Personal Evolution In A High-Consciousness Field

We may have experienced growth and epiphanies in a high-consciousness field such as during a session with a healer, during deep prayer, at a personal development seminar, or while on a religious or spiritual retreat. The FLFE high-consciousness environment offers consistent and long-lasting benefits to sustain growth and healing.

FLFE Magnetizing Process

We have the power. How we use it is up to us.

Personal evolution is a co-creative process with a Higher Power, however we perceive it.

As we practice conscious choice of what we put into the field we have more power to create a life we love.

You may be surprised how quickly change occurs in a consistently high field of consciousness!

Here are some basic steps that may be helpful to you:

    • Taking time to visualize and write out your ideal life and how you want to express in your life.
    • Asking for help from your Higher Power.
    • Planning and then taking physical action towards your vision.
    • Keeping a journal to remind you of your vision and to note your progress.
    • Managing your mind and bringing your thoughts back to the positive if you have noticed negative self-talk.

FLFE + Additional Power to co-create your ideal life

We developed the Magnetizing Process for manifestation in the high-consciousness FLFE environment. It works!

Download the longer, written Magnetizing Process here. Download a printable PDF of the short version shown above, here.
Listen to a 10 minute audio about the Magnetizing Process here. If you click the arrow point down, you can download the mp3.

Important note: Each of us has free will to decide our path. The mission of FLFE is to support the optimal environment for the evolution of consciousness. It does not affect free will, it just provides the supportive, loving environment.

On the journey…

On this journey of personal growth, the support of the FLFE high-consciousness field enhances our energy to accelerate the process. You are in the driver’s seat with your Higher Power (however you perceive that), and there are many things to see and experience on the journey. Everyone has different experiences and notices different things. There are temporary occurrences and opportunities that may be signs of healing and personal growth.

Feeling Uncomfortable?

You are not doing anything wrong. The FLFE environment is supporting you throughout the process. You are extremely powerful and have a choice in every moment. In each moment, you may recognize the opportunity to shift an uncomfortable state into one with more ease, comfort, and joy. FLFE supports you on your path to create the joyful, abundant life that you choose. This is an ongoing journey (with your Higher Power) of self-awareness and growth.

Before pausing FLFE… Try Steps A and/or B

Step A – Simple, helpful practices to shift your state of being. You can try any of these practices and trust yourself to know which tool works best for you in any given moment, allowing time and focus on self-care.

    • Increase water/hydration
    • Gratitude (journaling, or verbal)
    • Exercise (walking, dancing)
    • Conscious intuitive breathing
    • Listen to music or sound healing such as singing bowls or gongs (high energy or mellow – whatever gets you in your ‘special’ place – is true for you)
    • Vocal toning
    • Rebounding
    • Body movement that is enjoyable and allows flow
    • Being in nature and connecting in a way that you particularly enjoy, or in a particular location you enjoy
    • Elemental purification –Swimming or being in water, hot/cold shower, bath with salts, enjoy a fire
    • Yoga (with emphasis on being in the body)
    • Aromatherapy (blends and single oils)
    • Smudging
    • Your hands or feet in the dirt, which is very grounding (such as gardening)

If you have done Step A and you haven’t felt relief or a shift, you may want to address your thoughts (such as an overly active mind, thought loops, excessive worry and fears, negative thinking such as picturing the worst scenario).

Step B – These are techniques and modalities for being able to refocus and quiet the mind.

    • Prayers to your Higher Power
    • Breathing exercises with thoughtforms/intentions
    • Affirmations
    • Mantra/Kirtan
    • Reading material that is High consciousness (aligns the being)
    • Kriya/Kundalini Yoga (with emphasis on holding a mental/energetic idea)
    • Guided meditation (an internet search may yield many possibilities)
    • Transcendental meditation
    • Tune into a favorite spiritual guide – Louise Hay, Sally Kempton, Debbie Ford (shadow work), Kryon (Lee Carroll), Matt Khan, Esther Hicks (Abraham Teachings), etc.
    • Hydration – Adding electrolytes like sea salt and boron helps with hydration as well
    • Learn, collect and develop energetic tools that you resonate with
    • Receive assistance from a trusted practitioner in a modality that you are called to experience. Everyone’s path is different!

If you are not able to shift your state using tools from steps A or B, know that you are being supported and the continued practice of shifting your energy will make it easier as time goes on. Practice is a vital part of the process of raising our consciousness. We are here to answer questions and to support you during business hours in the office. Contact us

You could try reducing the amount of time spent in the FLFE environment or turning it off for a period of time:

    1. Use your Control Panel and turn the FLFE service “off” and back “on” as you wish to notice .
    2. Re-balance and refocus your energy and your thoughts.
    3. Once you are feeling back in a space of balance and personal love/power turn the FLFE service back “on”.
    4. You could also try having FLFE on for a certain number hours a day, for instance, four hours a day and then increase over time.

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(FLFE Innovations Corp. is not a registered charity and therefore we cannot issue tax receipts for your donations.)