The ‘Why’
FLFE’s goals were threefold:
- To complete initial measures of FLFE’s EMF mitigation effects on a small sample of individuals who self-identify as highly EMF sensitive.
- To identify ways to improve and upgrade the current FLFE’s EMF mitigation capacity.
- To inform and justify future replication of the same research phase with a larger sample size exploring FLFE’s EMF mitigation effects.
The ‘Who’
10 self-identified highly EMF-sensitive individuals with no prior exposure to the FLFE service.
The ‘How’
Participants filled out three questionnaires on the intensity and frequency of 30 most-common EMF symptoms over a period of 90 days. Upon completing the baseline questionnaire at Day 0, the FLFE service was activated on the property and a portable object (i.e., a crystal that was mailed to each participant) (or a mobile phone) of each participant. At Day 45, participants filled out a follow-up survey and at Day 90, participants filled out a final survey.
The ‘When’
Data collection occurred between March 2022 and September 2022.
The ‘Where’
Data collection occurred remotely (i.e., in the home/personal environment of each participant)
Statistical Significance: Average Symptom Intensity effect over the three administrations was significant at p<0.000005; Average Symptom Frequency effect over the three administrations was p<0.0005).
Abstract: Sensitivities to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) can affect individuals to varying degrees and one of the main strategies for relieving the symptoms caused by these fields is limiting exposure to them. Focused Life-Force Energy (FLFE) has developed an EMF mitigating service that is aimed at providing individuals relief from EMFs without having to avoid them or without having to limit one’s exposure to them. This study explored the effects of this service on 10 volunteers over a 90-day intervention period. The results showed average reductions in all 30 symptoms tested and the biggest relief was observed for insomnia, fatigue, headaches, malaise, and head sensations.