesium is 4:1, which we recommend below.

Children with ADHD and autism spectrum have been helped by magnesium (see the studies HERE) and by Omega-3 essential fatty acids in recent studies detailed in an article HERE.

Note of a double benefit: 1) We believe the nutrition protocols that follow, positively affect the nervous system. 2) The entire biological system benefits from optimal magnesium levels and Omega 3 levels, as well as optimal Vitamin D levels. We believe that when spending time in a high-consciousness field our bodies use the nutrients at a higher rate and therefor adding these nutrients helps maintain optimal levels in all parts of the body.

Nutrition Source Recommendations


Sufficient hydration of the body is crucial for these positive effects to be seen. Water is important in the body for many biological processes and to carry away waste materials from metabolism, healing and upgrades. See our hydration recommendations HERE.

Magnesium, Omega 3 EFAs and Sunflower Lecithin

Find a Magnesium supplement that is absorbable for you. Using Kinesiology, we have tested these products for bioavailability for all people and we have found them to be at a high level. We recommend:

    • Gematria MagSpectrum (see link below)
    • New Roots Herbal Magnesium Bisglycinate
    • Advanced Orthomolecular Research AOR Advanced Magnesium Complex
    • Life Extension Magnesium L-Threonate

Find an Essential Fatty Acid (Omega-3 fatty acids) source that is right for you. EPA and DHA are components of Omega-3 fatty acids. If you choose a fish oil, find one that is tested and free of mercury and other contaminants. If you choose a flax seed oil as your source, organic is best. We recommend:

    • Gematria EPA/DHA (See link below)
    • Wiley’s Finest Wild Alaskan Fish Oil, 1000 mg Omega
    • Flax Seed oil. If you prefer a vegetarian option, flax seed oil is a good choice. We recommend an organic oil.

Find a Sunflower Lecithin source that is right for you. We recommend:

    • Legendary Milk Organic Sunflower Lecithin 1200 mg. This brand is one of the few organic sunflower lecithin we could find.
    • Natural Vitamin Sunflower Lecithin 2000 mg.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D and Vitamin K-2:

    • Sunlight is helpful and may not be enough.
    • Vitamin D3. The brand isn’t as important for Vitamin D3. We recommend Nature’s Bounty brand D3.
    • Vitamin K-2. This helps us to utilize Vitamin D3.

There is controversy over the maximum amount of Vitamin D to consume. Some governmental guidelines are relatively low, for instance, Health Canada’s daily recommended intakes (RDAs) for vitamin D, updated in 2011, are 400 international units (IU) for infants, 600 IU for children aged one to adults aged 70, and 800 IU for adults over 70. Health Canada’s safe upper limit is 4,000 IU per day. Osteoporosis Canada advises healthy adults aged 19-50 to consume 400-1,000 IU daily, and those over 50, or younger adults at high risk, get 800-2,000 IU daily. The organization advises year-round vitamin D supplementation for all Canadians.

We believe that when we spend time in a high-consciousness field where the EMFs are also harmonized such as a FLFE environment our bodies utilize increased amounts of Vitamin D for recovery from stress and exercise, for healing conditions in the body and for upgrading the body’s capacity for optimized physical functioning. Important note: there is emerging medical research about the importance of Vitamin D for optimal immune system functioning. You could search for “Vitamin D, immune functioning” in a browser search engine.

We recommend getting your blood levels of vitamin D checked occasionally, getting sun exposure or taking Vitamin D to maintain a level within the higher end of the recommendations.

You could consider taking 8,000 IUs of Vitamin D per day taken together with 200 mcg of Vitamin K-2.  This recommendation comes from a well-referenced article by a group of doctors HERE. This article also details the immune system benefit of Vitamin D in regards to COVID-19.


Zinc Citrate or Zinc Gluconate is recommended for absorption of Zinc, according to a Zinc absorption study reported in the National Institute of Health website HERE. Also from the linked study: “Zinc is an essential trace element that has a critical role in maintaining structural and catalytic functions of >200 enzymes involved in major metabolic pathways, including nucleic acid metabolism, protein synthesis, and cell division.” We don’t recommend any particular brands.

    • Zinc Citrate
    • Zinc Gluconate


We highly recommend, and also use Gematria brand supplements, and other brands we’ve mentioned are also shown, below. Please note: The Gematria supplement image has a link that goes to their website and gives FLFE subscribers a 5% discount. In full disclosure, FLFE benefits from any purchases as well. Gematria and Dr. Todd are a referral partner for FLFE. We have been looking for a medical doctor and researcher who has a long-standing record of integrity with a spiritual emphasis, who does independent research and who has their own laboratory. Our intention is to provide you with information and products in a range of price points and not to create a revenue stream. The images of the other products are for your reference and if you purchase through the Amazon links FLFE does receive a small amount.  The links help to cover the costs of the research.

Please note: Gematria cannot ship to Canada, UK and some EU countries, but you can purchase Gematria through the following: For Canada:  Dr. Ebi Taebi is selling Gematria products to Canadians at a discount., email or call (905) 508-6668. No other discount codes apply.

For UK and some EU countries: email


Use Discount Code FLFE5 at the Gematria Website to receive a 5% discount.

Shop for the following items easily on Amazon (clicking the image will redirect you to Amazon in a new window):

Nutrition Protocol

For accelerated consciousness development & increased brain support in the FLFE high-consciousness field. We are defining high consciousness as an environment of 550 or higher on the Hawkins Map for eight hours or longer continuously:

Please check with your doctor and do your own research to see what feels and works best with your body. These are suggestions based on our research and should not be a replacement for medical advice. Please confirm these supplement amounts with your doctor, especially if you have kidney damage. If you are taking the drug Coumadin, check with your doctor before taking Vitamin K2.

We have hydration recommendations HERE. Please note that there are increased hydration recommendations for the first three days in a FLFE environment.

First 30 days. Daily suggestions.

Take the following within 30 minutes of each other (or at the same time):

    • Up to 1000 mg Magnesium. Specifically 45.5 mg per 10 pounds body weight per day. You can try reaching this level gradually. If your bowel movements become loose, then reduce the dosage until your bowel movement become firm.
    •  Up to 4000 mg Omega 3s. Specifically 4 x the mg of magnesium you are taking.
    • Up to 6000 mg Sunflower Lecithin
    • Up to 8,000 Vitamin D3 for 6 days a week, skip the 7th day. Please see our recommendations above about getting an occasional blood test and consulting with your doctor.
    • Up to 25 mg of Zinc. Check with your doctor if you think you may be pregnant or lactating.
    • Up to 1.5 mg Copper. Specifically 1/15 of the mg of Zinc.

30 days to 90 days, daily suggestions as follows:

Take the following within 30 minutes of each other (or at the same time):

    • Up to 1000 mg Magnesium. Specifically 45.5 mg per 10 pounds body weight per day. You can try reaching this level gradually. If your bowel movements become loose, then reduce the dosage until your bowel movement become firm.
    • Up to 7000 mg Omega 3s. Specifically 7 times the mg of magnesium you are taking.
    • Up to 6000 mg Sunflower Lecithin
    • Up to 8,000 Vitamin D3 for 6 days a week, skip the 7th day. Please see our recommendations above about getting an occasional blood test and consulting with your doctor.
    • Up to 25 mg of Zinc. Check with your doctor if you think you may be pregnant or lactating.
    • Up to 1.5 mg Copper. Specifically 1/15 of the mg of Zinc.

After 90 days, daily suggestions as follows:

Take the following within 30 minutes of each other (or at the same time):

    • Up to 1000 mg Magnesium. Specifically 45.5 mg per 10 pounds body weight per day. You can try reaching this level gradually. If your bowel movements become loose, then reduce the dosage until your bowel movement become firm.
    • Up to 10,000 mg Omega 3s. Specifically 10 times the mg of magnesium you are taking.
    • Up to 6000 mg Sunflower Lecithin
    • Up to 8,000 Vitamin D3 for 6 days a week, skip the 7th day. Please see our recommendations above about getting an occasional blood test and consulting with your doctor.
    • Up to 25 mg of Zinc. Check with your doctor if you think you may be pregnant or lactating.
    • Up to 1.5 mg Copper. Specifically 1/15 of the mg of Zinc.

The Results -Our Research

The following research was done using Consciousness Kinesiology and confirmed by our team of testers. The research was done on October 17, 2020.


Consciousness is measured as an average on the Dr. David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness over a period of time.

“Nutrified” is defined as the equivalent of the average daily consumption of 80% or more of the above Nutrition Protocol.

“Not nutrified” is defined as the equivalent 50% or less of the average daily consumption of the above Nutrition Protocol.

“FLFE Subscribers” are defined as FLFE subscribers of all subscription types, except FLFE Lite, for 30 days or more.


“FLFE Subscribers” who have been “not nutrified” while on the FLFE service and are “nutrified” for three days or more have risen personally consciousness by between 3 and 8 points on the Hawkins Map.

As a reminder, moving up 1 point in consciousness means that ten times more personal energy and power to create are available.

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(FLFE Innovations Corp. is not a registered charity and therefore we cannot issue tax receipts for your donations.)