Q&A Webinar #22
Q&A webinar #22 October 7,2023 (2h 15 min 51 sec) Jeffrey: Welcome, everyone, to this FLFE webinar. Today, we’ll be speaking with you later in the Q&Q section, as well as answering all of your questions that we can. During the FLFE Q&A part, we have activated, a 700. Boost. That’s a 700 level of consciousness on the Hawkins…Dr. David Hawkins map of consciousness on this webinar for now. And as you listen to it in the future. The beginning music has a 600 field on it that activates when you listen to it, and it’s available in your customer portal in the FLFE infused music section. I’m Jeffrey Stegman. Clayten: I’m Clayten Steadman. Welcome everyone. Especially those that are from the Inspired Community led by John and Christine Nolan. They’ve been very active the last couple of weeks. We usually have a mix of subscribers and free trial. And today, we may have somebody who…or some people who have not done the free trial yet. I’ve seen some of you put your names and your locations, that is where you’re from in the chat. It’s great to see all those familiar names, and some new ones come across. And it’s nice to see the names of the countries. We have people from over 80 countries on the FLFE service at this time. Questions and comments for us go into the Q&A. Later, you can raise your hand virtually, and we’ll talk to you live. We’ll discuss more about that later, as there’s been some upgrades to Skype. Sorry, to zoom in the last couple of weeks. And there’s a different little process we have to do. You can chat to others in the FLFE community in the chat section. And we have several members, members of our team, you might have seen their names already. Paule, Aditi, Monica and Janine will help you with the chat and the Q&A to answer your questions. Jeffrey: It’s great to be with you all. We’ll answer as many questions as we can today. Last week, like we did about 180 questions. So the team is, you know, we’ll be answering you in writing and kind of passing on questions to Clayten and I. So we’ll get to as many as you can, but as we can. But in case you don’t know the office in Nelson British Columbia, is staffed and you know, we’d love to talk to you there. There’s long hours, including over this Thanksgiving weekend. But we’re very busy. There’s a lot of people coming into to the service right now. And so you may need to leave a message and we’ll get back to you that we would love to talk to you. So if you have additional questions, please email or call. So over the past 10 years of the FLFE service, we just had a blowout 10 year anniversary party last couple of weeks. We’ve been providing the FLFE high consciousness space or bubble as we sometimes call it, that is in the unconditional love consciousness level. So starts at 550 when you first come on, and then you can go to your control panels we’ll talk about and change that. So there’s some things we’ve discovered that are really important factors. While on your FLFE the while you’re on the services, free trial or as a subscriber, and you’ll find all of this information in your customer portal, which in your first several emails, you’ll get your access to that. It’s very, very important. Lots of good information there. Hydration, I would say is the one of the most important factors. So in in this high consciousness field, there’s lots more life-force energy, so higher vibration, the body’s adjusting and pulling this energy in. And, you know, the body’s finding, it’s like we were doing a renovation and all of a sudden we get a lot more money in our bank account. All right, we can now we can buy drywall now we can build this room that we always wanted to build in the back….back 40. So, this extra energy is used by the body for updates, repairs and Water is such an important process, you know, factor in the body to be part of these biological processes and to carry waste away from those processes. So in the customer portal in the hydration resource, which you’ll find in the resources section, we’re recommending in the first three days of pretty, pretty heavy water intake around point eight (.8) times your body weight in pounds, and that would be in ounces of water. So for example, if you’re 150 pounds, that would be 120 ounces a day for those first three days, that’s about three, three and a half liters. And then, after that 99 is at 150 pounds, it’s 99 ounces, or just under three liters, you know, 2.8 liters. So that’s point six, six times (.66x) your body weight. It’s all there. Don’t worry. It’s all there in the portal so you can go see it their nutrition, we also found in a high consciousness field, the average person goes up in consciousness in the first 90 days, I think we’re 32 points on the Hawkins map. Is that right Clayten? Clayten: Yeah, it’s right around there. Yeah. Jeffrey: So that’s a physical process, as well as a mental, emotional, and spiritual process. So we found that we can rise in consciousness more rapidly and more sustainably if we have nutrition support. So in the customer portal in the resource section, you’ll find supplements for consciousness support. So we recommend you check those out, as well as the meditations. And the FLFE infused music and all the other fun things. Clayten: Speaking of the, the customer portal, you are in control of the FLFE environment using your customer portal. So for properties, you can use your FLFE slider, which is the kind of nickname for the consciousness controller. And you can slide the level of consciousness or move the level of consciousness up and down with a slider. Some people like to put it up as high as possible and leave it and others find that perhaps that if they’re coming on to service that a little lower level helps them adapt to the energy. Or sometimes life gets a bit intense, and people like to turn it down for a while. And there is an opportunity, of course, using the resources, we’re going to talk about to be your own consciousness researcher. So the consciousness controller allows you to experiment with higher and lower levels of consciousness under your direction. For properties, we have a 600 boost and routes for 30 minutes a day, I believe. And we also have an 850 Boost, which is quite short. So you can try those and see how you notice that in your environment. You can also turn on and off EMF mitigation. And you can turn the service itself on and off. I noticed that a lot when I travel and turn the service on in the new location. We don’t turn it on and off in our house very often. But once in a while we do and it’s yeah, that first minute, it seems when it comes on is always a really big contrast. So for phones and objects we have a 650 boost on the phone, as well as an 850 boost for a phone and object. You can also turn on and off the EMF mitigation. And of course turn on and off the FLFE service. Jeffrey: For those who have subscribed or you’re thinking about subscribing, we have something called a Pay It Forward (PIF) subscription. And so back when we started FLFE you know, to the to the principles for us was you know, giving you complete control as much as possible. And that’s where the control panel comes from. And giving the free trial without any credit card as a way to share the service and let people try it without any obligation. And the other piece was to do service work to give every subscriber an opportunity to do service work the way that Clayten and I did service work for more than a year before we brought FLFE into the world as available as business for people to, to put their properties on. So we wanted to kind of pay forward our service work and give you an opportunity to do that. And the Pay It Forward subscription or the PIF, is a free perpetual subscription for as long as Clayten and I run the business, which likely to be, you know, through to the end of our lives. That you can put anywhere in the world. And this, this is at a lower consciousness level, it’s at the 500 level of love. And it’s very much like giving a blessing to someone or to some place. So it can be done anywhere. There’s freewill is not is not impacted at all. It’s just like your blessing. People use it for schools for hospitals, the government, for aging parents, or you know, just anywhere they can think of lots of creativity happening. So that’s a reminder of the PIF or Pay It Forward. Which again, you’ll be able to apply in your control panel, in the area where your subscriptions are located. FLFE space, is an online community space that we created. It began as an open source platform, which we you know, copied and customized. Put on our own server, it’s totally secure. No data is shared with anybody else. So it’s a great place to come together for us to talk with each other, share our experiences. And, you know, ask questions of each other and of the FLFE team. We invite you to come on and join us there. Clayten: Just a quick review, before we start answering your questions, we have a Q&A section where we will address questions in particular. And you can share your FLFE experience there or ask a question. And in the that’s for us particularly, can also raise your hand virtually. And then we can talk. With just a reminder, Zoom has made some changes, and you will see a pop up window that will ask your permission, if we select you to speak, you just had to click on that. For the chat section, we’ll have several of our staff answering questions for you there. And topics come up during the conversation that people have insights into and that’s the place to share those. There’s a lot of resources in the community. So you may very well find that kind of very interesting and informative. Jeffrey: In the chat, in the chat, the team that’s here, this will put links like if something comes up, oh, how do I subscribe or where’s the research page? They’ll give you a give you a helpful link. So you can go right there. And you’ll see there’s Janine talking to everyone right now. So you can there’s an example right there. All right. Well, what do you say, Clayten, shall we get into the Q&A? Clayten: Yeah, let’s hit a couple of questions. This first one’s interesting. Thank you for mentioning the LLC and frequency are two different things. Is there a correlation between the two? Well, maybe I’ll start we talk about a consciousness field which is an area around something. So there is a consciousness field around individuals of course. In fact, the Grace of the Guru is typically recognized in many Eastern cultures as a consciousness field that allows us to access perhaps ideas or energy levels or insights that we may not be able to sort of achieve without that extra energy. So that would be one of the distinctions whereas a frequency is more of a carrier wave that is directed towards, let’s say, an antenna or a repeater station. You can pick it up from there Jeff. Jeffrey: Great example, that some of you may have experienced is Ama the hugging saint. She’s coming to North America. She really traveled to the world. And when we’ve gone to see her, I’ve gone I know and Clayten has gone as well. As you parked in a parking lot. You can start like to feel her consciousness field is quite big. And then the closer you get to her, it’s going up in consciousness. And it’s just an example of the almost like different levels of the field, you know, with as you get closer to the person. And this is similar to what you might experience with the phone. So the FLFE everywhere, the free trial on the phone, there’s a consciousness field that goes out 300 feet radius, but within nine feet, there’s a much higher field. And that’s where the EMF mitigation is occurring, and all the other supportive information that’s in the field, related to the health of the body, and rising and consciousness, immune support, and cognitive support brain optimization, all these various, what we call programs, they’re really information and in the consciousness field, that’s there to support us and support our innate intelligence to do what it does best for us. Clayten: One more distinction that we should make, we talk about this, not every time, but what’s in our consciousness field is either human generated biologically generated by a dog, for example, you could say it’s being generated, and it could be generated by the Earth in a certain way. There are ley lines on the planet. People have been going to pilgrimage sites for as long as there has been people. And oftentimes a pilgrimage site will be where the energies of the earth are arranged in a certain way. Or cross each other in a certain way in their type in the example of ley lines, that it creates a high consciousness energy field. And then people will go there because it feels good. And then they’ll maybe spend time praying, meditating, you know, asking for help from the Divine leaving gifts, leaving offerings. Sometimes the monasteries or churches get built there. And over time, the human will church or synagogues or any kind of Temple. Over time, the energy gets higher, and the quality of the natural environment will typically enhance or support than the human intention. So particularly in India, maybe in other places, I just don’t know about them. They have temples that are dedicated to abundance, some are dedicated to fertility, some are dedicated to good harvest. So for growing food, there’s all types of intentions that can be focused on an area much like Jeff said, That’s information that field as we would call it, or programs. So those are a few more distinctions about frequency, well, frequency would be generated by a machine. So of course, humans put their energy into machines, and there is, I guess, a degree of consciousness in machines. That’s an interesting topic. But I think that’s another layer of distinction. Jeffrey: And you have the Schumann resonance there, which is a frequency generated by the Earth. We had a discussion with a customer who’s really an expert in water and its interaction really in the whole ecosystem of small e and large ecosystems and seeing that lightning strikes are a big part of the Schumann Resonance generation, which was interesting. So we have a question, How quickly will FLFE be activated? So it’s almost instantaneous for when you put in you’re not quite there’s some, you know, small delays. But when you click on the Free Trial button, or you subscribe, and you put your information in there, what occurs is that address or that phone number? Or if you did an object subscription, that photo the object becomes a unique identifier for the space or for the object. And that unique identifier very much in the way human consciousness if you’re praying for someone, or you’re just thinking of someone and blessing them. You’re holding them in mind. You’re creating a quantum or instant connection with them. So in FLFE, it’s much the same way. And that their unique identifier, as soon as it goes into the database, it’s like it’s in the it becomes in the FLFE system. It’s like it’s physically placed in. And as soon as it does then field is activated very much like, you know, twins, you know, studies with twins where they know instantly across the planet, that something’s happened with that twin, or mothers and children that instinct quantum connection between people it’s similar in speed to that. Clayten: Yeah, and the field is reactivated 1000 million times a second. So it’s, you could say it’s a constant field activation, and we just got really geeky one day and figure out the exact number of times that it gets reactivated. So but you know, if that helps you? And then maybe I’ll start this one, Jeff, and you can pick it up because you’ve done more research in the EMF area. So a customer’s asking, “How much can EMF sorry, how much can FLFE mitigate the 5G? I’m extremely, extremely EMF and MCs sensitive. For those of us that are the proverbial canaries, in the coal mine. Any assistance would be extremely helpful. Thank you big hugs, Sandy.” Thank you, Sandy, for the hugs. Yeah, so we specialize in measuring consciousness, reducing electromagnetic influences. And because of the energy of FLFE is fairly subtle. There, there are not many technologies that can measure its influence. And so some of these technologies in in, for example, one jurisdiction would be considered frontier science. And then another legal jurisdiction would be considered, you know, legitimate science or regular science, whatever you want to call it. So one of the devices we use is a Sputnik machine from…its from Russia. And the practitioner that we use….well, it’s a gas discharge visualization camera with a Sputnik attachment. And it was developed in Russia. The practitioner we use, or the, I guess, the facilitator of that is a lady named Melissa Waterman. She worked for Joe Dispenza, for years when Joe Dispenza was doing experiments on meditation and how that affected an environment energetically. So we did notice when we put the FLFE service on an environment that the spikiness if you will, in the environment, you’ll see it on the on the on the website under research, the spikes were pretty up and down, and it was kind of jagged. And when FLFE went on, the spikes, or the perturbations in the environment were smaller. So it was a much more even environment. And that’s an indication of more harmony in an environment. So that’s one example we did and then I’ll let Jeff pick up all of the individual experiments we did, we did three different individual experience, and we have some of those that are ongoing. Jeffrey: Yes, so as Clayten said, we discovered that the level of consciousness was lowering in the FLFE environment, due to some influence. So we measure, we have a team of Kinesiologist, consciousness, kinesiology, who measure the level of consciousness of the field of every property that comes on the service, everybody then enters the free trial or subscribes. And we bring in the new people we do every day. And then on Saturday, we do all the existing properties over the previous seven days, and we noticed some were dropping. So we would call the customer we’d find new smart meter bank, cell phone tower across the street. And EMF influence was deep…you know…lowering the level of consciousness, which to us is lowering the beneficialness of the environment. It’s slowly lowering its life giving properties. So, we, we did a lot of work and it might be good for you to go to the EMF page on the website and look at this, but we discovered ways to mitigate. And we did as the first study we did was a survey with current customers. We had people as soon as we started talking about this on webinars our customers who were those canaries, who were very, very sensitive, asked to be part of an initial beta test. So, you know, we brought on, it was around 40 people, somewhere in that range 30 to 40. And we had big changes in their experience. People, just like Jason commented earlier in the chat, who had the best sleep, you know that they’ve had in months, maybe years. Reduction in anxiety, and overtime, brain fog reducing. So that was our first study. And, you know, it was a pilot study. We did a plant study with 5G, where we had a kind of a strong 5G gaming router, next to two plants growing and we had an FLFE environment, with a control. And that showed that the FLFE could mitigate the effects and negative effects of the 5G and the plants were growing quite well. And then we did recruiting in the kind of EMF sensitive world. So we had a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania who was connected to people that were EMF sensitive. So we recruited from that population, they came in, they’d never heard of FLFE. They weren’t looking for, you know, consciousness support or rising in consciousness, they just needed relief from the symptoms. So the first study we did with them. And we didn’t do a control in this case, because these people were suffering, you know, they were really not, not doing well. And so everyone got the FLFE environment. And we saw 100% of the people in that study had a reduction in symptoms. And so that was an N of 10, it was kind of a small group. So we’ve done now a replication study. That’s also on the website and the research page. And there was an N of 30, I believe, or an N of 40. And that was replicated the results. The more sensitive, you were, the bigger the reduction in symptoms. And the biggest ones, you know, were sleep, anxiety. And let’s see what else headaches and depression was in there, which was interesting. We didn’t expect that one to show up. But it did. So there’s studies there for you to look at. And it’s got a very high probability, you know, a very high P value that tells you that there’s…..it’s like equivalent to one and millions have a chance for it to occur by chance. So check that out, if you like. But yeah, our focus is maintain the level of consciousness to the property and that mitigation is, is really helping people. Clayten: We do have some people asking, “What percentage of EMF mitigation do we have with the FLFE service?” And I don’t know that there’s any way to measure that I understand wanting to know that our focus is on consciousness lowering EMFs. And one of the things we do for example, is raise the level of consciousness of the emitter of your cell phone, the antenna, and it doesn’t affect the original equipment, manufacturers, operating specs, and every consciousness lowering EMF emitter device in your household, such as some of the smart fridges and baby monitors are particularly difficult to mitigate when we mitigate those and even some light bulbs. So I’d like to answer that Valerie but I just can’t give you a percentage. Jeffrey: I could add to that Clayten real quickly. Yeah, so we were not seeing a difference in in your standard meters so far. We are experimenting with way to measure harmonization. So could be could be interesting if that pans out. Dr. Gary Schwartz is hot on that trail. So that could be very interesting in and the guests discharge visualization camera does show to show a difference. And we haven’t done a tremendous amount of research. With shungite and meters, to play with it to see but we’ll be testing shungite in an environment the FLFE environment. And with this measure of harmonization if it pans out. Clayten: Remember, I have a friend in Sedona who taped pieces of shungite, to a bank of smart meters that were just put in an apartment building, put some large plants and pots next to the well in front of the smart meters in the in the service room, or the electrical room and the plants grew towards the smart meters. Now, I didn’t see this personally, but I do trust them. So you could do an experiment like that if you just want to see what happens with EMFs and shungite. Shungite is the only material that we know in existence that actually harmonizes EMFs. So when you’re dealing with EMFs, you’re typically blocking them and redirecting them, trying to dissipate them, send them into the ground, perhaps or up into the air, but you know, they could affect somebody else. So when we were looking for a solution for EMS, we looked for, ideally something that would harmonize or make the EMFs become life enhancing versus we’ll say detracting or diminishing. And part of the context around this is to take these influences that are coming into our society, and making them what we call consciousness, like a stimulation for evolution versus a deterioration. So anytime there’s been large technological changes in society, there seems to be a reaction to people on people. And not all of us adapt at the same rate, because we’re maybe where our immune systems are stronger, you know, the younger you are typically the more physically resilient you are. And, you know, our intent is to take these influences and create….and create the influence to be a stimulation for evolution rather than a negative. So that’s a slightly different context than just blocking them all. So that’s why this is a part of a big conversation Valerie. There’s a lot, a lot of, you know, a lot of slightly different ways that we look at it. Jeffrey: And with the control panel, or the customer portal, as we call it, now, you really have the tools to see if it’s working for you. And I highly recommend if you’re concerned about the level of mitigation is to, you know, is to try it and to turn off EMF mitigation using your control panel. And if you’re on both the phone and the property, then you would need to turn both off and see how you feel, give it you know, 10 minutes or whatever, and then turn it back on. And again, see how you feel. So that’s our bodies in our reaction or our response is really what we highly recommend. And it was something else, I can’t think of it right now. So that’s…yep…trust yourself. Trust yourself. So we had a question about being on a high fat, low carb diet and how would that affect my consciousness level. And in the consciousness, nutrition section in the resources, you’ll see that we’re recommending certain fats, we’re recommending fish oil type fats like or, or other kinds of oils like that. And sunflower lecithin. So these in combination with magnesium and zinc and other things that are there, support our nervous system to adapt to higher consciousness, to carry more energy, and to help us get to the next level. And when we did this research, and we posted it, we did a webinar on it. We saw a jump in consciousness and people that went on the protocol. Clayten: Yes, talking about high fat, low carb diets. My experience with experimenting with different diets is that if I’m on a low carb, high fat diet, perhaps high protein high protein as well, that my energy level is much more stable and have better endurance. A high carb diet will lead to people become to becoming a carbohydrate burner versus a Fat Burner in their body. Now, this is not considered, you know, medical advice. But we have done a fair bit experiment experiments with diet and just myself personally, with different ways of eating. I’ve tried everything from raw food to, you know, vegetarian to vegan, and my experience is that my state is better in a low carb, high fat diet because I burn fat as fuel and fat burns difference in carbohydrates. So if anything, Michael, it will, I would say it would probably positively influence your level of consciousness. Jeffrey: So Boyan’s got an interesting question… Hello, Jeff and Clayten, could you please shed some light on what basis the particular consciousness level limits were chosen for the various services, as well as for the boosts provided for him. Since I use the booths exclusively for my daily spiritual practice, I find that more it would, might be more useful if the user could get one boost, but it would be configurable by the slider. That way, in the same way that continuous services is basically moved up and down with the slider. That way, we can continue the exploration of the effects of FLFE And I find it fascinating that things that we’re working on behind the scenes sometimes show up in customer questions. So we’re working on something like that Boyan. So thank you for your question. And the consciousness levels that we chose for the services. So the, what we call the flagship service, the phone and property, home and business, we chose, you know, this range up to 570. With 550 as the start. So this is all in the kind of upper love level, the you know, unconditional love level of consciousness. So, our mission is to support the evolution of consciousness in an economized society. So in the Economized society. We’re working, we have mortgages or rent to pay. And functionality is really important for us. If we lived in a cave, and we had people bringing us food, and taking away our waste, and all we just all we had to do is meditate, it would be a very different service. And we’d like to offer that one. Maybe someday we’ll have the, you know, the cave service. But this level of consciousness range is really important to be supported to rise in consciousness to be in this FLFE bubble with the mitigation effects, not just EMFs, but also geopathic stress on the property service. To be supported to be you know, to have our system rise and…in whatever way that we’re on the path, you know, could be many different ways, different kinds of meditation, or different spiritual paths that we’re supported to rise in, in in those in those ways. So that’s why we chose this range. And so if you were in 700, all the time or 850 all the time. You would need a lot of support, and you would you made people spin, it can spin out, you know, they can not be as functional as they might want to be for parts of their lives. That’s kind of what we mean by spin out. So that’s how we chose that… the main, the main flagship service. Now the lower cost services, which some people have been asking about, the smarter EMF, those are at 500. So at 500, you can gift that service to anyone. And 500 is sort of the level it’s just love. Like we said, it’s just like the PIF. I mean it’s a much more fuller services, all the programs in there the information in the field. That’s not in the PIF. But you could gift a smarter EMF to a child to a parent, and there isn’t that level of extra hydration that’s required that there is with the higher levels. So there’s not as much happening in the body but you can gift it in and it doesn’t violate any, you know, sovereign will. So anything else on that Clayten for you to? Clayten: Yeah, there is….Jeff just alluded to a principle called the principle of non interference. So the principle of non interference is that you can benefit somebody through your own kindness or lovingness. But there is a line energetically where you don’t have the authority to interfere in someone’s life and with the technology being what it is. The high consciousness field service, there was a line for us in that in that area, so we don’t cross that line. Just the difference between the PIF and the smarter EMF that the PIF is sent from the technology to the location at 500. And if the location is at 150, and has an extreme geopathic stress zone, the property may only go to 155 or 160. Of course, these are all in the Hawkins map of consciousness. Whereas the smarter EMF, we guarantee that the level of consciousness of the property will be at 500 90% of time over a 24 hour period. So that leaves us some room to be human and I guess had the odd hissy fit or whatever we have, you know, conniption, or sure what the name is for different languages. But you know, in in the on the regular FLFE service, whatever level of consciousness, your slider is at your consciousness slider, that is the level that we guarantee that the property will be at 98% of the time over a previous 24 hour period. Or any 24 hour period. And we test that every week to make sure that it’s, it’s at that range. And that Jeff said, We occasionally had found things in the past where a smart meter or cell phone tower, or a 5G tower was put into a neighborhood and the level of conscious of the neighborhood dropped, that was our indication that there was a consciousness lowering influence, and if we find out that your service is not at the level, that we promised 98% of the time, then you get it for free until we fix it. Now, it’s been a couple of years since you’ve had anything below that level. But it’s, I think it’s a good sort of standard for us to have. Keeps us focused on making sure that what we say is happening in the environment. Jeffrey: So Kay Proudfoot is asking, “Is FLFE helping with what took place in Lahaina? Maui, by chance? Yes, we are. We do a tremendous amount of service work. So in the very beginning, for those of you that are new, you may not know that we just started doing service work once we found that technology and started developing it, our whole focus was service work, that’s all we did was find places on the planet where we could make a difference with a high consciousness field by activating it there by blessing it with the service. So you know, as we said, the PIF or the Pay It Forward is it kind of another way to, to for everyone to join in the service work. But Clayten and I have continued to have a large percentage of the energy of the philosophy system on service projects that we some of which we talk about in our on the website, and some of which we don’t. But where are we Clayten? Probably over 95%. Clayten: It does fluctuate, sometimes it’s as high as 98. And then maybe, you know, an area will get supported. And it doesn’t need as much energy and it’ll drop to 90 for a while. But it’s usually in the 95 plus percent range. That’s probably the historical average. But we’d be really nice to be able to send the universal bill for all the service work, but we haven’t found anybody that can pay it yet. So you guys find anybody that can do that. I just know. Just the karma credits. Yep. So I’ll just say this, and maybe we can try to answer some questions, Jeff. I see. Kim has her hand up. I just wanted to talk about the PIF for a minute. It’s a principle and certain devotional philosophies….called Karma Yoga. And it’s a type of selfless service where you do things for others that they will never know that you have done something for them. And it’s a way of, I guess, connecting you with the unconditional love that divinity represents, which is actually in the five, say 540 to 570 range in the Hawkins map. That’s the unconditional love zone. So the intent of the PIF was to make an anonymous gift from you to a place on the planet. That’s why we don’t have a map of where the Pay It Forwards are, it’s an opportunity to allow you to experience the benefit of unconditional giving. And that no one will ever know you did it except the divine. And you actually get to share in the well….you get you get the karmic credit for that even though we’re not doing it for credit. Just, you know, I joke around about wanting to send you universal bill for all the service work, but we know that’s not going to happen. So we just, you know, we get around, but it’s great to be able to give when you have the resources to do so. And we got a lot of joy from that. And we wanted to give you all the experience of doing and that’s why the PIF came to be. Jeffrey: In conversations with Dr. Gary Schwartz, he’s, you know, talked about the seven levels of giving in the very highest level is completely anonymous. Giving with no, you know, no expectation of return. And that’s just the level of satisfaction there. That’s hard to express. But, yeah, you’re welcome, Kay. And, you know, when we see something happening in the world, we, you know, we do what we can with the technology, and just as each of us is doing what we can, by blessing each other and blessing places on the planet. So it all makes a difference. It’s part of the great thing about a community like the FLFE community and Inspired community and other communities you might be part of. It can work together to bless the world. And, you know, smooth out this transition that we’re in. Clayten: Yes, well, how about we tried to talk to some people, this was one of our favorite parts to see Jason. So I’m going to, it’s going to hit the button to allow you to talk Jason, if you’re still there. Zoom will pop something up on your screen, inviting you to talk, you just have to hit that button. So just a heads up that we’re reaching out. Jason Scogin: Hey, I just started it yesterday. And man I yeah, I slept awesome last night. Yeah, I feel great had energy this morning. And so I guess I’m good. It’s automatically hooked on. And yeah, how does it work through the phone? Jeffrey: No, it’s really the unique identifier of your phone so that your cellular number and your jurisdiction is there’s nothing, there’s no other cellular device. So that identifies it. And then this consciousness fields opens just like you were blessing someone or doing Reiki for someone. You know, if you had that identifier for them, you do Reiki they receive it and feel it just works very similar to that. Jason Scogin: Wow, that’s awesome. Thank you guys so much. I’m gonna share this with everybody. Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. Thank you, Jason for, you know, for trying it for, you know, trusting it and jumping on and doing a free trial. Yeah, thanks for the free trial. So I wouldn’t have been able to it’s a gift it’ll, you’ll get? Clayten: It’ll help you a lot. Just a free trial. And how’d you hear about us? Jason? Jason Scogin: Through Inspired through Jean. Yeah, Jean. Yeah. Jeffrey: If you get a chance to talk to someone in the office, you might get a phone call from Nelson, British Columbia here and really amazing group of people and, you know, to talk about your experience and what’s going on and any answer any questions you have. Jason Scogin: Okay, awesome. I will definitely do it. Jeffrey: Alright, thanks for joining us. So, one more question, Jason. So I don’t know it’s so great to connect. You want to describe maybe a little bit your experience with the Inspire group or what your path is? Jason: Oh Man, because, yeah. Man, I just want to help humanity, you know, I want to be able to give back. I mean, God’s been so good to me. And yeah, it’s all about helping, you know, taking care of ourselves health wise so we can help others do this. same, you know, just be the love be light and be truth in this earth, you know? That’s it. Yeah. Jeffrey: Thank you for that. Yeah. Jason: Thank you guys. Bless you. Jeffrey: All right. let’s see. Go on to Kim. Yeah. Kim, would you like to join us? I’m still seeing Jason up on the screen, Jeff. That you, I have to mute him. Okay. Since I unmuted him. Did you invite Kim on Jeff? I am now I lost connection for just a minute. So Kim, you should be able to unmute yourself watch for a little pop up or something from zoom. Still look like you’re muted Kim. Some people last week had trouble finding that pop up. It may end up being kind of behind, you know, the, the zoom. So tell you what we’re going to remove your permission, Kim, and then we’re going to put it we’re going to allow it again. So just kind of watch for that pop up for a minute, we’ll just do an oops, I did it with Katrina. Well, hello, Patrina, you’re unmuted Petrina Nelson: Thank you both of you, I just have a real need to, to say how wonderful FLFE has been. I’ve had it for a couple of years now. And I would, as you were talking, I became aware, I have not, I’m going to knock on wood. I haven’t had a cold eat. And for two years, I have, I got an upset stomach once, but I think it was something I ate. And, and it passed really quickly. And I become aware that so when I started FLFE, I had all sorts of trauma symptoms, you know, just from through the years. And it was almost like a interference in my mind. It was like buzzing, you know, the rapid thinking and all of that, it is completely clear, I have a piece that I did not know was possible. And I just encourage people, this service is fantastic. So I just, I just felt the need to say that. And I put the service on my children’s home, just the 500 service, they’re not into all of this. So I put the love service on their homes. And I just noticed them evolving. I think that the word Evolve is just is just sums it all up. And just the it’s just amazing to experience evolution, you know, in this positive, wonderful direction. So thank you. That’s all I wanted to say. Jeffrey: Well, there was a lot. Yeah, thank you so much. It really warms my heart to have that feedback. And we just had been reflecting on the past 10 years of having the service and you know, it’s just kind of one step at a time and we keep improving it. And we just, it’s just really gratifying to have…to hear your experience and how it’s helped you. Petrina: And, you know, one of the things I mean, of course, there are always hills and valleys. But one of the things I’ve noticed is that my valleys are where my hills were. In other words, the apex of my hills is now where am I. The downside of my valley. So it’s like this whole, you know, the rising of the ocean. Like Dr. Hawkins talks about the ship in the ocean in the rising of the ocean. Thank you so much. Thank you. Bless your work, always and forever. So thank you. Jeffrey: Yeah, thank you for being with us on this journey. Clayten: Yeah, I think the thing is a rising tide floats all ships. Patrina: That’s it! Yep. Clayten: It’s amazing. I’m constantly amazed that the healing capacity of a high consciousness field. Yes, does seem to disintegrate. That’s the way I imagined it not Like a ray gun or anything, but it just dissolves would be, I guess a better description. It dissolves trauma to a degree. I mean, the purpose of it is not, it’s not to interfere with your freewill. We do joke around occasionally that you can be just as miserable, grumpy, irritable, and moody as you want in the FLFE environment, you just have to work harder at it than you used to. Petrina: And that goes along with just the inner work of the psychological work, I mean, the spiritual work, but also the psychological work. What used to be a lot of work to address things now is it just flows, you know, and the surrender becomes very much a flowing state. You know, it’s, yeah, so hard to put into words. Clayten: For those who do a lot of personal work, I found that you know, the things that I tried in the past, they just work and they didn’t work before. It’s like some people take a medication that has a very mild effect. Another person takes a medicine and has like a very potent effect. One of the things that I’ve noticed about being in his high consciousness field for this long is that the personal work I do, it seems to have an exponentially more improved effect, the higher my consciousness is, and of course, it’s affected by the environment. So yeah. Petrina: Yeah. Well, thank you. Thank you. Jeffrey: Yeah, thank you, Petrina. Yep, we’ve been thinking about this as resilience swell, like this emotional, this ability to process emotional, I don’t know blocks or opportunities for growth more rapidly and be in a place where we can, you know, face life as it is and what what’s coming in or whatever is happening, especially it seems, during this time, where there’s a lot of rapid change, and sometimes things don’t look so good, but maybe they’re on their way to the light shining. So we can see what’s there first, but it’s one way to we look at it or can look at it. And then we can we can be better able to be present with what is and continue our evolution. Should we go back to a few questions, Clayten on the Q&A. Clayten: Some more come in. And Kim tried to raise your hand again. I think we’re gonna have to… Jeffrey: I’m gonna go back to Kim. Clayten: Yeah, let’s Yeah, let’s go back. Sure. Jeffrey: All right, Kim, we’ve given you the thumbs up, or the arc. Okay. All right. Kim Baptista: I had such a problem, because I had to go back to my settings in my iPhone, which is what I’m using. And I have to go back to my setting and unmute the allow the microphone to start working. It’s usually always off. I don’t, I don’t like it very much. So. Clayten: Yeah, that’s fine. Kim Baptista: Thank you. I think the services is wonderful. I’m feeling it. I had started it originally a few days ago. But there was some problem with the way that the I think that my I didn’t put my apartment number in I live in a complex and put my apartment number in I think I put it in as a unit and maybe that created some kind of confusion. And so anyway, my service, everything’s been resolved. And I have…. I’ve had it on since yesterday. Well, I think Yeah, yesterday, and I feel wonderful with it. My question is….How effective is the FLFE if you cannot follow due to financial issues,…you can’t follow all the protocols that you advise, such as supplements and quality water? I mean, I’m taking steps to you know, resolve those issues for myself right now. I’m, I do have a reverse osmosis water machine that I use, but it’s kind of old. And I’m not sure how good the quality of water is I’m drinking I do drink a lot of water naturally. Anyway, I have at least for the last few years like at least somewhere between 64 and 74 ounces of water a day. And I also mineralize it. Magnesium being foremost iodine, and then boron and copper and other stuff,…iodine. And anyway, I’m sorry, getting back to my original question, How effective is the service? If I cannot follow all the protocols that are advised to follow? I mean, I do want to get the Anillemma wand which is supposed to be crystal that helps to improve the quality that will give water a coherent structure tap water, and structure. It’s been recommended by a resource that I trust. And but until that time, is the service, I believe the services will I feel the service working for me, I feel like I have a much brighter like that I’m radiating more that are having an impact on my external environment, that whatever that what’s going on with me internally because of the service is it’s being generated, I feel it be that’s the closest I can come to it. I feel like brighter somehow. And I was just wondering that when my financial situation improves, until then, the service is effective enough to benefit from. Clayten: Yes, well, one of the things that happens, Kim is that as you’re on the service and your consciousness goes up, we often describe it as an amplification in your capacity to create the life that you want. So your level of consciousness, the more power you have as an individual. And that’s good news. And it’s also an additional kind of responsibility to be aware of our thoughts and influence on others. So if you’re rising unconsciousness, like it seems you are, then your ability to manifest will increase. So you can hold in mind what you are wanting to attract in your life and be that finances or better health or different types of relationships. We also have a process Kim called the magnetizing process that I’ve seen in the chat come up, that’s on our website. And that is a highly refined manifestation process that Subscribers have access to or people on the free trial. And we’ve spent a lot of time you know, I’ve been sort of working in the education and training and coaching field since about 1984. So that’s some kind of dating myself. But this is the best thing that I found in terms of the measurement of the level of consciousness of the truth of the process. There’s lots of really highly evolved people that use processes that are in alignment with traditional belief systems, but may not have been measured with kinesiology. So there’s little subtleties in there that you might find really helpful. So I would just encourage you to assume that you have more power than you used to, and use it for your benefit and the benefit of others, and explore the magnetizing process. Kim Baptista: Excellent that really…. that pretty much confirms what I kind of thought the service was doing for me, regardless of what my current reality or my current situation is. I’m very happy….. I’m very very happy to hear that. Like it opens up the everything is possible now, as far as I’m concerned. Jeffrey: Because you’re already very powerful. Like we’re all we’re all amazing, you know, manifestation machines or beings. And so as you get more power, more energy, more capacity than get it just increases. But in terms of water I mean, it sounds like you’re on the right track with you know, doing reverse osmosis and adding minerals back in. So in drinking, you know, a fair amount of water so that hydration is very important so I feel like you’re on the right track there. When you run it in you reverse osmosis you have to add this minerals back in so you’re on. But I’d be careful with tap water because of chlorine and I know other things in it. Even with a wand or something like that. We’re we recommend you know as much as you can do in doing what you’re doing or buying, you know, a really good filter that can take those things out. Like you’re doing or are buying spring water? Kim Baptista: ]Well, that’s my plan to you know, like, as the money starts to roll in, so to speak, or as my power become stronger and starts to manifest opportunities for me, then of course, I will definitely, you know, change as I can, right now it’s, I’m on a restricted budget. So I gotta, like, you know, allow so much for everything. But like I said, that’s why I was so happy to hear that the raising of my consciousness would allow me to attract more of what I want into my life. As I do attract that, then, you know, it will, it will be. Clayten: Interesting distinction is at a higher level of consciousness supports you and attracting whatever thoughts you hold, the thoughts you hold are positive things that you would choose. But it also helps you attract the things that you are holding in mind that are not so positive. That’s just the journey of all of us, right? Kim Baptista: Well, yeah, yeah. Well, that’s part I’ve been on a journey. Journey, the dark night of the soul, so to speak, or shadow working, some people call it and I’ve been doing than on it for a while, it really started in 2016. But I would say mostly concentrated in the last year. And I’ve been like, pretty much detaching myself from external events and kind of going into myself to find out like my purpose, and I believe that this service is nothing but beneficial to that, in fact, it’s facilitating it. And it’s, I’m feeling, I’m just feeling results from it already, maybe because I’m already directed going in that direction of trying to achieve a higher consciousness. So the service just really makes it a whole the journey a whole lot easier. You know? It’s, so that’s why I say that I was just wondering, like, when you started talking about the importance of supplements and things like that, and I’m thinking, Oh, well, right now, I can’t really afford that. But, you know, again, I recognize it as current. And I recognize that, that I chose the life I’m living as far as like any negative things that are happening now the reality that I’m experiencing now is what I chose to experience. So in a sense, like, you know, you don’t want to get out of too quickly, because you chose to live in it. But yet, you do want to learn what you can to progress from what you’re experiencing. I don’t know if I’m making any sense. Oh, yeah. Clayten: A lot of sense to me. Jeffrey: It’s gonna happen it, you know, in that surrender and holding it is what it is we want, we hear over and over stories, pretty fast change things, things can happen, you know, we don’t expect don’t expect. Kim Baptista: Excellent, excellent. Yeah. Jeffrey: And, and as far as the supplements, you know, with your diet, you can also like we were talking about earlier, you know, have a lower carb higher fat diet can support you know, with the right fats can support the nervous system as well. Kim Baptista: So yeah, I keep my diet pretty simple, like fresh greens, fresh fruits as much as possible. I stay away from anything in a box in a jar in a container frozen. I kind of well, I mean, I have moments, but I tried to stay away from stuff like that. And I keep my diet pretty simple. It’s a lot of fresh fruits, a lot of fresh vegetables, and chicken like that. I believe high fats, good fats are very essential. I’m very physically active, I go to the gym four days, at least three days a week. This also facilitates my healing. I was diagnosed with COPD emphysema back in 2016. And I just refuse to follow the medical protocol, the standard treatment that they were given, I refuse to accept it. And anyway, so and I found just from detaching from that mindset of medical treatment, drugs and surgery and all that kind of stuff. That improved my condition like within like a year you know, had improved greatly and right now like I said before, when I first got sick, I couldn’t even I was bed bound couldn’t breathe. And now like I say, go to the gym three days a week because I feel physical activity is extremely important to being healthy. Because you are able to release certain compounds, your muscles or endocrine organ. You know it releases certain compounds that are nothing but beneficial. I believe the body basically creates anything you really need. But we it gets blocked, because we’ve got so much pollution in our environment, mental, physical, what have you. And we’ve got so much that so much of our energies get blocked our end in the body, and I believe this program opens all that up. Yeah. Yeah. Jeffrey: Very well. On it, Kim. Thanks, Kim. Clayten: Thank you. Thank you very much for everything. Kim Baptista: I think this program is wonderful. I’m definitely going to subscribe after my trial is over. So do I have to have my iPhone on all the time? If that’s my object? Okay, great. Jeffrey: No, no, you can leave it off. It’s still identified, and the field is activated around it. So it doesn’t need to be on. Kim Baptista: Okay. Great. Thank you so much, guys. Thank you, Kim. Yeah, take care of us. Jeffrey: Right, we’ll go to the Q&A. I guess I would make a comment to that. You know, the free trial is a gift and, and everyone that on it, benefits from it. And it’s Clayten said with the EMF mitigation, having that stimulation for us. So a complete elimination, which is one thing, but a mitigation, there’s some experience that we’re having of the EMF, so let allowing us to evolve and adapt. So, you know, what we are long-term, is you know, with this, we love having you on this journey, but we don’t want you to have to have FLFE, right? If you…if the stimulation is there and you evolve. You know, it’s great. That’s our purpose is to support evolution. So I’m just kind of throwing that one out there. Wanna start with the question Clayten? Clayten: Yeah, there’s Kieran, there’s one about the water about a water bottles probably wait till we bring that out. Kieran says, I cannot reply to the answer I received to my question. Even if something is past life related, wouldn’t I still need to support my physical body in the present timeline? So I’m not sure the context of that, Kieran. And all, as I understand it, all previous incarnation influences and this is, you know, you’re entitled to what you believe you don’t have to believe in previous incarnations to prove to us that FLFE. But all of those are included in our current lifetime as I know it. And there are cumulative gifts that we’ve accrued through incarnations, which is very much along the we’ll say, the Buddha’s line of thinking, some Christians believe in and previous incarnation, some don’t. And there’s also challenges that come with previous incarnation. So for example, if you died in another incarnation, and you were 43 years old, and you had done something, or had a pattern of behavior in that incarnation, that caused a lot of suffering to other people. And you were, you know, intentional about that, and just didn’t care, then oftentimes. Well, my experience personally, is that I’ll have a challenge in this in this life, that seems to come out of nowhere. And if I track it, through various methods, then all indications telling me that it’s from a previous incarnation. And it’s a lesson that I didn’t learn in that incarnation, and perhaps I cause suffering to other people. And so, you know, you can clear that previous incarnation through joyous service is one way to do it. And that’s the preferred way in my opinion. So that if you’re struggling for if you’re struggling for some reason that you can’t understand being of service to other people volunteering, you know, there’s lots of community organizations out there that need help, you can go pick up you know, trash in your neighborhood if you want to just do something good. And you know, obviously personal work is kind of a non a non negotiable for me, I just keep doing my own personal work because it creates more capacity when I don’t need it. And when I’m in something that I’m, you know, have a I have a resource that I can go to. In fact, one of the things that you know, I appreciate about working with Jeff and Ashutosh, our general manager, that once every two weeks we have a business coach that we work with, you know, and most of the time, we don’t need that business coach to help us solve an issue. We use that to create capacity for the future. But every once in a while we need it, or at least I need it. So that’s a bit of a long winded answer. But I just thought I’d share some of the ways that we think about things and some of our practices. Jeffrey: In future webinars, and you can look into the past webinars as well, I was going to mention to someone who was having trouble sleeping, even with the FLFE on that we did asleep webinar that’s got a lot of good information in it. So you might want to check that out. Again, control panel or customer portal, resources, webinars, and you’ll see all the past webinars that we’ve done. Back, well, it goes back almost 10 years, probably eight years. But there’s if you search for sleep, you can find one on sleep. And we have other ones like on this spiritual path for business like businesses spiritual path, and kind of the practice that we’re doing in the business might be interested in that. So Carrie is asking, I was very intrigued by the 5g EMFs mitigation study you did, that a higher LOC or level of consciousness was achieved with both the 5g and FLFE with the EMF mitigation turned on. So the level of consciousness went up beyond what it was without the 5G in place. It made me curious if you found this transformative effect to be universally true, i.e. .that the more chaotic the frequency, once it is enveloped in love, the more directly it serves the higher good. If not this, is this something that could be incorporated into the central intention of the service or programs as we call them? I just love these kinds of questions, because we said something I can answer. But it’s a really interesting principle that, you know, kind of the worse the situation, the more good that can come out of it. And there is something for us to think about Clayten for the program for you know, an improvement to the EMF mitigation. Any thoughts on what Kerry’s asking? Clayten: Yeah, so I’ll give you some specifics. Carrie. So when we were doing the EMF harmonization research, and we found out that shungite was the only substance that in our location that we can find that harmonizes EMFs, we found that when we put the service on a home that had say, a new, fairly new router that was dropping the level of consciousness, when we put the service on the home, Jeff, if you remember, the average home went up four points on a Hawkins map of consciousness. So that’s four to the power of 10. So that’s, you know, four times four to the power of 10. So that’s a big jump in energy. Now, in principle, I don’t know that we could say that the more chaotic it is….that the that once we harmonize that, the better it is. I wouldn’t want to say that because there can be such extreme circumstances. And one extreme circumstance that we had to manage was we had to manage what would happen around….I call those power distribution stations that was I call them Jeff, where they had those transformers by the side of the road in a big kind of a cage environment. Jeffrey: Yeah, they’re stepping down basically from a higher voltage to the street voltage, basically. Clayten: Yeah. So what we had to do was we had to write a specialized program for cases like that around power plants and call them transformer stations. Where, because the energy coming off of that area was so intense, that the EMF service if it happened to be on, let’s say, it was on the edge of someone’s property, and there was a mistake in the surveying or something had been put on and it wasn’t surveyed. Or someone put that on the service just to help the neighborhood that people wouldn’t get into like a 900 or an 850 zone around the transformer station and just be blissed out and want to hang out there indefinitely. So we did have to make an adjustment to the programming for that. So that it is an interesting question and it does bring up this idea of you know… what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And that’s just not true. But what doesn’t kill you can hurt you and leave you injured for a long time. But it seems to be a pop culture thing where a certain amount of stress, if we, if we manage it right makes us more resilient. As Jeff likes to, you know…there’s a book that you’re really into Jeff, I’m trying to remember the name of it. Jeffrey Anti Fragile. Clayten: Anti Fragile. Yeah, yeah. So at a certain point, stress is helpful. But not everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, can actually injure us for a long time. So that’s just one of those one, probably, what’s the level of consciousness that statement thing? Oh, yeah, that’s like a, like a 181 8200s. The level of integrity on Hawkins map. So it’s, the could be something that, you know, if you change one or two words, it could be very high consciousness. And sometimes these things get passed around. And like the Chinese whispers game, you know, the language gets changed, and people pick it up and start using it. Jeffrey: It takes, you know, could injure you for injure you or could, you know, make you stronger? You know, that might be awkward? Yes. So someone’s asking, Can you address the way at FLFE effects negative history? That’s a great question. So for those of you that are new, the property subscription in the free trial, has a clearings a clearing program in it. And Clayten and I realized that the more specific we are in asking for a clearing, the faster that it happens in the more thoroughly it happens. Initially, with that FLFE, we weren’t clearing the properties first. And it took quite some time for the properties to come up to the level and some properties, you know, lagged, and it took even longer, some were faster. So it’s really the negative history on the land is really an important factor of what it’s like to live there. Because there could be negative thought forms, low consciousness field, at a place where, you know, something bad happened, somebody, somebody was killed, or tortured, or just had a bad, you know had a bad divorce and was really devastated. That the crystalline structure of the land, and the building can hold that energy in that, that history. So the first thing that happens if you go on the, for FLFE, Home Free Trial, and we recommend you do the Home Free Trial, even if you’re not going to subscribe, you know, you could do the phone free trial, and then you can do the home free trial. I don’t know if we said that. To clear where you live, you know, to clear out that negative history. And we spent, I don’t know how many weeks I was cleaning, you know, populating this request of divinity, all the bad things that can happen all the low ways to, you know, create a really rough low consciousness field somewhere. We just detailed them off. So we had to sit there and think about what are all the bad things that could happen. And that….yeah. Clayten: Yeah. Jeff, remember those weeks? Yeah, yeah, that was over the odd ones still comes up. I think it was like two over two weeks, we just spent itemizing all the negative things that humans could do to each other or do to animals or do to the land it was it was, it was horrible. Jeffrey: So as you make this request, then we’re asking for it to, to that energy to go into the earth be transmitted, be used positively, somewhere on you know, go to where it’s most needed, where it can do the most good. And that clearing of that history, then, again, opens up that kind of pristine space for us to be there where we’re not being impacted by negative thoughts, negative emotions that aren’t ours. You know, we talk a lot about that in in our podcasts, fields of consciousness, you know, thought forms, and emotional patterns and things, you know, that are there that can we think it’s us, but it’s not us. It’s something that was pre existing. Clayten: So the history of the land is still there, but the trauma is removed, and some of that trauma is geopathic stress related. Negative geopathic NeoGeo, negative geopathic. Stress zones tend to hold trauma more than high consciousness areas just as contrary remember that Patrina that mentioned you know, we talked about the healing effect of a high consciousness field. So in our town of Nelson, there is a there’s an example there’s an old there was an under ground stream that got channelized. It’s where they kind of put it in, in a culvert and put rocks around it, because it was going through an area that they wanted to develop and went right, it goes right through a hotel down near the waterfront, and underneath the restaurant, and that restaurant, I mean, it’s like every year, you know, and it’s one of the nicer places in town, because of the view and location. And conscious of the restaurant was always below 200, because of that negative geopathic stress on so we recently gave them a, you know, a gift of a smarter EMF. And that’s at least energetically changed that location. So we’ll have to see if that restaurant stopped turning over because it would every two years to be like a different name, a different rental, a different owner, it was just like one of those things, you know, there’s places and most of our towns like that where nothing seems to stick in that building. And that’s an indication that there is either a geopathic stress zone or a history of something on the land that has hasn’t been cleared. In fact, we had our local, our friend Tommy, the shaman we call him it’s his nickname. He comes in and he came in and helped sort of clear our office. Even though FLFE has a really high environment you can still do things like Fung Shui like a Aditi and Ashutosh that work with us, they’re pretty sophisticated. Fung Shui practitioner, so we use functional A, the average home in North America that is functional aid by Well, at least by a trained person goes up 40 points on the Hawkins map of consciousness according to our research. So definitely get your home punctuate if you can afford it. Jeffrey: Yeah, it just adds to the FLFE increase, which is, you know, much, much larger. And just a point, so your slider goes to 570. That’s not any kind of limit. For you personally, for the property, we get a fairly large percentage of the properties here above 600 all the time. And many of you have risen, you know, higher than then 570. Or you could. It’s kind of a, it’s more like a bottom, it’s like a trampoline bottom right, you can bounce on it and get popped back up. So you don’t want to think about that. Consciousness controllers sliders, as any limitation. It’s more like the bottom. Yeah, I would say the that’s the major difference between the property subscription and the phone or the object subscription, which we call FLFE Everywhere. So when something’s moving, it’s in a car, it’s in an airplane, it’s kind of fast boat, you can’t ever clear the land, it would take a tremendous amount of energy. And it wouldn’t be effective because it takes some amount of time and energy to work with the energies that are on a property. So that’s only in the stationary subscription FLFE home or business, the free trial. And so that’s just something to keep in mind that the mitigation that happens through the EMFs is in both products, but the clearing and the geopathic stress mitigation which Clayten mentioned which at that one’s pages and pages and pages now to all the different factors moving water underground, lava, you know, all sorts of even traffic, you know, like a traffic circle, if you can imagine, you know, things circulating creates like a circular formation of energy like a spiral. And traffic moving down the street like kind of a highway and that takes a turn, the cars take a turn, but then energy keeps going and it can really negatively affect houses that are there. So we’ve learned over time to compensate for that through various ways of using the flat fee system to bring additional energy into places where energy is being taken away. And that all comes out of the property testing. So if something come up a new property with a new, something we haven’t seen yet shows up. Will they’ll see it in the test? We’ll see that that property is lowered into testing and then we’ll have to investigate. Talk to the person get on a map kind of try to see what’s happening. Clayten: Yeah, I don’t know why but I’m remembering a story about someone locally who turned the service on and they noticed it. They didn’t notice it as much as they thought they should. And they had some friends come over and help them they were sick. And they had a couple of friends come over and they just cleaned their apartment from top to bottom. And of course, it feels better when you clean it, but they really could feel the FLFE influence. So it seems that, you know, giving your house a good cleaning. I mean, it made sounds simple, but it is one of the ways that can really help you notice the positive energy more is that because it kind of cleans out the history to a degree of the place. I mean, no, it’s kind of gross, but I think I think I knew a nurse and she said that 80% of the dust in the hospital was just people’s skin, at the sloughing off of your skin, you know. And so we all have skin. And, you know, it’s one of the things that happens in your house you have, you know, we don’t shed like dogs, but for whatever reason the couch gets dirty. So giving it a good cleaning is one of those things that you can do if you’re if you want to have a better experience with that FLFE. Jeffrey: You might find your teenagers pop in and help you clean. That’s one consistent thing that keeps happening children who may not ever have clean their room are only under like, duress. Clayten: Yeah, duress… Jeffrey: Start jumping in and cleaning. There’s something about a high consciousness space that that naturally encourages us to you know, clean it and make it better so. Clayten: Can we try to talk to somebody else? Jeffrey: Let’s get a couple more questions in we want to keep see what we can get done there and then let’s pop back maybe two more Clayten? Clayten: Sure Jeffrey: Question: I take a drink alkaline water for reflux issue does that mineral contents suffice? Do I need supplemental minerals? I don’t know the answer to that one. Linda you may want to look at the content the mineral content of what’s in the water and do your own research around what kind of minerals you know balanced minerals that would be would be good in a in water. If you had something you want to add to that Clayten Clayten: Yeah, I don’t think we could answer that unless we had a mineral profile of your water so it’s just beyond our ability to answer. Anonymous asked, I had COVID 19 and 2020. Since then, I have felt my energy level has decreased I take my supplements and vitamins started motivated. But I can’t seem to accomplish one assignment before starting another one. I feel the peace in my home and so does everyone else. What can I What can I be doing differently? I use the LOC boost for my home and phone once daily with no changes. What can I do differently if anything? Jeffrey: Well, there are there are some protocols out there in the world for cleaning the system. So I do have a recommendation right now for you. Less you can think of one Clayten but There are protocols. There’s a frontline doctors, here’s one. So the frontline doctors group has protocols for actually having COVID vaccine recovery. You know, long COVID and vaccine recovery seem to be pretty similar. So they have some protocols in there, including NAC and, and other things. I’ve seen nicotine patches, but the best thing is to find someone like these doctors who have a protocol or talk to someone, you know that has had the same issue and it had a positive result with some protocols. And in work, see if you can clean yourself out. Clayten: Yeah, there’s a principle in first development called looking for the critical factor or the tipping point. So it sounds like you have a health issue, obviously. And so we would….I would encourage you to try to find the tipping point. The resource Jeff mentioned is a good one. And oftentimes it’s people in your situation. You know, it’s not medical advice. Of course, it’s their immunity. So yeah, it’s, it’s interesting, I think most of us have felt down in some ways between 2020 and now, and cleanses are very helpful. And I definitely notice when my meat when I’m feeling off, if I start taking vitamin C, if I got off on my supplements that really perks my immune system up, and that seems to create the momentum to get other things moving. So look for that critical factor and in principle, and then I would suggest you listen to Jeff’s suggestions. Jeffrey: Yeah, somebody just posted it in the, in the chat the link to that site. And as I recall, one of the things they recommend is intermittent fasting. So that’s something you know that some of his practice as well, and it can really help to clean out our mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell, where there’s, you know, all the all the respiration, or the creation of energy in the body from food. You know, it’s a biological process, it has waste. And that waste needs to get out. So some, those intermittent fast can be good with plenty of water, to help get those wastes out of the body and kind of reset things. So they were highly recommending that for this situation. Clayten: I should just mention before we finish up this one that, according to our research, about 65% of the energy that we that we get comes from the air that we breathe. That’s the prana or Chi in the air, or the ether, as the ancients would call it. About 20% comes from the food and about 15% comes from the magnetic forces of the earth. So you will so when I’m feeling low, I start taking immune boosting supplements, and I focus on doing breathing exercises. So you can look at different breathing exercise patterns. We don’t have anything on our website about that yet. But there’s lots of there’s lots of resources out there. And I find that if I do conscious breathing Kriya Yoga is one of the things I used to practice…Hatha Yoga. These are breath focused yoga practices. And that is a great way to increase your energy level. And you know, if you get more energy in the body, typically you can start to get some momentum on some of the other subjects or others issues. Jeffrey: Why don’t we bring in Tammy? Tammy, if you’re still there, we’re going to allow you to talk. And you just have to unmute yourself. There you are. Tammy Routley: Hi, Jeffrey and hi Clayten it’s nice to talk to you. Clayten: Thanks for your patience. Tammy Routley: Oh, I’m just patience for this as no patience. It’s just so good. I wanted to talk about the flu incident. All the people that have showed up in FLFE in the last little while I’ve been in FLFE for seven years or so. And it was Regina Meredith who brought….. Yeah, way back when I used to listen to her all the time. And if she’s listening, Meredith, I’d like to say “Hi and thank you”. And so then over the years, Lee Harris showed up, and I’ve always followed him. And then lately, I started listening to the Inspired Group. And now Jean’s over here. So thank you. Thanks, everyone, for showing up. And then I’ve got friends through other social consciousness groups have shown up noticing that they’re also on FLFE. So I mean, there are certain things that I listened to and I get these funny feelings in my stomach. And I think, wow, you know, it doesn’t really jive with me and they might not jive with these people I just mentioned so I thought maybe I’ll just work with what is going through my coincidences in my life, certainly. I mean, you’ve showed us the eating that helps…the nutritional benefits that you’ve been suggesting over the years that immediate improvement in the way that my body works in using magnesium and I use flax oil because well I was a total vegetarian. Now I have fish in my diet, so I can use the fish oil too. But so the flax oil works for me as well. And I tried, like, I’ve also followed Dr. Joe, as to raising consciousness levels. Increasingly, this world is finding ways to increase their own consciousness levels. And so with your efforts, I can’t imagine what you’re doing in the background. But you’ve hinted at it. I mean, we can only imagine what that is. And you’ve explained some of the technology and I love that. I love it. I’m kind of like an educated scientist, you know, I don’t know the math of chemicals or anything like that, but everything that you do, backs up with science and technology. And if people don’t want to believe me, then that’s okay. That’s okay. All they have to do if they’re interested, is check it out. It’s just so beneficial. Anyway, I really don’t have a question. I just wanted to let people know. The consciousness level is rising on the planet. It just is. The Hawkins now…. I’ve read the only book was the one that you suggested at first from Dr. David Hawkins. And then I had a really good counselor for a number of years. And he recommended I read that book. Clayten: Another coincidence, yes. But what is it that Gary Schwartz who works with us in our research department, he is our he’s my personal synchronicity guru. I’ll just put it that way. And he, he always he’s always mentioning synchronicities. And we think that synchronicities is…are one of the ways that the divine…. Tammy Routley: I don’t know, things that would help people. I hope that I hope I have, anyway. Yeah, yeah, even the bees and the ants, and all that kind of stuff. It’s all part of raising consciousness levels to live with them and not try to destroy them. And I’ve my garden, I had the problem with the ants last year. And I found a way to balance with nature. They’re there and they’re not coming in the house. They’re in their own little spots, and they’re doing fine. And I haven’t had a problem with the bees or the wasps. They’re just doing their thing. So it’s just balance. And I think we’re all coming to that. So thank you both. And thank you, Aditi, and all everybody else who’s been helping me through all these difficult things. That’s just wonderful. Jeffrey: Thank you, Tammy been great to have you with us all this time. And yeah, hop on webinars once in a while and talk to us. Tammy Routley: Yeah, yeah. Once in a while. I don’t get chance to get to them all. But thankfully, today I did. Jeffrey: Yeah. If you get a chance, you might check out the research page. We just updated the way it’s organized. Tammy Routley: I did I went there. And I discovered how to work my phone and I bookmark that page. So I’m going to fill that out. I’m going to do that. That’s pretty, pretty fun. Sounds like fun. Jeffrey: All right. Take care. Tammy Routley: You too. Thank you. Jeffrey: What were you saying Clayten? Clayten: Oh, I was just talking I think we have a delay between the Tammy and I we were talking about synchronicities being the, the language of the Divine. And one of the ways I used to look for truth expressing in the world was I would look, I would ask that I would ask God to give me a sign and give it to me multiple times and give it to me as loud as I needed it, you know, without hurting me, so that I could hear the let hear that lesson or hear the confirmation of truth. And synchronicities were one of the ways to do that. Gary Schwartz who we work with is very aligned with synchronicities. Jeffrey: Yeah, I’ve learned a lot about noticing them from him. Because he is he’s just looking all the time. And once you look, you’ve fine I’ve found these you know, synchronicities that are just they’re not chance. You know, they’re the, he’s shown us, you know, the calculations for is this chance or what level of one in 1000 and one in 10,000 in 10 million, you know, chance of these things happening. So should we bring in next let’s see Carina Clayten: Carina. Yeah. Yeah. Jeffrey: So we’re unmuting you I think from Spain. You just have to unmute yourself if you get that should be a pop up that I should get permission to….there you go. Clayten: There you are. Carina Canales: Hello. Clayten: Hello Jeffrey: Hello. Welcome. Carina Canales: Thank you very much. Thank you for taking my call, or whatever you call it, because this is the first time I’m, I’m on one on a video conference like this. So thank you very much. Yes, I’m in Madrid, Spain. And first of all, I wanted to thank you so, so much for this. For this technology you’re sharing with us. It’s really amazing. Jeffrey: You’re welcome. Thank you. Thank you for joining us. And how did you how did you hear about us? Carina: Well, I found out about this only a couple of days ago through Inspired. And I’ve, I’ve started the trial, the free trial about a day and a half ago, and I’ve already seen some amazing results. Jeffrey: Are you on the phone or the home pre trial? Carina Canales: I’m on the on the free trial, the phone free trial to begin with, because I am already totally convinced to subscribe very soon. And I don’t want to make this too personal because I don’t want to bore other people. But I was going through the really the roughest time in my life. It started a few years ago, but it got very bad this summer, due to deaths in the family and my husband with a stage four cancer this summer. And it was it’s been a really, really the roughest time in my life. And I couldn’t seem to get out of this a very rough period. I’m a psychologist, I got my PhD in the United States. But in spite of that I was having like, really bad anxiety, panic attacks, very severe depression. And I really couldn’t seem to get out of this negative spiral. And I also do believe in the fact that we co create with our thoughts. But I couldn’t get out of this very negative cycle. So bad things kept on happening. And my thoughts were very negative. And I just didn’t know how to get out. So it’s been a huge difference for this day and a half. I’m sleeping like a baby. It’s amazing. I really feel very positive very, very good mood. It’s funny, because when I signed up, I had a very bad migraine headache, because I suffer from these food intolerances. And normally they last for a few days. So I had a very bad migraine headache. And I couldn’t believe that after signing up in five minutes…it was hardly there. And 20 minutes later, it had gone completely. And I know it’s not suggestion because I wasn’t even expecting this. Another thing is that I’m quite electro sensitive, or how have you call it I’m very, I’m very sensitive to electromagnetic fields. And that same night, I signed up two nights ago, I had tons of energy, I didn’t even want to go to sleep. And the funny thing is that I was using my mobile phone and instead of feeling like this heaviness, like in the head, it was all the opposites. I mean, it’s like the more I was on my mobile phone doing things, the better I was feeling. So I’m a I’ve been a witness to that harmonizing effect. It’s really it’s very real. It’s very, very, very real. And so my husband who’s just had this major surgery three days ago, five hours of surgery for this cancer. I’ve signed him up as because of the freewill. I told him and we did it together. That was very easy, of course. So he’s on it. And I have told a couple of friends but you know, people are quite skeptical about these kinds of things. But little by little I’m sure that lots of people will…as it’s a free trial, they’ll once…they prove it themselves, they’ll sign up. So I mean, this is just such a miracle. I appreciate this so much. This is like one of the best things that happened to me my whole life. Really, really I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it. And just as you know, we’ve all gone through this very rough period for the last three years where all the negative things that have happened, we can’t believe it either. This is one of the huge, huge positive things that are like magic. It’s really a miracle. Jeffrey: Wow. Thank you that’s very profound, what you’re saying it’s…. It’s one of the things that happens to me on these webinars are the tears start flowing? Carina: Yes, it’s been a major….. I mean, I couldn’t have asked for anything else better to happen in my whole life than this. And it’s just arrived at the really the best moment because it’s when I really needed it the most. So there’s nothing else I would have asked for in the whole world, then there’s something like this. So I’m so grateful for all your work, I’ll definitely be signing up with everything the home, the phone, my husband’s phone, everything. And I’ll try to tell people about this and sign them up with a free trial. So they experience it for themselves. It’s really amazing. I’ve asked there….online, you know, if you had some help from light entities or ETS or because this technology I’m sure it’s coming from the other side from the light side of the universe, it’s amazing. I have no words, I don’t really know how I can express my gratitude. Clayten: Well, if you express it any better than this, you can have both of us having been having to turn our cameras off for a minute. Carina: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Thank you. Thank you. Clayten: Thank you for sharing that with us. Carina: Thank you, bless you. Clayten: It feels like this, this technology has been invented through us rather than from us. To your point. Carina: Yes Clayten: There’s things that we’ve discovered. To do that we don’t know. I mean, we try to measure where our thoughts come from with kinesiology. And we have a pretty good idea most of the time. And we’re in service to the greater good. And we have our own personal needs, of course, like everybody. And it seems that if you can find another soul or group of souls like, you know, Jeff and I are good friends. And… Carina: Amazing, sometimes I think that people who have a stable life in general, which I was the case, we didn’t really have an idea of how bad things can get on a personal level, like from a psychological point of view, where you can just go so low, so low, that you feel trapped, and you just have no way of getting out. Even if you don’t you know you have a quite a healthy life. And you try to meditate, you try to pray. And you try to do all the good things, the right things. Sometimes, life can be so rough, that you can like fall down into this well of darkness, and you just can’t get out by yourself. And that’s really what happened to me. You know, these panic attacks, and I’m a psychologist, but I couldn’t get out of there. So it’s been such the right moment to find out about this and signing up. So as I said, it’s the best that could happen to me, I wouldn’t have asked for anything else than this. So thank you. Jeffrey: Well, so glad we can support your husband in the hospital, I assume he’s still in the hospital with the phone because that there’s a lot of EMFs in the hospital. Carina: Exactly Jeffrey: A lot of equipment there. And so really helps him to have that bubble…mitigation, so it really helped on the healing. Carina: Exactly. I don’t want to ask you too many questions, because I don’t want to take time away from other people who might want to talk to you. And I’m sure that I before I signed up I called because the physical phone I bought in Mexico, I was spending a few months there. But my card the SIM card is from Spain. So I wanted to ask where I supposed to put the country where you know, the phone originated from. So I had a someone wonderful, I think her name was Allison, who’s really lovely, and she explained and answered my question. So I understand that you have a great team there to answer all our questions. But I did read that it seems that there’s a harmonizing effect with the electromagnetic fields. So instead of….in some cases I believe it can even make the LOC better if you’re in this electromagnetic fields with obviously when you’re signed out, is that correct? Jeffrey: Yes, we found that the level of consciousness goes up… Carina: Yeah Jeffrey: With that mitigation, which to us is in improvement in the life-force available the beneficial, you know, characteristics of the environment. So, so yes, it does, it does seem to do that. And it’s this, we’ve said, it’s not a complete elimination of the EMFs, there’s still. The stimulation is there. And we’ve continued to improve the mitigation, you know, the way it works, like when satellites really started coming in, we had to make changes to this EMF mitigation program. So there, yeah, so it does improve the environment beyond where it was, kind of prior to the influence of the of the EMFs. Carina: Amazing. Jeffrey: I would love to have a discussion with our research team about your experience… Carina: Yes Jeffrey: …because you have this, you know, you have your PhD, and you’ve got your psychologist background. And that’s where Gary Schwartz comes from, as well. So, Paule Belwood, in a research team will, should reach out to you and maybe we could have a discussion. Because we, we’ve seen a number of stories around depression, lifting with the FLFE environment, and was actually on the list of the top effects in the EMF mitigation research that we did with outside people that came in. So depression…change in depression was one of those factors. So they would love to explore this more than maybe a way we can do you know, more research and love to hear your input. Carina: Fantastic. And it’s not suggestion, because I didn’t know about all the positive effects. When I signed up, I just heard about…just a very little bit. But as the channel Inspired, that, you know, they had such good things to say about you, I thought, well, I’m going to sign up, but I hadn’t read in detail all these positive effects. So there’s no way it’s suggestion. And another thing is that I think it’s been a fantastic idea, the free trial, because sometimes things don’t work. And people are quite skeptical to sign up. And then if you give you a credit card, then you have to sign you know, off if you don’t want to continue. And sometimes all of that is a hassle. People don’t have time, or it might not be done correctly. So the fact that you offer this, and it’s so simple to sign up. I think that’s really a plus, because it gives everyone the opportunity to try it. Clayten: There’s no way to get accidentally billed, you have to make it… Carina: Exactly, exactly. And there’s no catch. And because people nowadays are quite skeptical about everything. Jeffrey: With good reason. Carina: Exactly, I would I would love them to be in touch, I think you have my contact details with my phone, and my with my email address. And so you can call me any time. I would love to share my experience and an experience of other people I will be in contact with so they can try this, too here in Spain. Clayten: Wow. Jeffrey: Yeah. Thanks. Thanks so much for joining us. And, you know, we’re, we’re on a journey together and the FLFE community is growing now quite rapidly. And we may see you on FLFE space, you know, to talk about things and yeah, we’ll reach out individually as well. Carina: Yes, for sure. And the fact that we…that we’re only giving our voice, we don’t have to be there on video. For me, it’s easier because I’m not used to doing these kinds of things. And I know many people are that I’m not that evolved with all you know, all this new technology. I’m quite private. So that’s fantastic. I’m fine about talking in public. But when you have to be there on camera, it’s a bit different. So that’s fantastic, too. Jeffrey: Yeah, thanks for your input on that, because we were considering whether to have video as part of it. Yeah, I hear what you’re saying. Carina: So I want to let other people you know, have the chance to talk to you. So I don’t know how to switch off so I’m sure you can do that. So other people can, you know, continue interacting with you. Jeffrey: Yeah. Thank you so much for what you’ve said. Carina: Thank you. You’re definitely two angels. Thank you very, very much Jeffrey: Take that in for a minute there Clayten. Take a breath here. Clayten: I really appreciate her, you know not, I don’t particularly like doing webinars can be a part of me as a for those who are in the office know I’m a social recluse some of the times, I’d certainly like my privacy, but it does take time to get used to talking in public, most of us need training, even then you have all those self conscious thoughts about yourself. And so I understand what she’s saying, at least from my point of view. It does. It does take some getting used to sharing yourself in public, it’s a bit of a vulnerability and yes, Jeffrey: That’s another level. Let’s say we’ve gotten used to it to a certain extent. And, you know, I’d say for myself, part of is the love that we feel from all of you, and that we see these chats and you know, it’s very supportive on these webinars, and really all the time, you know, we’ve got the community’s is supports each other, including us. Clayten: Yes, it is a type of fuel. And for the first few years, it was one of the few types of fuel we had. Because there wasn’t a lot of money fuel. So the love fuel kind of kept the fires burning. Jeffrey: Should we just click two more questions you should we do this? We’re getting past two hours. So I see the numbers starting to drop a bit. So Carrie’s asking, Could you speak about how you craft and test your requests your statements, but we call programs? Oops, that got deleted a little too fast there. Yeah, so I’ve just started and handed over to you Clayten. And so we use kinesiology, consciousness, kinesiology, we do it in groups. So that we, we are getting consistent results. Clayten has developed some protocols related to you know, checking ourselves moving into that kinesiology testing or measurement. And we apply that to the requests of divinity that are what we call programs or information in the field. And we work those until they’re 999 or higher on the Hawkins map. And some types of programs have like 999.5 or higher, you know, they’re even more rigorous. So we have a process to keep working that until it’s very pristine. I’ll pass it to you Clayten, describe that. Clayten: Yeah, so truth is in a context. So when you’re using consciousness, kinesiology, the way at least the way we use it, we write out the context or what the end in mind or what the purpose of making the request to divinity is. So if you’re trying to, for example, mitigate all of the geopathic stress zones on a property you need to come up? Well, you need to come up with a definition of what a geopathic stress zone is. So sometimes we so we use the Oxford Dictionary as the default for definitions, because it’s the highest consciousness dictionary. And then sometimes we’ll go in and look at the definition. We’ll take it and put it in our in our glossary of terms and definitions. And we might need to expand the definition or adjust it to suit our circumstances. So it can be clearly quite a long, detailed process. We usually start most of our meetings with a prayer, sometimes we forget. And so we do find that asking that, you know, asking divinity or God or Universal Intelligence, whatever you have, whatever you call it, asking that for help, will allow us to get insights and thoughts. Sometimes the insights or maybe in pictures or a sensation or an image or even a smell, that we wouldn’t expect ourselves to be able to receive given the level of our education, background and experience. So when we talk about this technology emerging between us, that’s how I sort of refer to that, in my mind, that we seem to be getting help from other places. When we get these insights, we measure the truth of them, they’re, you know, they’re truer than our say, their previous perception. And then we keep adjusting that truth until it is kind of pristine. Usually, if it’s 999, out of 1000 or higher, it’s typically a minor grammar issue that, you know, is not going to affect the environment. We certainly won’t intend anything negative. And, as Jeff said earlier, the more specific your positive request to divinity, that you have a caveat attached to it, that it serves the highest and best interest of all. The more specific that request, the more likely it is to be fulfilled. So that is the principle in general of writing these requests to divinity, these programs that are in the FLFE field. So we have dozens of categories of them, we have between, you know, husband and wife, between father and son, father and daughter, wife, and daughter, wife and son, of course, just to have better communication, we have all these dynamics in an environment that, you know, we all live with every day. And we just, you know, over the years, we’ve separated them out and written them up and geeked out on them. And when they get good enough, we include them in the service. Jeffrey: Yes, so that’s the process of Kinesiology. CK or consciousness, kinesiology. You know, having the protocols and having a group to check each other is vitally, vitally important things can go down the wrong road, pretty easily, because we get, you know, we all have biases, we, if their, if a bias pops up, then you can get the, you know, different answers. So having multiple people and reach rechecking things, and if I may have worked with Aditi or someone on a document, and then Clayten comes in does a final check. And so there’s the check and balance is really important. Clayten: There’s also the safety of we’ve been studying different philosophies or religions for decades, some of us in this in the office. And there are these generally accepted principles of high consciousness teachings. And so our experience is that when we make these requests to divinity, and the environment, that they always align with the highest consciousness teachings we can find. So there’s lots of things like that, that we sometimes forget to say. And those are part of the, the iteration of finding the highest truth that we can…and expressed in language, and it’s, I don’t know, for me, I’ll speak personally. I mean, we spend a lot of time writing those programs out and, and identifying what the highest truth is in that context. That doesn’t mean we’re able to live it all the time. Right, it’s aspirational, quite often. And I do trust our capacity to measure it. And we have it proven in the science, of course, as well, Jeff, we have all these 14 pieces of data now under the research page and just kind of leading that. So we have multiple layers of evidence that support what we’re, what we’re intending to do. Jeffrey: In all of your experiences, which we love to hear. Yeah, so there’s one of those level…layers. Clayten: The improvements that we’ve made have come from requests from our subscribers and our community. Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And we’d love to hearing from you. Jeffrey: So Rachel was asking about a restless leg. And magnesium and potassium are Yep, you’ve, you’re on it with that. But the other thing you might try is more essential fatty acids. The nervous system support such fatty acids and magnesium taken together. If you go to the customer portal in the resources section, you know, you don’t have to go to the full extent of the protocol but you might try stepping up essential fatty acids and perhaps even sunflower lecithin to support your nervous system. Just see what happens. And then you could reach out to your to your person they’re about that. Tell us tell us how it goes. Clayten: Well, do we want to take a question or two? Jeff, how are you feeling about winding it up? Jeffrey: I think we should wind it up. And I’d like to,…you want to know to start? Clayten: Final thoughts? We have a lot of people here from the Inspired Community, John and Christine Nolan. I don’t know if they’ll ever watch us. But thank you, John, and Christine, for trusting us and inviting us into your community. We want to welcome all of the people from the Aspire community, from Christopher James, who just did a podcast with us, I want to thank all of you that have been around for years, your long term subscribers. We tell the story once in a while, but we consider business our spiritual path. Most of us in the office, I’ll just probably speak for myself. There is a distinction between business as a spiritual practice, business as a spiritual path, and business as a spiritual service, which I think we’ve talked about in the fields of consciousness podcast, but we are on…we consider the business, our spiritual path. And all the ways that I can tell businesses the best way to share this service with the world. When Jeff and I were doing…giving it away, just helping. We would go on Google Earth back in the early days and find the lowest consciousness place on the continent and put a version of FLFE on it to help it it was below that level of non-interference. And it would raise the level of consciousness of the area. And we did that for a year. And there was a time when we realized if we were going to do this, that we only had so many personal resources. And unless somebody was to give us an extraordinary amount of money, then we would have to turn it into a business if we wanted to keep doing that. And that’s what our prayers told us to do. So business can be a positive influence on the world, I believe, for the most part it is. Of course, business has its challenge, just like any other path, whether you consider it a conscious spiritual path or a way to claw out a living, you know, sometimes it’s, it’s that in the beginning, and that it changes as we evolve. But I just wanted to say that we couldn’t find another way to do this without making any business because our personal resources where what they were, but they were and we couldn’t do it without all of you. I just want to thank all the staff, we have like five people here today helping us on this, including Paulina, who we haven’t mentioned, to thank you for your support. And most of all, to all US subscribers. Without you there would be no FLFE. And even though I don’t know you all, I appreciate you all. And I feel like my community has grown since being part of this business. And I look forward to meeting at least some of you anyway. With that I’m complete. Jeffrey: I’ll continue…we would love to meet you. And if you haven’t gotten your question answered, you know, please, you know, reach out to the office through an email or a phone or you’re the person that your emails come from, it would be your customer service person. And it’s a Thanksgiving weekend. We’re pretty busy with lots of lots of new people. Yeah, including Dr. Jason and Tay’s community as well. And so we asked for some patients there if you could on my…it might take a little bit to get an answer back but our team is really awesome. And so that’s a way we can meet you by you calling in and emailing and you could come to Nelson. I’m going to do something different here so I’m going to…just look out the window. Oh no…might be too bright. Yeah, it’s I think it’s too bright to see. Yeah. Sorry, gave it a try. There’s some beautiful mountains outside. There’s the water and, and the hills just right across from town. And we’d love to have you come up to Nelson. Knock on the door of the office, come on in and meet us. You don’t see us. So the door is open to all of you. So we’d love to see you. Welcome to the community. [/av_textblock] [/av_one_full]