Donations & Service Projects

Support FLFE Research & Planetary-Scale Service Projects with Your Contribution

FLFE Innovations Corp. is not a registered charity and therefore we cannot issue tax receipts for your contributions.

FLFE Innovations Corp. is not a registered charity and therefore we cannot issue tax receipts for your contributions.

Your subscriptions and donations support FLFE service projects

Focused Life Force Energy was created to benefit humanity, the earth, and all of creation.

Originally, co-founders Jeffrey and Clayten used 100% of the technology for service work to raise consciousness in places all over the planet. After several years, they realized that creating a business and giving people the opportunity to raise the consciousness of their properties was a more efficient and rapid distribution method.

To sustain our ongoing FLFE service work in the world at this level, we welcome your help of subscribing to FLFE, recommending FLFE to others, and donating, if you feel called to do so. A few of our current research projects are shown here.

Your subscriptions and donations also support and accelerate our ongoing research.

Causes FLFE Supports

Cottonwood Lake

FLFE recently donated to the Save Cottonwood Lake Project.

Healthy Bees Around the World

Bees hives are on a FLFE immune support program to assist bees to resist parasites and disease.

Supporting Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises

FLFE fields and programs support cetaceans in their environments. This includes support for all cetaceans to attain the appropriate level of consciousness. Support for the ocean food chain for cetaceans, including the health of plankton and forage fish is also present. On a world-wide scale, there is a program for sovereignty – freedom for all cetaceans to be unmolested by hunting – and that their intelligence is seen and appreciated by all people in all countries.

Refugee Project

Refugee camps around the world have a special FLFE service field to support people in those areas with positive energy.

Healing relationships with Indigenous People

As a company based in North America, we have started with projects relating to the indigenous people here. These projects include a program for the healing of the land, including trauma, betrayal and displacement from sacred lands.

Nazi Concentration Camp Project

Thirteen Nazi concentration camp locations in Germany and Poland are on the FLFE service to clear the negative history at those locations. This benefits visitors, people who live nearby, the region, and the entire planet.


With subscribers around the world the FLFE Pay-It-Forward project allows customers to put 500 LOC blessings on permanent locations. The cumulative effect makes a huge difference on the planet.

Experience FLFE

You’re invited to experience the benefits of FLFE, for free

If you’re ready to experience FLFE first-hand, subscribe below or experience the no credit card FREE 15-day trial.
There’s no cancellation needed, and no surprise bill at the end.

Free 15-day trial. No credit card required.

Explore & experience the FLFE services.

Thank you for your generous gift which supports our journey of raising global consciousness.

(FLFE Innovations Corp. is not a registered charity and therefore we cannot issue tax receipts for your donations.)