FLFE’s Effect on the Growth Rate of Organic Wheatgrass When Subjected to a Wireless Router Environment: Phase 2 Replication Study

Mainstream Methods


The ‘Why’? 

FLFE’s goal was to provide evidence in an exploratory setting of the benefits of FLFE’s high-consciousness field for seed germination as well as plant growth and vitality. 

The ‘What’? 

40 seeds were planted in two highly controlled and identical environments (20 seeds in each), one of which had the FLFE field activated and the other one did not have the FLFE field activated. 

The ‘How’? 

Two identical hydroponic growth systems, Environment A and Environment B, were set up using continuous water supply, identical LED growth lights, and identical nutrients. 20 organic wheatgrass seeds were used per condition. Environments A and B were located at opposite ends of the same room, equidistant from the window, which was covered to prevent light entry. Temperature and humidity were consistent throughout the room. Amount of time from placement of seeds to when photos and measurements were taken was 12 days.  

The ‘When’? 

The experiment was carried out in March 2020. 

The ‘Where’? 

The experiment was carried out in Ohio, United States.  

Statistical Significance:This was a study with a small number of seeds; therefore, no statistical tests were indicated.

Abstract: Healthy food production is facing challenges across the world. Finding innovative solutions to support growing organic and healthy foods is vital to our existence. Focused Life-Force Energy (FLFE) has developed a consciousness-raising service that focuses on enhancing the environment in which humans, plants, and animals can thrive. This replication Phase 2 double blinded study examined the effects of the Standard FLFE Service on the germination and growth rates of organic wheatgrass when subjected to the 5GHz broadband of a wireless router. A 45.5 percent increase in the seed germination rate and a 43.1 percent increase in wheatgrass blade length and were observed for plants in FLFE environment.

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The Scale of Consciousness

In the latter half of the 20th Century, a very successful psychiatrist, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. saw common levels of thinking, feeling and acting. Through this, he realized that people’s challenges and advances depend on their level of consciousness.


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