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About FLFE
Discover the origins of FLFEs journey on the Our Story page.
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Subscribers can watch webinars, listen to meditations and more, by logging in to the Customer Portal, and clicking on Resources.
Jeffrey Stegmanโs focus has been on creating a high consciousness culture in his businesses, which parallels his own personal spiritual path. Jeffrey is the co-owner of two manufacturing businesses, including one that has been in business since 1835. FLFE is a confluence of Jeffreyโs manufacturing, engineering, business and spiritual evolution. Jeffrey lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, US.
Clayten Stedmann has worked in the education, training and coaching business for over 30 years. For the last 20 years he has focused on business as a spiritual path in his coaching practice. Since discovering Consciousness Kinesiology (CK) in 2004 he has done over five million CK calibrations and created over 10 consciousness assessments and several unique energetic medicine protocols. FLFE is a continuation of his purposeful intention to create the conditions for humanity to have a higher level of consciousness. Clayten lives in Nelson, BC, Canada.
A very successful psychiatrist, Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., began to see common levels of thinking, feeling and acting, after treating thousands of patients. He realized that peopleโs challenges and advances depend on their level of consciousness. He first outlined a scale measuring levels of consciousness or vibration in his New York Times bestselling book Power Versus Forceโข(1995). Dr. Hawkins, along with a group of researchers, over a period of more than twenty-five years, used conscious kinesiology to measure the level of consciousness in everything they could imagine; people, books, music, events, countries, locations.
Dr. Hawkins documented these consciousness levels on a scale from 1 to 1,000. On this scale 200 is the level above which we begin to add energy to everything around us. Below 200 we are net consumers of energy. A few of these levels are: Courage is 200, Acceptance is 350 and Love is 500. Enlightenment levels range from 600 to 1000. Today tens of thousands of Dr. Hawkins students and practitioners in multiple disciplines use the Hawkins Map to measure and effect change in quality of life and personal evolution.
Life-Force Energy is the fundamental essence of existence, the primordial power that underlies all creation. This energy, revered by sages and mystics throughout history, is the source from which all manifestation emerges. Its nature transcends the limitations of language, forming the very substrate of life itself. Across diverse cultures and epochs, this universal force has been recognized and named in various ways, including prana, chi, and kundalini. Ancient wisdom traditions, such as Chinese medicine, acknowledge its presence in the bodyโs meridian system and have developed practices like acupuncture and acupressure to influence its flow. This all-pervasive energy suffuses the entire cosmos, from the microcosmic realm of subatomic particles to the macrocosmic expanse of the universe.
Science has recognized that these energies are everywhere and are present in atomic structures such as protons, neutrons, electrons and quarks. Quantum physics is beginning to explore and measure aspects of this energy, revealing its profound influence on the nature of reality. Researchers have observed that the consciousness and intention of an observer can affect experimental outcomes, suggesting a deep interconnection between mind, matter, and this fundamental life force. As our understanding of this energy grows, we may unlock new potentials for healing, personal growth, and the evolution of consciousness.
We try not to create comparisons with other products as everyone is on their own unique journey, though we can tell you about how Focused Life-Force Energy stands out as a company and service.
FLFE offers a no-credit card free trial. There can be no accidental billing. It is simply a gift, and you can experiment with a Customer Portal to turn on and off the high-consciousness field, turn on and off the EMF Mitigation, and try higher consciousness experiences through the boosts. Each customer has a dedicated customer service rep they can contact to discuss their experience and ask questions. We have extended open hours to ensure we can answer as many live calls as possible.
FLFE started as a service project for the world and to help raise the consciousness of the planet. They did this by increasing the level of consciousness of various parts of the planet that had a low level of consciousness for some reason such as areas of war, famine, natural disasters, etc. Jeffrey and Clayten did this service work for several years privately until they realized that their individual resources would not allow them to do as much good in the world as the technology had the potential to do. As prayer was part of their daily practice when doing the service work, there was a time when the guidance they received from their prayers suggested that the model of business would be a better way to share the emerging potential of the technology with the world. The potential revenue as a business would allow them to transcend the limitations of their own personal resources. In other words, they only had so much time, energy, and money, they could give away for free. If they economized the service or turned it into a business, the business had the potential to support the service being used in the world in a way that they could not do individually. Historically, 90% of the energy is given away for free. The service work has grown with the number of subscribers as they expand the resources and scope of what FLFE can do. There is a free trial with no credit card required and each person who subscribes, even if it is for a month, receives a Pay-it-Forward. PIFs, as they call them, are blessings of love that can be gifted anywhere in the world, and which will stay on the location where applied for as long as Clayten and Jeffrey have the business.
Our mission is to create the optimal conditions for the evolution of consciousness in an economized society. One of the ways we serve that mission is to value the uniqueness of each individual person in the world and another way is that we encourage people to trust themselves. If we can empower you to trust your own experiences, encourage you to explore your perceptions through diverse perspectivesโincluding the FLFE environmentโand guide you toward a reasoned, measured conclusion through observation, analysis, and experimentation, then we have fulfilled our mission in supporting your evolution, regardless of whether youโve purchased the FLFE service.
Additionally, all decisions at FLFE are done with divine guidance and muscle testing/consciousness kinesiology to ensure that individualsโ desires and egos do not get in the way of what is in the highest and best interest of all creation. Every statement, intention, and part of the system is checked with this intention. We feel that it is important to consider the well-being and freedom of all beings in physical and non-physical forms.
How Does FLFE Work
FLFE is very much like a loving prayer And a loving prayer doesnโt interfere with any other technology or create contradictions.
The FLFE Programs are instructions put into the FLFE Field by the FLFE System and through the association of the FLFE System with the property into the high consciousness field on the home or business property. These programs support the optimal conditions for health, sleep, focus, concentration and so forth. When our bodies are in the high consciousness field, energy is available to our body for whatever the body needs. The instructions generated by the programs are also available for the body to use for whatever is needed for the situation and the will of the person. The body entrains or synchronizes with the instructions and can use them for healing or whatever purpose is supported and needed. A similar phenomenon occurs when listening to music and you find yourself naturally tapping your feet to the beat. Every program on FLFE carries instructions that it only activates if it is in the highest and best interests of all of creation.
There are multiple devices connected together with other components to provide backups in case of a fire or other interruptions. We call this the FLFE System rather than just a device. These devices look very similar to some of Nikola Teslaโs experimental setups. In the original device, high-speed alternating current is flowing through the stacks. There are stacks of cones, plates, coils, sacred geometry, high-consciousness images, etc. There are input stacks that draw in the energy and one output stack that focuses the energy (which we call the FLFE Field) in a 8-1/2โ x 11โ area. In that focused area, we originally placed written instructions, which we call Programs. One of the breakthroughs we discovered was that putting a legal address or longitude and latitude coordinates in the program creates an association or resonance with the address or location on which the FLFE Field is focused. The FLFE system creates quantum resonance, which is the ability to associate the FLFE system with an address or a location anywhere in the world.
FLFE is a system that uses subtle energies. Subtle energies are currently only marginally accepted by Western science because there is not yet a scientific instrument that can see and measure these energies. Chinese medicine (and other non-western science) does recognize these energies and the treatment modality of acupuncture unblocks and balances the flow of subtle energies in the body. Western medicine acknowledges that acupuncture works but they donโt understand why. We think that eventually an instrument will be developed that will allow us to see and measure these energies. In the meantime we have a sensitive instrument that in certain situations can measure these energies accurately. It is the human body. Clayten has become proficient at Conscious Kinesiology over years of research and millions of measurements. We use that โinstrumentโ to measure the level of consciousness increase that results from FLFE.
Since FLFE uses subtle energies, there are very different transmission methods from other energies. Our FLFE machine use a design similar to experimental set-ups employed by Nikola Tesla in which there are stacks of plates and coils. The machines uses the fields generated to focus and concentrate universal subtle energies that are available all around us. The output stack, which is the focus of the intense subtle, is where we put our programs. When the programs include a legal address there is an association (technically known as entanglement) between our machine and the property. Immediately there is an effect on the property.
The property and the machine are entangled in some sort of quantum standing wave. Our programs produce the effect on the property and then we measure the effects with the scale of Dr. David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness.
Being in a high consciousness field means more energy, more resources, is available in the area. Each point upwards on the Hawkins Map means 10 times more energy is available. The average person in both FLFE Home and Mobile raises their level of consciousness 8 points in 90 days. Over the previous 3-5 years before they started the service these same customers rose 0.1 point over 90 days.
With FLFE, the typical property goes from 420 to 560 on the Hawkins map, according to our Kinesiology testing. At this time, approximately 5 out of 1000 people in the world are at the average level of consciousness of 540 or higher. As your property climbs to the level of consciousness of 560 and above, your personal level of consciousness may automatically move up. If your average level of consciousness is already in the new and higher range of the property you will be supported to stay in that range. Without that support your level of consciousness (vibration) could fluctuate due to external situations or thought patterns. Visitors, pets and other people living or working on the property may also rise in consciousness.
Billing and Subscription
We are happy to report that now we are able to accept American Express.
- Go to our Customer Portal
- Login with your email address and password
- Click on โMy Accountโ
- Click on โView My Subscriptionโ
- Click on โCancel My โSubscription(s)โ
- Go through the steps
Send an email to or call our office at 250-352-9909 weekdays between 9AM and 5PM PST. Even if you cancelled with your credit card, please phone or email FLFE to notify us of any changes in your subscription. Notice of cancellation must be received at least 5 business days before your next billing date.
Refund Policy. No refunds are given on monthly subscriptions. Refunds are given on 6-month and annual subscriptions and if you would like to cancel your subscription, please contact the FLFE office. If you cancel you will forfeit the discount you received and there is a $60 admin fee. For example, if you cancel your subscription during the 4th month of a 6 month or annual subscription, your refund will be the amount you paid less 4 months x the standard monthly price less $60 admin fee.
(Note: All prices listed are in USD.)
Free Trial
To activate a free trial your physical address and your cellphone number are required.
To activate the FLFE field around your property we must have a specific legal address (as defined by your countryโs government) that clearly identifies the property. In most cases that will be your mailing address, including the zip code. Be sure to include your building number or letter, or your unit or apartment number if there is one available. Consulting a mapping program on the web like Google Maps may be helpful to be sure that the address clearly identifies the property.
In some cases, particularly away from urban areas or for a large tract of land, other legal designations can be found in government documents or records. Examples of these would be parcel numbers, lot numbers and legal descriptions on deeds. Throughout the website, we may use โpropertyโ, โlocationโ and โaddressโ when referring to the application of FLFE. We are always referring to the full legal address.
To activate the field around your phone you will need to enter your cellphone number as though it were being called locally. Please do not need include the area code or country code for activation. You will also need to include the country where the phone number and SIM card were activated.
Once you complete the forms to sign up for your free trial, your FLFE service will be activated around your home and phone within just a few minutes. You will receive an email containing your login information and detailed instructions on how to access your customer portal, where you can customize your service to suit your needs. Please allow up to one hour for the welcome email to arrive, and be sure to check your spam folder if you donโt see it in your inbox.
Being in a high-consciousness field is already an excellent step in a direction towards a more supported life. There are some things that you can do to truly optimize and get the most out of your free trial experience including hydration, supplements, manifestation, webinars and more.
To learn about our hydration and supplement recommendations for a high-consciousness field, please log in to your customer portal and click on the โResourcesโ button. Within the portal, you will also find our customer manifestation tool called the magnetizing process as well as our library of past webinars.
Once your Free Trial begins, we will match you to one of our specialized team members who are dedicated to ensuring you get the most out of your FLFE experience. This team member will be by your side throughout your FLFE journey, able to answer questions you have.
The FLFE service is activated within minutes of filling out the free trial form. Even if you have not yet received the email, the service has been activated.
There are many ways to notice the energy is working including in your environment, with family members, pets, and more. Sometimes people wonโt notice the difference in how the energy has supported them until they tune in. In the same way that we donโt notice our heart beating until we tune in to it, we may not notice the energy unless we take the time to sense it. Take a moment to see if you have noticed any changes in your sleep, concentration, communication with family members and friends, pets, plants, energy levels, or ability to maintain positive thoughts.
8 Ways to Notice FLFE:
- Heightened Meditations
- Improved Sleep
- Feeling relaxed and calm
- Pets are calmer
- Releasing old habits
- More synchronicities
- Improved Communication
- Positive Mindset
Please visit our Quick Start Guide in the Resources section of the customer portal to learn more about how to tune in to the FLFE field.
Your immersive free trial experience will last for 15 days, covering both your property and your phone. This allows you to fully explore and enjoy the benefits of the FLFE service in both environments.
FLFE Property allows you to immerse yourself and your loved ones in a high-consciousness environment within your home.
FLFE Property activates an โFLFE bubbleโ of high-conscious energy around your entire property up to the legal boundaries creating a sanctuary of elevated energy.
FLFE Everywhere was created to provide you a mobile sanctuary that extends its positive energy around you wherever you go.
FLFE Everywhere activates a 300-foot radius โFLFE bubbleโ of high-conscious energy around your mobile phone. To fully enjoy the benefits of the advanced health programs, itโs recommended that you stay within 9 feet of your phone.
FLFE Everywhere details:
- The phone is at 590 LOC*.
- 580 LOC* within 9 ft of the phone.
- 570 LOC* within 9 ft-15 ft of the phone.
- 555 LOC* within 15 ft-300 ft of the phone.
Through our extensive research, we have found that customers tend to experience the FLFE field more profoundly when they are immersed in it continuously, 24/7. By activating the service around your phone and home, you may notice a more significant difference in your experience during the FLFE trial compared to entering and exiting the field throughout the day. For optimal results, we recommend maintaining a consistent connection to the FLFE field, allowing you to fully benefit from its transformative effects.
To ensure our customers fully experience the benefits of the FLFE service, we offer a truly complimentary trial. During this 15-day free trial, you will have access to our complete flagship property and everywhere serviceโno credit card or cancellation is required. We believe in providing you with the full experience so you can truly appreciate the transformative effects of FLFE.
One of the most significant reasons that customers may not be feeling the energy is that their hydration levels are low. A calculation that can help is to multiply your body weight by 0.8 which will give you the number of ounces to drink per day. Drinking good quality water and adding electrolytes or Himalayan salt can help to improve the bodyโs ability to absorb the water. Through our research, we have found that 80% of people who donโt feel the service are dehydrated.
High LOC pre-FLFE
Another reason why some may not notice the energy as much as others is if their level of consciousness is already at a higher level. If your natural baseline is close to the FLFE service, there wonโt be as noticeable a difference as someone who is rising from a lower level. However, having an environment that is of a higher level of consciousness enables your being to optimize resources for further growth and evolution.
Humans are extraordinary
Not feeling the energy does not mean youโre not an evolved person. Not everyone notices high-consciousness fields and those that do notice it donโt notice it in the same way as others. The FLFE Co-Founders emphasize that people experience these energies differently, if at all.
As FLFE is similar to a sacred site or a pilgrimage site such as Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, etc., historically, those sites have an extraordinary to moderate to almost non-effect on different people. This is the same experience in the FLFE environment where some people will notice it in their environment more than in their individual experience. Some may notice it more in areas such as with plants, pets, wildlife, guests staying longer when they visit, less conflict in the house, rather than a personal physical sensation.
Rather than comparing individuals, FLFE celebrates each personโs distinctive qualities and supports their relationship with highโconsciousness fields in ways that empower their specific gifts. This approach honors both the pioneering spirit and the heightened sensitivity that different individuals bring to our collective experience.
Turning the energy off or cancelling
You can easily turn off the energy and cancel your free trial at any time.
To turn the energy off, visit your customer portal, select which service you want to turn off, and then click the โFLFE IS ONโ button. The page will refresh and the button will indicate โFLFE IS OFFโ
If you wish to stop the free trial immediately, please follow these steps:
- Turn Off the Energy: Access your customer portal to turn the service off.
- Contact Us for Support: Call our office at 1-888-610-3533. Our team is here to assist you with the cancellation process and provide support.
A true free trial
If youโre curious about our services but hesitant to commit to a subscription, worry not! At FLFE, we believe in giving our customers the freedom of choice. Thatโs why we offer a truly free trialโno credit card or cancellation required!
Experience the benefits of a high-consciousness field without any obligations. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you can explore our service risk-free!
We understand that life can be unpredictable, and you may need more time to fully experience the benefits of FLFE. While we typically donโt extend free trials, weโre here to support you in making the most of your experience:
- Optimize your trial: Reach out to your free trial specialist for personalized tips on how to maximize your FLFE experience during the trial period.
- Special circumstances: If youโve faced a family emergency or were unable to participate in the trial due to unforeseen circumstances, please contact your representative. Weโll be happy to discuss your situation and explore possible solutions.
- Continued support: Remember, our team is always here to answer questions and provide guidance, even after your trial ends.
We understand that extenuating circumstances may arise during your free trial and we encourage you to reach out to your representative for personalized assistance.
FLFE Property
While including your latitude and longitude is not mandatory when signing up, it can be very helpful in confirming your address location, particularly in areas of the world where different address formats are used.
Please follow this video to learn how to find your latitude and longitude.
For the full FLFE service enhanced field, which is the paid subscription, we require that there is at least one person who is aware of the FLFE Fieldโs activation on that property, because of the need for hydration. The greatly enhanced energy available in the FLFE Field provides the body with high-quality energy, that it can use for healing and repair projects. All metabolic processes, including healing processes, require additional water for the healing and to remove the by-products of the healing. It is up to the person that knows about the FLFE Field to encourage people who spend hours in the FLFE environment to hydrate. In a business, posting a hydration informational poster is sufficient.
The FLFE Field is designed to have its full effect up to the legal boundaries of a property associated with the FLFE service. However, there is a gentle glow effect beyond the property and into the neighbourhood. A good analogy is a candle in the dark. The illumination lessens as you get further away, but you can still see its light.
If your apartment has no legal unit number (ex. Unit 102 B or Apartment #4), you can easily activate the FLFE service using our Photo Property subscription or free trial. Capture a photo of a wall inside your apartment and submit it for activation. This solution was specifically designed to allow individuals in unique living situations without clearly defined addresses to access the benefits of FLFE.
Two of the Home/Business programs not found in FLFE Everywhere are clearing the property energy and correction of geopathic stress.
1) Clearing the negative history of the property. Every home or business has a history. That history is still present and affecting us, including affecting our mood and thoughts. This program clears it out and keeps clearing it out.
2) Correction of geopathic stress. This stress is caused by things on the land, such as underground streams and earth ley lines or by power lines and water/sewer pipes. This can create a very low-energy negative environment. We have found a way to correct this for the most part. Our kinesiology testing also shows a harmonization of EMF energy from cell phones and Wi-Fi.
The FLFE Everywhere breakthrough is to be able to take the high consciousness (much more energy available) environment with you as well as programs to resolve negative history (karma) between people in the FLFE field surrounding the object. A FLFE Everywhere object can travel at high speed, such as on a highway and even more than 500 mph on a plane. The Everywhere free trial and subscription has the following programs as well as others:
- Raising the level of consciousness of a cellular phone so that according to our testing, it becomes supportive of biological life. โMore about our testing
- 300โ high consciousness bubble
- Support for healing of negative karma between people in the bubble
- Immune System Support
- Antioxidant Support
- GI Tract (gastrointestinal tract or digestive tract) Optimization
- Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder Optimization
- Anti-stagnation (Similar in effects to acupressure)
- Grounding while stationary and at speeds of up to 5 mph. (Grounding is 95% of the benefit of standing barefoot in on the ground)
More about FLFE Everywhere Programs and consciousness bubbles
A reason to have FLFE Everywhere is to keep the body in the high consciousness field so that the physical and emotional/psychological healing can continue and not stop and start as you go on and off a property. We have seen a benefit for people who are in the FLFE field all the time because their bodies are in the high consciousness environment 24/7 and the body has the available energy for physical healing and raising of consciousness of the individual at a faster pace. The health benefits are active within a 9โฒ radius around an FLFE Everywhere object. If others in your household or business would like to also benefit from the service, a Home or Business subscription may be your preference.
The FLFE wave works in three stages. First, the property is cleaned up of any negative energies from the history of the land and building. We have found negatives energies from 1000 years ago that were affecting a property. The second stage is flowing in positive, higher vibrating energies into the property. 99% of properties rise to 555 on the Hawkins Map in 5 seconds. Any level above 500 means that the home feels loving and like a sanctuary.
The third stage is enhancements. We have many programs in this stage for effects such as deeper sleep, more focus and concentration, supporting loving relationships and supporting stagnation in peopleโs energetic systems to be cleared and energy to flow freely and connect to the earth. These cycles happen rapidly and continuously to keep the property clear high vibration. We did some research into homes that were not sold after a year and the average level of consciousness was under 200. Properties in that area do not feel good or like โhomeโ.
- Go to our Services page.
- Buy an extra subscription.
- Go to our Customer Portal
- Login with your email address and password
- Go to โMy Propertiesโ
- Click on the โSubscribeโ button on the right hand side.
- Go to the FLFE website. At the top of the page, click on โCustomer Loginโ. Use the email address and password you used to begin your subscription (in the FLFE Welcome Letter). Donโt worry, we can recover a password if youโve forgotten it. You can use the โForgot my passwordโ button, email us at or call the office at 250-352-9909.
- In the navigation header choose โMy Propertiesโ
- Find the subscription you wish to change from the list (if you have multiple addresses with FLFE applied).
- Click on the โChange Property Address (green checkmark)โ button.
- Enter your new property information and click โOKโ. You will then see a final confirmation screen.
Note: If you are having difficulties with this process, please contact us at 250-352-9909 or by email at
FLFE works quite well with apartment buildings as long as we have a good legal address with an apartment number. In fact, we are finding that many apartment buildings have apartments that are affected by geopathic stress zones in the building. When electrical lines and water lines run up and down buildings, often in elevator shafts, junction boxes and splices can create zones where the energy is disturbed. These create geopathic stress areas that are not good to live in. We can tell where these zones are because the level of consciousness is very low, below 200 on the Hawkins Map. We added new programs into FLFE to take care of this. When we measured the level of consciousness of the apartments after the change, the levels went up to the 560-570 zone that we expect.
In an apartment, nearby neighbors benefit from FLFE as the energy radiates out from the apartment. We have noticed that the FLFE energy particularly moves along common walls.
FLFE Photo Property
No, the Photo Property service does not associate with a particular object in the pictureโฏrather theโฏentire room using the name of the customer on the wall for association.
No, the boundary lines for this service are defined inโฏthe program. All FLFE services do not go beyond legal or historical property lines. The only property, building, and business that will be activated by the service are the ones assigned to the photo you provided.
Yes. The change of the location would require you to send in an email with the new photo to your FLFE customer service person. You can change the location up to twice per month at no cost to you.
Even for business subscriptions, the nameโฏhas toโฏbe the same as the nameโฏon the account (the name that is registered with FLFE).
The name shown in the photo must be the same as the one on the account in your customer portal/the name you used to register.
Yes, the entire property will be included if this is a single-family dwelling on a piece of land that is not shared with anybody else. Everyone on the property including people, animals, and plants will be able to benefit from the FLFE service.
In these situations, where the โcontiguousโ interior space expands and you now have access to that new space, the FLFE service expands as well and includes the new/added space.
The FLFE Photo Property service identifies a property by a photograph of a room or interior space. The area that is โcontiguousโ with the room or area shown in the photo plus some outdoor space (see below) is included in the FLFE environment.
โContiguousโ is defined as the continuous interior area of rooms and spaces (that may or may not have doors) of a โPropertyโ that is accessible to and occupied only by a single tenant (which may be one person or that represents a group of people) or a single owner tenant (which may be one person or that represent a group of people) as well as by those they invite to be in the interior area. Examples of โcontiguousโ space include and are not limited to:
- A single-occupant building that is owned by the occupants. The โcontiguousโ space is the entire interior of the building.
- A single-occupant building that is rented by the occupants where the owners have locked space that is not available to the renters. The โcontiguousโ space is the unlocked areas available to the renters.
- A unit in a multi-occupant building that is rented by a tenant. The โcontiguousโ space is the interior of the unit that can be accessed by the tenant and does not include common space shared with other tenants renting other units. This same example applies to a rented room in a house and to a hotel room.
โPropertyโ is the entire area that is on the FLFE service, including applicable outdoor space. A โpropertyโ is fixed and includes the โcontiguousโ interior space that is a living, working or gathering place for people, including and not limited to a single-occupant building (owned or rented by the occupants) or a sub-divided portion, room, or unit within a larger building. Due to the land clearing and geopathic stress mitigation programs and the resources required for these programs to function properly, the properties cannot be moved frequently (i.e., RVs that are not permanently parked) and cannot be in water (i.e., houseboats).
A โPropertyโ may also have an outdoor space included such as balconies, decks, porches, outdoor rooms with insect screens, terraces, a courtyard, a garden area and/or a yard that is only accessible to the residents of the โPropertyโ or that is land traditionally (oral, cultural and/or historical) used, and/or legally used by the residents and not shared with others.
Here are different situations and the exterior space that is included in the FLFE Service:
- In the situation in which the โcontiguousโ interior space identifies a single occupant building, the building is the โPropertyโ plus any outdoor space included such as balconies, decks, porches, outdoor rooms with insect screens, terraces, courtyard, a garden area and/or a yard that is only accessible to the residents of the โcontiguousโ interior space or that is land traditionally (oral, cultural and/or historical) used, and/or legally used by the residents and not shared with others.
- In the situation in which the โcontiguousโ interior space identifies one unit of a multi-family dwelling or one unit of a multi-business building, the interior โcontiguousโ space is the โPropertyโ plus those outside spaces such as balconies, decks and terraces that are only accessible to the residents of the unit. No common spaces (used by those people who live or work in other units) are included in the โPropertyโ.
- In the situation in which the โcontiguousโ interior space identifies a public place including and not limited to a business, the โPropertyโ includes all the space that any user of the building can reach; for example, in a business, the CEOโs office and the custodial closet that may be locked to some individuals are included.
- In the situation in which the โcontiguousโ interior space identifies a building in which a group of people rent the space jointly and share all the space, then all the โcontiguousโ space is part of the โPropertyโ, even though they may be assigned different bedrooms. The FLFE systemโs intelligence works with the intentions of the occupants to ensure that the FLFE service is active when at least one person is aware and intends for the FLFE service to be active in the entire area shared as part of the joint occupancy. See Point 5 below for those situations when the FLFE service is active only for one of the roommates. The โPropertyโ includes any outdoor space included such as balconies, decks, porches, outdoor rooms with insect screens, terraces, a courtyard, a garden area and/or a yard that is only accessible to the residents of the โcontiguousโ interior space or that is land traditionally (oral, cultural and/or historical) used, and/or legally used by the residents and not shared with others.
- In the situation in which the โcontiguousโ interior space identifies a single room that is rented and the common space such as hallways, kitchen and living room are shared and the renter of the room is only responsible for the room, then the room itself is the only โcontiguousโ space and the entirety of the โPropertyโ. This situation also applies to hotels where a room or suite is rented by the night.
- In the situation in which the โcontiguousโ interior space identifies a building that is on shared land, such as cooperative land ownership, or land owned and controlled by someone else, then the โPropertyโ is defined as the structure identified by the โcontiguousโ space plus any outdoor space included such as balconies, decks, porches, outdoor rooms with insect screens, terraces, courtyard, a garden area and/or a yard that is only accessible to the residents of the โPropertyโ or that is land traditionally (oral, cultural and/or historical) used, and/or legally used by the residents and not shared with others is defined as the โPropertyโ.
Itโsโฏthe same in terms of the programs included; however, the area in the FLFE environment may be different.
The Photo Property subscription allows FLFE Property or FLFE Business service to activate through quantum association via a photo uploaded to the FLFE portal.
Anyone who does not currently have an active FLFE Property Subscription, or anyone who has wanted to try the FLFE Property Service in the past but was unable to access it due to the nature of their property/address in areas or countries that could not be verified.
Simply by snapping a photo of an interior wall of your home or business that shows a piece of paper identifying your name,โฏanyone canโฏactivateโฏthe FLFE Property Service!
Your Photo Property subscription provides you with all the programs and benefits of FLFE Property and FLFE Business. Visit this page to learn more about whatโs included.
FLFE Everywhere
The FLFE Everywhere service operates independently of your phoneโs functionality, meaning if you purchase a new phone and retain the old phone number, the service is now active around the new phone.
The FLFE Everywhere service operates independently of your phoneโs functionality, meaning you can turn off your device or activate airplane mode without losing access to the benefits of FLFE energy. Your service remains active and connected through your unique phone number and country, ensuring that you continue to experience the positive effects of FLFE wherever you go.
FLFE Everywhere activates a 300-foot radius โFLFE bubbleโ of high-conscious energy around your mobile phone. To fully enjoy the benefits of the advanced health programs, itโs recommended that you stay within 9 feet of your phone.
FLFE Everywhere details:
- The phone is at 590 LOC*.
- 580 LOC* within 9 ft of the phone.
- 570 LOC* within 9 ft-15 ft of the phone.
- 555 LOC* within 15 ft-300 ft of the phone.
Two of the Home/Business programs not found in FLFE Everywhere are clearing the property energy and correction of geopathic stress.
1) Clearing the negative history of the property. Every home or business has a history. That history is still present and affecting us, including affecting our mood and thoughts. This program clears it out and keeps clearing it out.
2) Correction of geopathic stress. This stress is caused by things on the land, such as underground streams and earth ley lines or by power lines and water/sewer pipes. This can create a very low-energy negative environment. We have found a way to correct this for the most part. Our kinesiology testing also shows a harmonization of EMF energy from cell phones and Wi-Fi.
The FLFE Everywhere breakthrough is to be able to take the high consciousness (much more energy available) environment with you as well as programs to resolve negative history (karma) between people in the FLFE field surrounding the object. A FLFE Everywhere object can travel at high speed, such as on a highway and even more than 500 mph on a plane. The Everywhere free trial and subscription has the following programs as well as others:
- Raising the level of consciousness of a cellular phone so that according to our testing, it becomes supportive of biological life. โMore about our testing
- 300โ high consciousness bubble
- Support for healing of negative karma between people in the bubble
- Immune System Support
- Antioxidant Support
- GI Tract (gastrointestinal tract or digestive tract) Optimization
- Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder Optimization
- Anti-stagnation (Similar in effects to acupressure)
- Grounding while stationary and at speeds of up to 5 mph. (Grounding is 95% of the benefit of standing barefoot in on the ground)
More about FLFE Everywhere Programs and consciousness bubbles
A reason to have FLFE Everywhere is to keep the body in the high consciousness field so that the physical and emotional/psychological healing can continue and not stop and start as you go on and off a property. We have seen a benefit for people who are in the FLFE field all the time because their bodies are in the high consciousness environment 24/7 and the body has the available energy for physical healing and raising of consciousness of the individual at a faster pace. The health benefits are active within a 9โฒ radius around an FLFE Everywhere object. If others in your household or business would like to also benefit from the service, a Home or Business subscription may be your preference.
FLFE Business
If your business operates from a standalone building on its own lot, the FLFE energy field extends to the legal boundaries of the entire property. In cases where your business is located in a multi-unit building, the service covers only your specific unit or suite, not the entire building. For home-based businesses, the coverage includes your entire residential property up to its legal boundaries. In all scenarios, the FLFE field encompasses both the building structure and the surrounding property, ensuring that your entire business space benefits from the service. This includes any outdoor areas that are part of your business property, such as parking lots or gardens, as long as they fall within your propertyโs legal boundaries.
Yes, it is recommended that you inform your employees when the FLFE field has been activated in your business environment. Notifying them respects their free will and allows them to make informed choices. It is essential for employees to receive instructions about the FLFE field including our hydration guidelines. By keeping your employees informed, you help them understand any changes they may experience. Additionally, awareness of the FLFE field encourages mindful self-care practices, such as staying hydrated. Overall, fostering open communication about the FLFE activation promotes a culture of trust and support within your organization.
Our business subscription is designed to benefit all types of legally registered* businesses, whether you operate a brick-and-mortar store, a physical office, or run entirely online. Key features of the subscription include enhancing awareness, building business resilience, and focusing on supporting your businessโs growth and evolution.
*Businesses must be legally registered to benefit from this subscription.
The business subscription will activate a high-conscious field around one physical location as well as the business โentity.โ
Two of the Home/Business programs not found in FLFE Everywhere are clearing the property energy and correction of geopathic stress.
1) Clearing the negative history of the property. Every home or business has a history. That history is still present and affecting us, including affecting our mood and thoughts. This program clears it out and keeps clearing it out.
2) Correction of geopathic stress. This stress is caused by things on the land, such as underground streams and earth ley lines or by power lines and water/sewer pipes. This can create a very low-energy negative environment. We have found a way to correct this for the most part. Our kinesiology testing also shows a harmonization of EMF energy from cell phones and Wi-Fi.
The FLFE Everywhere breakthrough is to be able to take the high consciousness (much more energy available) environment with you as well as programs to resolve negative history (karma) between people in the FLFE field surrounding the object. A FLFE Everywhere object can travel at high speed, such as on a highway and even more than 500 mph on a plane. The Everywhere free trial and subscription has the following programs as well as others:
- Raising the level of consciousness of a cellular phone so that according to our testing, it becomes supportive of biological life. โMore about our testing
- 300โ high consciousness bubble
- Support for healing of negative karma between people in the bubble
- Immune System Support
- Antioxidant Support
- GI Tract (gastrointestinal tract or digestive tract) Optimization
- Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder Optimization
- Anti-stagnation (Similar in effects to acupressure)
- Grounding while stationary and at speeds of up to 5 mph. (Grounding is 95% of the benefit of standing barefoot in on the ground)
More about FLFE Everywhere Programs and consciousness bubbles
A reason to have FLFE Everywhere is to keep the body in the high consciousness field so that the physical and emotional/psychological healing can continue and not stop and start as you go on and off a property. We have seen a benefit for people who are in the FLFE field all the time because their bodies are in the high consciousness environment 24/7 and the body has the available energy for physical healing and raising of consciousness of the individual at a faster pace. The health benefits are active within a 9โฒ radius around an FLFE Everywhere object. If others in your household or business would like to also benefit from the service, a Home or Business subscription may be your preference.
FLFE Property & Everywhere Lite
The name change is intended to eliminate confusion by better reflecting the level of service provided (i.e., Lite versions) while clarifying that EMF mitigation is included in all services.
There will be no changes to the services or programs included. The only change is in the naming and branding of these services.
FLFE Liteโs EMF mitigation feature harmonizes disruptive electromagnetic fields (EMFs), reducing their harmful effects. This can lead to better sleep, reduced anxiety, and a calmer, more focused mind.
The FLFE Everywhere Lite Youth Subscription is specifically designed for younger users. It provides EMF mitigation and consciousness-raising benefits tailored for youth, promoting well-being and focus in their daily activities. This subscription creates a supportive environment that helps enhance cognitive function, emotional balance, and overall vitality for youth on the go.
FLFE Lite offers the core features of FLFEโs Property and Everywhere subscriptions but at a lower cost. It focuses on core benefits such as EMF mitigation, increased personal energy, enhanced focus, and improved well-being. Advanced features, such as consciousness sliders, consciousness boosts and more, are available in the full service.
FLFE Lite are streamlined services that provide EMF Mitigation and a selection of other benefits, making them helpful, value-oriented additions to your personal subscriptions or as thoughtful gifts for loved ones.
The FLFE high consciousness field, combined with the energy from shungite, helps balance and harmonize the negative effects of EMFs (electromagnetic fields) produced by devices like cell phones, computers, and Wi-Fi.
EMF Protection 5.0
The beta test with 22 individuals showed improvements such as better sleep quality, decreased dizziness, reduced brain fog, less depression, and fewer head sensations. Overall, the severity of all 30 EMF sensitivity symptoms decreased. Explore the full study here.
EMF Mitigation 5.0 offers:
- A 32% greater reduction in the intensity of EMF symptoms compared to EMF Mitigation 4.0.
- An 11% greater reduction in the frequency of EMF symptoms compared to EMF Mitigation 4.0.
- A 22% greater reduction in both intensity and frequency of symptoms when averaged.
EMF Mitigation 5.0 harmonizes EMF frequencies from sources like cellular phones, 5G and Wi-Fi, protecting your energy field and body. Whether or not you use physical Shungite, this upgrade enhances your ability to remain free from negative thought forms and influences.
You can purchase Type 1 and Type 2 Shungite from our verified supplier at
When physical Shungite is present within your auric field, the EMF Mitigation 5.0 program utilizes the characteristics and energetic signature of the Shungite to harmonize EMFs in your environment. When physical Shungite is not present in your auric field, the program still supports a high level of functioning in challenging environments with multiple EMF sources and negative energies.
While using Shungite enhances the effects of the EMF Mitigation 5.0 program, the upgrade still provides significant benefits even without it.
The upgrade is included in your FLFE Subscription. There is no additional cost to you to access this upgrade.
The EMF Mitigation 5.0 Program increases the capacity to mitigate EMF effects by at least 20% when at least 7 grams of genuine Shungite is present within one foot of your aura. This upgrade is designed to provide more relief for those with heightened sensitivity to EMF radiation.
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome, also known as โMicrowave Syndrome,โ is a condition characterized by various symptoms related to nervous system and skin issues, neurological and cognitive dysfunction, and negative effects on the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms typically arise from exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the environment. For more information, refer to our white papers on EMF Mitigation research in the Research/Evidence section of our website.
Your FLFE Experience
The FLFE high consciousness field provides an environment for rapid growth and healing. It is up to you to provide the intention and action towards some goal or result. Our experience and the experience of our customers shows that the results come much more quickly, and stuck or long-term issues are transcended rapidly. We recommend that you pick several things that you want to change that are important to you. Perhaps a habit you want to transcend or a new level of health or relationship. The key is to be clear and have a measurable result, if possible.
You could keep a journal and track your results and use it to remind yourself of the intention and action you are taking towards it. Our Magnetizing Process is something we developed for this purpose and is accessible through the resources section in your customer portal.
- Tuning in to the service
- Sometimes people wonโt notice the difference in how the energy has supported them until they tune in. In the same way that we donโt notice our heart beating until we tune in to it, we may not notice the energy unless we take the time to sense it. Take a moment to see if you have noticed any changes in your sleep, concentration, communication with family members and friends, pets, plants, energy levels, or ability to maintain positive thoughts.
- Hydration
- One of the most significant reasons that customers may not be feeling the energy is that their hydration levels are low. A calculation that can help is to multiply your body weight by 0.8 which will give you the number of ounces to drink per day. Drinking good quality water and adding electrolytes or Himalayan salt can help to improve the bodyโs ability to absorb the water. Through our research, we have found that 80% of people who donโt feel the service are dehydrated.
- High LOC pre-FLFE
- Another reason why some may not notice the energy as much as others is if their level of consciousness is already at a higher level. If your natural baseline is close to the FLFE service, there wonโt be as noticeable a difference as someone who is rising from a lower level. However, having an environment that is of a higher level of consciousness enables your being to optimize resources for further growth and evolution.
- Humans are extraordinary
- Every individual possesses unique gifts that they contribute to the world, some conscious and others they may not be conscious of. Some people with the archetype of the pioneer have the gift of being very self-determined and self-directed. John Wayne would be the archetypal image of a self-directed pioneer. Typically, these people are not sensitive to subtle energies like FLFE, and they would notice it more in their environment such as with family, pets, and plants.
- Rather than comparing individuals, FLFE celebrates each personโs distinctive qualities and supports their relationship with high-consciousness fields in ways that empower their specific gifts. This approach honors both the pioneering spirit and the heightened sensitivity that different individuals bring to our collective experience.
As a reminder, in the FLFE energetic environment, your body also starts to physically repair things that may have been โon holdโ for years or decades due to a lack of energetic resources. It is very helpful to drink more water than normal. Your bodyโs increased metabolic processes and waste removal require more water.
Visit the Resources section in your customer portal to learn more about our hydration guidelines.
These are old emotions that have been stuck in the body and are coming up, wanting to release. Being gentle with our selves, deeply listening to these emotions and allowing them to come up and release can make this process much more graceful and faster. Self-compassion, mindfulness and energy medicine tools can help with this process. Know that this will pass โ you have just accelerated your healing journey!
When an uncomfortable emotion reveals itself, it is a gift within the FLFE environment. Prior to revealing itself, this emotion has been creating unconscious hardship, with exercising self-care and healing tools this emotion can permanently release from our program, raising our consciousness and freeing us from unconscious limitations.
If you feel any discomfort in the FLFE environment, the first thing to check is your hydration level and how much water you are drinking each day. HERE is more information on hydration. In a high consciousness field with more energy available, the body takes on healing projects it may not have had energy to do before. The additional healing projects require more water.
The body may show symptoms of detox as well. Detoxing can look like โsicknessโ, though they are symptoms of healing. A few of our customers experience a liver and gallbladder cleanse. Everyone is different and responds differently.
Visit the Resources section of your customer portal to learn more about our hydration guidelines.
Our customer service team are happy to talk more to you about your situation.
Being in a high-concious field means more energy is available. On average FLFE customers rise 8 points on the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness in 90 days. Each point upwards on the Hawkins Map means 10 times more energy is available. The bodyโs innate intelligence can take in that energy and use it for physical healing and emotional/ psychological healing. FLFE can support the body in healing our immune system, GI tract (gastrointestinal tract or digestive tract), antioxidants, and detoxing of the liver and gallbladder.
The FLFE Programs carry specific health resources in the form of instructions that are available in the FLFE high-consciousness field. Our bodies can entrain or synchronize with these health and other program instructions and can tap into them for even more accelerated healing. Still, the bodyโs innate intelligence does the healing, much like spontaneous remission with the help of greatly enhanced resources. It does take some time for the body to work through the list of what needs healing. Please be patient and give your body a chance to tap into the greatly enhanced available energy and see what happens.
There is sometimes a period of adjustment in the body/mind/spirit when one is in a high consciousness environment like those that FLFE creates. We often use the metaphor of the extra energy from FLFE being like a cheque that we would be able to write to renovate our house. The bodyโs innate intelligence uses the extra energy from the FLFE environment to do the interior โrenovationsโ that it has wanted to do for perhaps years or, in some cases, decades. We did a lot of research on optimal sleep and included that very early on as that is something that we wanted personally. Please contact the FLFE office if you need further assistance.
The FLFE energy is subtle energy, also called chi/qi or prana. The FLFE wave is not a sound wave so you will not hear any sound. You do not need to have the speakers on. The computer does not need to be on. You can leave the computer off or on all the time if you wish. As a trial subscriber and for subscriptions, you can turn the FLFE wave OFF and ON by logging into your customer portal using your email address and password.
While most customers experience uplifting changes when starting FLFE, a small number may go through an adjustment period as their nervous system adapts to higher levels of consciousness. This can manifest as heightened emotional sensitivity or a temporary need for extra rest. These reactions are typically positive signs of your body processing and releasing stagnant energy more efficiently.
To support this process, proper hydration is crucial. Just as a car needs fuel, our bodies rely on water for countless functions, especially in a high-consciousness field. We recommend visiting the hydration page in your customer portal for specific guidelines.
If you experience any adjustment symptoms, ensure youโre well-hydrated, allow for extra rest if needed, and donโt hesitate to reach out to our support team. Remember, these temporary adjustments often signal positive changes happening within, and weโre here to support you every step of the way.
Being in a high consciousness field means more energy, more resources, is available in the area. Each point upwards on the Hawkins Map means 10 times more energy is available. The average person in both FLFE Home and Mobile raises their level of consciousness 8 points in 90 days. Over the previous 3-5 years before they started the service these same customers rose 0.1 point over 90 days.
With FLFE, the typical property goes from 420 to 560 on the Hawkins map, according to our Kinesiology testing. At this time, approximately 5 out of 1000 people in the world are at the average level of consciousness of 540 or higher. As your property climbs to the level of consciousness of 560 and above, your personal level of consciousness may automatically move up. If your average level of consciousness is already in the new and higher range of the property you will be supported to stay in that range. Without that support your level of consciousness (vibration) could fluctuate due to external situations or thought patterns. Visitors, pets and other people living or working on the property may also rise in consciousness.
Service Work and Pay It Forward
The Pay-It-Forward employs the FLFE activated field calibrated at a level of 500 on the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness (the level of love) without the programs FLFE has created to facilitate improvements in health, clearing, anti-stagnation, mental performance and grounding. This allows Pay-It-Forward to be applied anywhere in the world.
Every paid FLFE Flagship ($35/mo.) subscription includes a complimentary (Free!) perpetual Pay-It-Forward (PIF) subscription. The Pay-It-Forward does not apply to the Smarter EMF ($15/mo.) product.
Thoughts are things, so please send us your positive thoughts. You may share FLFE with your friends and loved ones, on our Share page. You can become a customer by subscribing and you can also give the gift of this energy to your friends, but please ask their permission before doing so. If youโd like to gift anonymously, you may gift our Smarter EMF service.
You could also become a Referral Partner. Find more information on our Referral Partner Application.
We have started a large project to raise the level of consciousness in Refugee camps. Our first camp had more than 300,000 people in it and with special programs the camp rose in consciousness more than 30 points (each points means 10x more positive energy available). We are working within a larger project, the Call of the Refugees. It is an invitation for prayers and blessings for the 65 million children, women and men who are living in camps due to war, drought and famine. Each week one camp โ name and location are provided โ is highlighted for us to send our prayers to. FLFE is applied on each camp along with the prayers.
Clayten and Jeff originally developed the technology to raise consciousness in critical areas of the planet and service projects continue to be important to FLFE. Your FLFE subscription allows us to continue this work. The application of the Life-Force Energy in a focused way through the redirection technology and processes is beneficial to the individual, to the property, to the earth and to all of creation in ways we are just beginning to understand. This project is being monetized to fund its expansion for the benefit of all and to fund other projects to benefit humanity.
With each paid subscription, each member receives 1 Pay-It-Forward (PIF) membership. The PIF membership sends a LOC of 500, permanently, to the location designated by the member. Weโve had members use their PIF on schools, churches, hospitals, government and parliament buildings, water treatment facilities, and many other creative locations.
In the past many benevolent intentions and projects have been given to the world without public knowledge. This could be as simple as monks praying for the salvation of all of humanity or anonymous donors giving to a local charity. It is appropriate for this energy at this time to be shared with the public in a way that the public understands the intentions of it, the capacity of it and that they can experience the personal benefits of it. Once this public access project is sufficiently established it will link to similar projects around the world for a synchronistic effect.
Customer Portal
The consciousness slider available with all full flagship FLFE Property subscriptions allows you to customize your experience.
In the same way that beeโs must vibrate their wings at a specific frequency in order to fly, we must also find the level of consciousness that is most supportive for our individual experience. Some customers may thrive at 424 LOC while others prefer to have the slider at 570 LOC.
We recommend tuning in to your experience and adjusting the slider to yours and your families unique needs and experiences on any given day.
Pay-it-Forwards can be applied through your customer portal.
1. Login to your portal
2. Click on Pay it Forward
3. Enter the address where you would like to apply the PIF
4. Click โApply my PIFโ
If there is a previous address in the fields, delete them before proceeding. If you have clicked โApply my PIFโ and the address is still there when the page refreshes, the PIF has been applied and your browser is simply remembering the information.
Our nervous system is not used to being in this high LOC zone. If thatโs someoneโs sole focus in their life such as for a monk where they are focusing on their diet, hydration, spiritual practice daily, one can sustain being in this field. Thatโs how all enlightened beings like Buddha and Jesus could sustain being at 1000 LOC. They grew in such a way that their nervous system evolved and they could remain at that high LOC state naturally. Note that this is their personal LOC, not that of their environment.
For the average human, being in an 850 zone for long periods of time can make it more challenging to ground and do regular everyday things such as making breakfast, going to work or paying the bills. Through our kinesiology testing we have found that for optimal functioning it is more beneficial to be in a lower LOC field, 400-570 for the home and 580 for the phone.
It should also be said that it requires a lot of energy from the machine to produce an 850 LOC field.
Updating your phone number is quick and easy. Simply log in to your customer portal and navigate to the โMy Mobile Phonesโ section. Once there, locate your current number and click the button that says โUpdate Phoneโ. Follow the prompts to enter your new information.
Updating your address is quick and easy. Simply log in to your customer portal and navigate to the โMy FLFE Propertiesโ section. Once there, locate your current address and click the button that says โUpdate Address.โ Follow the prompts to enter your new information, and youโre all set.
FLFE Space is a vibrant private community designed exclusively for FLFE subscribers, where members can connect, share experiences, and ask questions in a supportive environment. This space fosters interaction among like-minded individuals who are passionate about personal growth and the benefits of Focused Life-Force Energy. Within FLFE Space, subscribers can exchange insights, seek advice, and build meaningful relationships, enhancing their journey toward well-being and consciousness elevation.
Daily boosts are powerful surges of life-force energy designed to elevate the level of consciousness in the environment. Whether you need an extra push to tackle a challenging task, a moment of clarity and focus, or a boost to your meditation, the FLFE Consciousness Boost provides extra support for you when you need it most.
The experience of using a boost is unique to each individual. We recommend activating it at different times of the day to see how it resonates best.
When to use the boost:
- Upon waking in the morning
- For a mid-afternoon pick-me-up
- During meditation
- While journaling
- During creative practices
- After a challenging conversation
If youโre experiencing issues logging into your customer portal, clearing your browserโs history, cache, and cookies can often resolve the problem. Over time, previous login attempts and stored data can interfere with new sessions, causing interruptions. By clearing this data, you create a fresh start for your login process, which can help eliminate any lingering errors. After clearing your history and cache, try logging in again to enjoy seamless access to your portal.