

Experience the Full Power of FLFE.

Water fuels your ability to receive and integrate the FLFE field, amplifying your energy, mental clarity, and overall well-being. Stay hydrated and experience the full power of FLFE.

Hydration Calculator

Your First Three Days are Crucial

As you first experience the FLFE environment, your body has greatly increased energy to use for repair and rebuilding projects. More water is very helpful as your body gets to work.

Multiply your body weight in pounds by 0.8. Use the resulting number as the number of ounces of water to drink per day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, when you multiply by .8 you get 120. You could drink 120 ounces (3.55 litres) of water per day.

**Note** Add 1/8 teaspoon of Himalayan salt or another electrolyte to each 34 ounces of water to maintain proper electrolyte balance.

For optimal hydration, you may require more water at certain times.

After Your First Three Days

Your thirst receptors begin to adjust and recalibrate to the increased hydration available. 

Your body becomes acclimated to the available energy and may settle down into a different pace of repair and rebuilding.

One Week Hydration Reset

Set your goal. Use the hydration calculator above.

Make it easy. Have a way to measure the water you are drinking: Such as a marked water bottle or water glass.

Add electrolytes. Add 1/8 teaspoon of Himalayan salt or other electrolytes.

Adjust for coffee and alcohol. Double the number of ounces of coffee or strong caffeinated tea, and triple the number of ounces of alcohol you drink during the day. Convert this number to ounces of water and add to your total daily water intake.

Start on the right foot! Try to drink at least 24 ounces upon awakening.

Share. Let us know how it goes!

Healthy Water

Quality water is essential for optimal health, yet not all water is created equal. The chlorine, fluoride, and trace chemicals in standard tap water can differ significantly from the pure hydration your body truly needs.

Other more appropriate sources can be:

    • Spring water from a source that is tested for contaminants, preferably in glass bottles.
    • Filtered tap water using a filter. Two examples of reasonably priced filters are Berkey and Propur brands.
    • Filtered tap water using more advanced filters such as reverse osmosis and other technologies.

Electrolyte Sources

When increasing water intake it is important to add minerals or electrolytes to your water to maintain proper mineral balance.

Some mineral sources are:

    • Himalayan salt. While sea salt has a wider variety of minerals, recent studies have shown that small plastic particles can be present in sea salt and other types of salt.
    • Essence of Life Fulvic Mineral by Ambaya Gold. More INFO
    • Fulvic Ionic Minerals by Optimally Organic. More INFO
    • Emergen-C Electro Mix. More INFO

Hydration FLFE Programming Information

For further learning, please watch our webinars specifically addressing hydration

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