The Gift and Blessing of Love and Higher Consciousness Anywhere in the World
Every paid FLFE Flagship ($35/mo.) subscription includes a complimentary (Free!) perpetual Pay-It-Forward (PIF) subscription. The Pay-It-Forward does not apply to the FLFE Lite ($15/mo.) product.
The Pay-It-Forward employs the FLFE activated Field calibrated at a level of 500 on the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness (the level of love) without the programs FLFE has created to facilitate improvements in health, clearing, anti-stagnation, mental performance and grounding. This allows for the Pay-It-Forward to be applied anywhere in the world.
Where do you think the world needs more love?
The purpose of the Pay-It-Forward is to use the creativity and diversity of the FLFE subscriber community to bring the gifts and blessings of love and higher consciousness everywhere in the world:
To schools, hospitals, churches, temples, prisons, police stations, government buildings, the home of a friend or family member–or any other location you can imagine.
How the PIF Works
- Every FLFE customer has a Pay-It-Forward opportunity for each paid subscription.
- You can access this by logging into your account ( and clicking on “Pay It Forward” (also a picture of our logo)
- If you just purchased a subscription your PIF may not have registered yet. It should register at the same time you can view your subscription.
- The PIF is a service at a 500-level (500 is the initial level of love on the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness; normally FLFE home and mobile will bring an environment to the level of spiritual joy/ecstasy, 540-580) without any of the programs on the FLFE standard subscription such as Clearing, Grounding, Anti-stagnation or any of the health programs. No special hydration or notification is needed.
- You can assign a PIF to ANY verifiable address or coordinates, no matter where in the world (just be sure the address is accurate!) Here are the details of where the energy goes:
When using latitude/longitude coordinates, the PIF property is defined as a 1000 meter radius circle with the coordinates as a center point of the circle. - When using a legal address, the PIF property is defined as having a maximum of a 1000 meter radius circle with the center point of the circle defined as the center of the area where the most people gather.
- This is a ONE-TIME, forever gift. Please choose carefully, because once you’ve designated a location, it cannot be changed.
You cannot look up previous “Pay-It-Forward” locations.
The level of consciousness of love, 500 on the Hawkins Scale, is then permeating the location!
And with so much of the planet operating well below the level of love (500), we are confident this has a very positive impact on those it touches… as well as on the world at large.