
Harnessing FLFE for Global Peace: Community Meditation and EMF Mitigation

Q&A Webinar #16

World Meditation

March 12, 2022



Right. Well, let’s get started. Welcome everyone to this FLFE webinar. Today, we are inviting you to join us in a FLFE community meditation, answering your questions about the free service and discussing anything that you’d like to discuss with us. I’m Jeffrey Stegman.


And I’m Clayten Stedmann. As, as we’ve seen, there’s people from all over the world it’s great to see your locations and see some of your names. I appreciate you sharing that with us. We are going to have a few comments and then a meditation


so after the meditation, we’d love to hear about your F fluffy environment to experiences and any questions that you have for us live we’d love to talk to you and during the chat during the entire webinar you could use the chat to talk to each other we clicked and I won’t be monitoring the chat but Maria and Madeline will be on there so they can you know answer any questions you have there but feel free to use that to talk to each other. But the Q&A is where you know the questions clean, and I will see


Let’s review a few things that are important to remember while on the FLFE service to optimize your experience. Just quickly run through these hydrations, half your body weight in pounds and ounces of water and that is on the website under Tools hydration, there’s a lot more information about that. We also talk about consciousness nutrition, which is on our website, under Tools, supplements for consciousness support. And there is the reminder to play with the control panel or practice being a consciousness researcher as we would refer to it in the office, that’s in your control panel, there is a slider where you can turn the level of consciousness of the environment up and down, you can and once the service is on, you can activate and deactivate the EMF mitigation program. And you can also experiment with the boosts.


And we’ve got some great purposes people are using the boost for we’ve heard about families using it during homework time. During sort of difficult conversations. Course, meditations is one of the most common ways that people use to boost and in these, these Podcast, the podcast in this this webinar are also you could say boosted there at 700 on the Hopkins map, but field is activated. For the listeners, it’s more of a localized field of consciousness. So, we’ll get into the, to the meditation shortly I just wanted to mention that you know, we, we, we use the boosts ourselves individually. And it would be great for you to, you know, to share FLFE with others, you can there’s a Share section. And then we can have more people joining us on these meditations when the time comes. And podcast fields of consciousness are available on just about every, every one of the podcast platforms, including audible. So, for those of you that listen to books, fields of consciousness are available on Audible. We also have spiffs, don’t forget to use your pay it forward. Those are in your control panel Clayten mentioned, you can go in there and use your paid forward anywhere in the world. And we currently have a paid forward on the entire country of Ukraine. Just to let you know about that. So, shall we get started with the meditation claim?


Yes, looks like we’re all here and settled in.


So, we invite you to, to join us in this short FLFE community meditation, it will be about five minutes. And we intend to develop a community meditation practice during webinars that we could do on a regular basis. And this is really a more of a casual Quick Start due to the urgency of some of the events in the world right now.


And as you may have experienced there is more power in a high consciousness field to manifest intentions. So, our efforts are multiplied. And we’ve heard from many of you that you also find you can direct the FLFE energy consciously for different beneficial purposes that are personal, important and important to you.


So just this week, we recorded a field of consciousness podcast episode two episodes with Dr. Gary Schwartz, talking about synchronicities. And the first one of those will be released next week on Tuesday. And be great for you to subscribe to the podcast. And what Gary reminded us in this conversation is that consciousness seems to underlie everything. And we talk about it in the podcasts and on the webinars about fields of consciousness, our local fields, the fields around us personally, fields regionally, and the world and really all of creation there’s such an inner sleeving of fields and consciousness. It seems to be underneath everything. And that’s Gary’s one of the scientists that’s exploring that is as well as many others. And what he was brought out is how these extremely improbable multiple synchronicities, appear and they seem to be started by our intentions, by us by our thoughts by our emotions, it was quite an interesting conversation with Gary.


Fascinating man. And he’s graduated from Harvard, then he was Yale was a tenured professor there, then move to the University of Arizona, in consciousness research department. So, he has, probably almost an unparalleled academic background in regard to the relationship between consciousness and part of the scientific process.


And these multiple synchronicities when it gets to be six or more synchronicities, clustered together, he calls them super synchronicity. And what it reminds us of is just the enormous scale that our consciousness can affect or bend reality. It’s like for the synchronicities to happen, you know, all together, and they’re extremely improbable, and calculate out the probability of those all occurring at the same time, it’s just huge, huge numbers. To take that ability to, to change reality or bend reality and, and use the FLFE service and the FLFE community in these meditations to do that. And that’s what we wanted to do together today with you. So, thank you, thank you for joining us.

So, our expertise is in the activation of high consciousness fields. So, we’re going to use that expertise in this meditation. So, if you could just take a moment and settle into your seat or make yourself comfortable and prepare to close your eyes. If you could cue the music, please, Pauline, thank you. So, let’s let us all close our eyes, take a deep breath. The intention that we’re going to focus on here together today, if you wish to join us, we’ll state now. And then in about two and a half minutes, we’ll state it again. Directing the FLFE energy is to raise the level of consciousness of Ukraine and the surrounding areas in such a way that the conflict there resolves itself in an elegant, peaceful and just manner. And it could resolve in a way that that surprises us, and we’re open to the surprise of the universe. Let’s hold that thought.


Invitation is to focus on raising the level of consciousness of Ukraine and the surrounding areas in such a way that it resolves itself in an elegant, peaceful and just manner and that it could resolve itself in ways that are beyond our comprehension, and it may surprise us.


Thank you, Pauline we could stop the music. Anything you’d like to say Clayten there wrap that up.


I loved to go to the happy place with all of you


You can come back to this recording after it’s posted and rejoin the meditation if you like. It’ll be in the webinar section of the website


I probably should have asked people to come back into their bodies. And notice your feet on the floor and pay attention to your breath. Open your eyes when you’re ready. I was watching my timer there and I’d already come out of this face. So, I have a sense of humor that sometimes runs away with me. So, I have to watch that.


So, as we as we move into the Q&A section, and we’d love to hear about your experience in the meditation, your time in the FLFE environment and of course, any questions you have for us. And you can reach raise your hand. So little raise hand button down at the bottom and we have one we have one right now. Shall we bring in Chantel?




You should be unmuted now Chantal.


So, I am wondering why I should be lowering my, my services. Why don’t I want it on all the time?


Another reason for the control panel is to give you full control. And people use the control panel to experiment. One thing that occurs is when you’ve been in the field for some time, you know, weeks to months, it becomes the new normal. And people like to switch it on and off to just confirm the difference. And others find that having control of the level of consciousness of the field, through what we call the consciousness controller, or slider, some people find at night is like there’s different subsets some had the best sleep they’ve ever had, when they come on the FLFE service. And we feel that that’s often because of the EMF mitigation. And some get very charged up and they feel like they need to slide it down at night for a little while during the beginning. So, there’s different reasons to move it up and down. But I keep mine pretty much pegged at the top. But occasionally I will bring it down if I’m in the midst of a big say healing or a lot of personal work. And I feel like I’m a little overtaxed, like, I’m super tired or having trouble keeping up with my hydration. And I might turn it down during those times.


All right. Thank you very much. I really appreciate this. This workshop.


I love your laughing spiral there.


Oh, I do laughter yoga. Oh.


We do that at the office all day long. Wonderful.


There’s something that we’ve seems to be consistent throughout our experience with intuition and connecting and as we developed FLFE, is just such a funny sense of humor on the other side. Laughter seems to be one of the Divine, I don’t know characteristic of high consciousness and divinity.


Yeah, it is. So, healing.


Where are you located?


In Ontario, Canada.


Would you mind telling us the town?


Close to St. Catharine’s. Close to Niagara Falls.


I grew up in Georgetown, Ontario.


Oh, is that right? Oh.


I used to go to St. Catharine’s. To play soccer on the Niagara Peninsula. It’s actually the second largest organic food growing area of Canada.


Oh, is that right? I didn’t know that. It’s a lovely area. Oh, wonderful. I feel more connected.


Thanks. Thanks for joining us and coming on.


And we have Kathy. Shall I bring Kathy on, Clayten? Yeah. Kathy, you’re on with us?


Yes. Okay. You can hear me? Yes, yes. I have a question. Does this work for radiation, like specifically for my son who works in an airport tower? Um, I know he’s stressed, because of what he does, controlling the airplanes. Mm hmm. Is this helpful for him?


With the so the principle we operate from is we have expertise in measuring consciousness. So, the way we frame our EMF mitigation is that it harmonizes any consciousness lowering electromagnetic frequency. And we do that to the principle of adding energetic the energetic signature or the energetic essence of shungite to the environment. Shungite is the only material that we found, Kathy, who will harmonize, which means make positive, the electromagnetic frequencies. So typically, when you’re looking at working with EMFs, you’re deflecting, dissipating, diffusing or blocking. And if you’re deflecting it, it goes maybe on to someone else. And if you’re blocking it, usually it’s just reflected straight back, which is maybe going on somebody else, so we have evidence on our website, through a gas discharge visualization camera experiment, where we, once we turn the FLFE service on, there was less chaos in the environment. And it demonstrates that, and I just don’t know, if we have the type of evidence that we would like to have for you in that situation, working as an air traffic controller is just like a lot of people don’t know what flying in airplanes is very intense EMFs. And some of its, there’s a distinction between radiation, and NDMS that I’m not comfortable sort of going into because I haven’t studied that for a little while. So, you know, it starts to get a bit vague. But I just thought I’d say those things at first, and then maybe pass it to Jeff, he has anything to add.


Kathy what we’ve seen from EMF sensitive so that these are, you could say the canary in the coal mine, those people that are extremely sensitive to EMFs. And we did a study when we first brought EMF mitigation onto the FLFE service. And we had quite a strong response of those people: better sleep, less anxiety, less brain fog, just all around, wellbeing increase. And we’re just started beginning of the month, next month, an EMF mitigation study with sensitives, we recruited people in that area to do a more in depth study of the benefits of the FLFE service for people like your son who are in high EMF environments, or are very sensitive to it. So, the best thing is the free trial, you know, there’s no credit card to try it and see how, how he feels, you know if he’s willing


He’s on it, and he didn’t say no, but he’s pretty contracted and doesn’t want to feel. So, I don’t think he would admit if he felt better.


Yeah, well, you may be able to tell and speaking with them or you know, one thing that tends to happen in a in a high EMF environment is there’s just like bombarding our bodies. I feel it is a tension in my body. So, my shoulders just come up and I feel like an anxiety in my chest. So, it taps your energy, your body is you know, is responding to what it does stimuli. So, you know, what may happen is he may feel like he has more energy at the end of the day, or his thinking is clear. He feels less anxious. Those kinds of things make may occur.


I’ll get back with him and asked him more specifically.


Does he have any plants in the office? Kathy, sometimes people have plants before and after they turn the service on plants are also something to pay attention to. Yeah, just looking for third kind of third party or indications that are beyond his. What he would perceive as conscious control is some people have this gift with plants when they’re around them, they do better. But sometimes you’re just looking in sometimes I don’t know if they have pets in environment, probably not actually knowing that they wouldn’t.


Yeah, no, I doubt plants either. Yeah.


Well, thank you for joining us. Kathy. Are you have you been a subscriber for long are you on the free trial?


Yeah, I’ve had it for a long time. Yeah. I added my daughter and my son. Just because of everything going on in the world.


Yeah, yeah. That’s great. Well, thank you for sharing it.


Thank you very much.


Yep, good time to share the love you can. We got a bunch of hands up here.


Yep. Have you calculated the LLC of the world lately? Clayten? This might be something we could share.


No, I haven’t. We went down to 150. I think I just didn’t want to know after that. Usually, we do it in the mornings. But our morning meetings have been kind of jammed. Usually tested every morning, right? Yeah, we haven’t checked for a while.


Yeah. So, what’s the start of the war and things happening? There was about 150.


I mean, not testing things is like a week. It’s relative.


So, bring Joey on. Hello, Joey.


Hello, Jeffrey Clayten. I want to thank you guys, all the work you have done. I want to share our story. My wife and I are seniors. We live in northern Vermont in a rural area. We live on about five acres of flat land and 20 acres into the mountain. Pretty neat place to be. And we’ve had the service since about 2017. And I love it. I mean, I just love the fact that it’s almost like no news is good news. We feel our house feels good. You guys are talking about plants. I would love to send people some of the pictures of some of these plants that she has. She loves them. She takes care of them. But boy, oh boy, some of them look like something that is out of a magazine. And I just look at it. And I’m amazed, but she just loves them. I have an amazing number of synchronicities in my life every single day. My office is in a front room where I’m sitting at my computer. And we have a TV on in the background for our dog. It’s the same room as our dog. And the show that’s on, we have a create channel, which is the probably the only thing that runs in our house. And I can’t tell you how many times I am working on the computer. And the word that I am reading is exactly what the person on the TV is saying at the exact same time. And I giggle when that happens because it’s amazing. And the other big synchronicity even on this, just this event. There’s a guy on the event, Dennis Lutz, I looked at him I says I know that guy. We have another group of 25 people from the Arlington Institute which we’re in together. And what are the odds of us being on both of these, this call at the same time? I mean, it’s pretty phenomenal. So once again, it’s a giggle thing. I love the service we keep it on all the time I on hardly even monitor it because of it just feels good. Our property feels good. And I want to thank you guys for it. You know we saw this like I said six years ago when Regina Meredith was talking to you guys on Gaia. And I looked at the service and I said you know what, let’s look at this. And I’m glad we did. So, thank you all for all you for all your work, and it’s good to be part of you. Thanks.


Yeah, thank you. Yeah. credit journey. We’re all on together. I think you’ll I think you’ll enjoy the talk with Dr. Gary Schwartz on synchronicities.


Oh, yeah. You get Joe, if you’re listening, you should get his book. Super synchronicities. What’s the rest of the title? Jeff?


It’s really just super synchronicity. It’s got a subheading: “where science and spirit meet”. But yeah, we were talking about the Super synchronicities, which are a cluster of six, you know, or six or more things. And he, his most recent one was around the color yellow. And I think he’s up to 52 synchronicities related to that, and then we had quite a discussion about the spiritual significance of yellow together. And while we were recording that my partner Audrey was buying a yellow table, which we don’t have no yellow table, she’s never bought a yellow table in her life. And here we are, we’re discussing with Gary, the significance of yellow and she’s buying a yellow table. So, it just, it’s you just can’t make these things up. It’s just such a great experience of the complexity of divinity in life and how it all consciousness. It’s just throughout it all.


We’ve got Karen, there.


Bring Karen in.


Can you hear me now? Thanks for calling on me, I appreciate it. Um, two things. And I’ve been just using this for a few months now, both on my phone and at home. And at first, I thought, why wouldn’t I want this to be set as high as possible. And then I would do my boost before going sleep at night, and what I found, and that was the 30 minute one on my condo, I was having some very interesting dreams. And I thought am I connecting with, you know, other parts of my higher self or what’s going on here? And so, then I thought, well, I’m going to experiment and kind of lower it a little bit, because I don’t think I was quite ready yet for such a high consciousness. And so, I lowered it a little bit for about a week. And then the dreams were, you know, still there. But they were, I don’t know, more pleasant dreams may be a little more understandable. So that made a little bit of a difference. I don’t know if that’s normal. That’s what I would expect to happen. What do you think?


Well, I’ll start off. So about 10% of properties, Karan, are at 600 or higher, just because of the quality of the environment already before FLFE went on. I mean, I don’t know of any properties in the world that are at 600, not the entire property unless they’re on the service. But you know, I may be wrong about that. So, your home, for example, might be at 600 to start. And then when you hit the boost, it brings the base of the property up to 650. But your environment, maybe going to 700 or 710, 720. And these extremely high fields, they do invoke a healing experience, because our beingness wants to align with the level of consciousness of the field around it. That’s why it’s difficult for people to go into places that are really low, like old battlefields and old prison tours that people can go on. So, I just thought I’d comment that it could be higher than the slider, because the slider just provides that level or higher. And when you boost, it could go extremely high. And so, things do get brought up for healing. But that’s another reason to have conscious control over your environment as much as you can so that you can enjoy the process of raising your consciousness.


Yeah, I like you know, now that you mentioned it, I think some of these dreams were brought up for things that needed to be healed. So that makes perfectly good sense to me. I just wanted to add one more thing about synchronicities. Someone that I had recently met just before I started this. There are so many synchronicities with this person. I mean, it’s like, we like the same kind of pie. We like the same kind of books, we, I mean, the exact same authors, the exact same TV shows. I mean, we had so much in common, it was phenomenal. I’d never met anyone like that. Would you call that synchronicity? He thinks this is pretty cool. He’s not involved in the metaphysics as I am yet. But he’s interested and he’s curious. And so, he’ll say, “Hey, do you want to do a boost?” You know, so you call those synchronicities to find so many you have so very much in common all of its own.


When Gary talks about synchronicities, they’re events that occur, it’s to two or more that, you know, by chance, like, seeing a yellow car. It’s like, one and 100 cars are yellow. So, if you saw five yellow cars at once, you would have, basically 100 times 100 times 100, 5 times in order to get the probability of that happening. But I could see it happening in with a person like, well, what’s the chance of you all of liking the same exact TV show? You know, maybe there’s a probability of you know, but it probably personality type and things like that would come into that would influence those choices, but it does seem like you could look at those as signs or pointers towards the relationship or some aspect of how you relate to the person.


Yeah, because I have had other types of synchronicities in my life, like you said something that you would not expect to see like something that’s on a license plate right in front of you when it was something you were just thinking about. And yeah, so I guess there is kind of a difference here. But anyway, I really appreciate the service and I plan on continuing it because I think it’s pretty awesome. And I know if I get up in the morning and I start having some more negative thoughts about something you know, in the past or whatever, I do a little like phone boost for like 10 minutes and one of my whole energies just shifts so it’s quite amazing. I really appreciate it thank you guys so much for what you do.


Thank you, Karen.


The other there is this issue Jeff where you meet somebody and you do enjoy the TV same TV show but then you enjoy the same pie and you enjoy the same you know clothing label and there seems to be, I’ve always thought that multiple synchronicities, show me that I’m in alignment with the Divine somehow. And when you meet somebody that you have many synchronicities with. One of the questions that starts to come to mind for me is why did why did the Divine Why did God the universe, the creator, bring us together? You know, what’s the holy assignment, if you will, in the, in the language of the Course in Miracles?


Mm hmm. And it’s, it’s been a powerful question and a lot of conversations we’ve had with people over the years who showed up at FLFE or come into our lives. It’s great to hear from you all.


Were you going to say something there, Jeff? I might have interrupted you.


No, it’s alright. We just brought Gaia; my pronunciation is often challenged. So, forgive me if I’ve mispronounced your name.


And it looks like you’re unmuted, but I can’t hear you.


Okay, we’ll go to Matt. Hello, man.


Hi, guys. I just want to say I’m so thankful. This beautiful service and its confirmed things in my life that I’ve had feelings about but wasn’t really you know, convinced. One of those things is something I’ve been thinking about for a long time, which is possibly changing my first name and I wanted to do that consciously. And so, I wanted your opinions on that whole phenomenon, which certainly there’s a lot of people who do that. And so, two things left to say, I guess my understanding of this would be that we are associated with the signifier, signifier of our name, as I can send in, you know, my phone number to your service and signifier of my phone number is associated with your service. And so, it could be possibly a reset, but also probably a pretty harsh disconnect. And so possibly, maybe I would change my first name, but not change my last name, something like that. I’m wondering your thoughts on that whole thing. Thank you.


Pass that to you, Clayten, you’ve got the most experience of that.


Yeah. Well, when I was a young man traveling around Canada, in a truck and camper, I decided to take a year off from, from a job that I had and do a comparative study of the major religions and philosophies of the world. And during that time, I decided to study a philosophy that I felt had some truth to it that I could prove. Get good at that and use that as a platform to compare other things to. And in that year, I came across an organization that specialized in numerology, Matt. And that focused on the relationship between mathematics language and human mind. And a lot of that involved measuring the influence of a name on a person. And so, I was very active in that organization for 11 years, there was a large scandal, like happens in many religions, and I ended up leaving. So, I’m going to tell you the name of that organization with the caveat that some of the teachings are quite high. I assumed that many of them were high, or that all of them were at least truthful. And that has turned out to not be accurate. And there’s the teachings that were taught and there was the behavior of the leader. So, the organization that I’m aware of that has the best understanding of the relationship between mathematics, language and mind, is the Kabalarian philosophy. That’s K, A, B, A, L, A, R, I, A, N. They’ll give you a free name analysis, if you go onto their website, and you can at a very reasonable cost, they’ll give you a complete analysis of the influence of your first and last name. It is as high it is as high of a level of consciousness of any understanding, I have tested on the relationship between mathematics, language and mind. And some parts of the culture are very high. And be aware that some parts are low, and they have a history of abuse from the previous leader of the organization, and the organization itself, in my experience, did not handle that in a way that was transparent and upfront, as was possible. So that’s a mouthful. And thank you for that over to me, Jeff. But, you know, that kind of relates to my personal life, but I think you’re onto something. And I would agree with you. And I hope you find what you’re looking for.


I think I’ve heard you say, then a name can be a filter for the mind for thoughts like,


Yeah, it is a filter for thoughts. I actually changed my name, Matt back in that that time, and it changed my thoughts. It was a dramatic alteration in the trajectory of my life.


I can feel that even just considering it, to be honest.


Yeah, we’re not saying everybody should do that. Or, I guess I have a slight endorsement for the idea. That help helped me. And, you know, you don’t need to do think it’s true or believe it’s true to participate in the community. But we’re here to share, you know, what has worked for us, and that’s what’s worked for me. And yeah, it’s a very interesting study, Matt.


I’ll definitely take a look at that organization. And thank you for that. I’m definitely going to check out the numerology of like the name I have and then what I wanted to go for, hadn’t considered that so you know, a lot of ideas and very grounding here, I appreciate you guys


You can look around there’s different systems that address the relationship between mathematics language in mind that have different interpretations of what would be helpful in in terms of if you want to alter your name and it’s a loaded subject.


Yeah, just a lot of gratitude for your service really? Yeah, especially with the phone, my goodness I feel the difference.


Hmm That’s great. Yeah, and Matt as far as the FLFE service goes changing your name you know, check in with the customer service rep that you work with. But we’re environmental so you know, the field of consciousnesses around the phone or on the property so we won’t affect you know, the way the service is delivered won’t be affected by your name changing.


Got a picture of Hahnemann on your Zoom?


Oh, yes, it is. Yes. Good all around us. You really love that whole kick. I sing the Chalisa every day. I find that to be wonderful. The Hanuman Chalisa. Yeah, I can recommend a practice.


Yeah, that’s a that’s a challenge to memorize. Have you memorized it?


Yeah, you know, I memorized it when I was in a really dark place. So, I just like, had the will to do that. And not do much else in the dark place. Kind of focus my mind in on it. And I came away with the Chalisa memorized. Because you’re not wrong.


Yeah, that’s, that’s wonderful. Thanks for sharing the image. Clayten, it sounds like in the chat that they needed a spelling of kabalarian once more


Kabalarian: K A B A L A R I Am N. Hope I got that right. If you search that there, Aditi just put it in the in the chat.


Thanks, Aditi


Proceed with joy and caution.


Sonia, would you like to talk to us? We’re unmuting you.


Oh, can you hear me? Very good. Hi, guys. Thanks for having me back. Clayten, and Jeffrey, and I did want to thank you for the meditation, it was very beautiful. I absolutely felt it and could feel and generate that energy within myself that love and feel that image going to Ukraine surrounding areas around the world, your voices, or you have a gift with your voice. So, I very much enjoy the meditations. Thank you. I just wanted to add a couple of things. Oh, Clayten, I think I’ve cleared my karmic entanglements that interfere with my muscle testing. But you did knock on a very big one. And I wanted to thank you very much for that. I just take it as a very good free piece of advice, and I was able to meditate on it. Bring my numbers back in line. The way my guides advise me is I don’t need to measure, calibrate anything, you brought it home when you said it needed to be triangulated with others, that if I’m going to use my muscle testing, to limit it to myself, and to the yeses and noes. So, I wanted to thank you for what you helped me with the last time if you remember. As far as the synchronicities I’m very excited to hear about that, because it was synchronicities that got me to you. Mine began with some something occurred in April, May of 2020 that I’m still trying to identify. But I came out of that having a whole lot of synchronicities and I kept hearing two words repeatedly. And that was shungoo and shungite. And I tried to find shungoo nothing would come up. I didn’t think look up shungite, I just didn’t look up because it I couldn’t find shungoo so shungite must not mean anything, which was the way that my mind would play with me back then. But I am an experience and then it did finally come through in a year when I stumbled across your website. And that’s, that’s what brought me to you guys. And I have not been disappointed ever since. So, I just wanted to add one more thing to that. And that’s on the EMF mitigation: I’m highly sensitive to it, for some reason, seem to have become more sensitive, since 2020, like, obviously sensitive, so it serves me quite a bit, I have it on my property, because I want it to benefit my animals and, and the land and everything. But I have noticed, well, it started in 2020. So, there wasn’t really a huge significant increase when they said that they were switching over to 5G. But for me, I would always have those kinds of things. But I had some sort of thing happened when I went to an event. And I don’t know if other sensitive people have reported adverse reactions. If that’s one of the reasons maybe that that are motivations that people come or if it’s primarily just to help raise the vibration, but I am very much here for that EMF mitigation, because it does seem to protect me. Okay, now, I said all those words, and I can let you go. And it was fine. If it’s taken too much time, because I know you have lots of good people to help here.


It’s, it’s great to talk to you. Yeah, it’s great to have you back on with us. And yeah, thanks for circling back about the, you know, the Kinesiology testing.


Yes, yes. It was great help. And yes, I do I do have a routine. I do every morning. I do PACE every morning without ceasing. But I do continually meditate also. And yes, to relate to an earlier an earlier client who had talked about experiences and synchronicities when you start seeing those synchronicities, meditate on them, and the messages will come through more and more. And I agree that something is very much shifting in all of our environments and being able to group up like this helps in ways because we have to do it long distance in so many ways. But I think we are healing, and I think we’re moving in the right direction, no matter how long it’s going to take. So, thank you guys very, very, very much. And thank you everyone that’s here and puts their energy into the highest good, thank you.


It’s one of the things Gary says about synchronicities is that just what you said, Sonia, which going inside and taking the time to meditate on the possible meanings, meaning or meanings, you know, he could be deeper levels of meanings, but reflection time seems to be really important.


Knowing that something doesn’t have one answer, a cause doesn’t have one effect. It has a gazillion effects. And that every thought and action, it feeds into that collective. And so, if I can put more good ones in there, the better I’m feeding and I’m responsible for what I feed into it and along with that, I do need to experiment more right now. It’s working great it’s working great at the level that I have it at and I’m just very happy with the service. So, thank you


Yeah, the Kinesiology is a fascinating topic. And we all have to find our way to make peace with the potential that we of course, all are connected to the Divine. We’re a part of the Divine. And for some people, kinesiology works, it doesn’t work for everybody. But for those who do, it can be very helpful. And I believe that we all have gifts, and we just have to find our way of accessing truths. So, it may not be kinesiology may be something else. Have you ever heard of the process called PACE, Sonia?


Yes, I do that in the morning. I just went on YouTube. It was the only one that was in there, that’s the one that I was taught originally where you kind of cross your legs and then put them under you and the tongue. That’s what my practitioner would have me do because I would be off balance. And she called it blowing my spark plugs all the time. I had to just completely be doused in water. She was the one that always said, you’re very, very sensitive. And I’m today I can go “Duh”, but back then I was just, you know, a shell of what I am now. And so, I’m just on my journey. And fortunately, I feel I feel I’m being guided in the right direction. And, but I have to keep the focus on my inner self, and not try to, for me, not try to go out and heal other people. At this point. It’s like, it was like I was on a practitioner path. And at that was stopped it was stopped by because of the pandemic, but it had also stopped me because of physical things that were happening. Muscle testing, my guides were both just say, “No, it’s not for you”, you have to work on what’s going on inside of you. You haven’t healed yourself yet. So, it’s just very personal journey I’m on and I just kind of try to keep it I guess selfish like that. Yeah, it’s not easy, though.


But as you said, the work we do, thoughts we think, are all contributing to the larger field of the planet and humanity and all of creation.


Yes, yes. I appreciate that. You guys dedicate your time to teaching to teaching us learners.


We’re all students, Sonia. Thank you for your honesty, and your willingness to keep going. A lot of us think we should be practitioners when we develop competence in this field after decades of working in it and that’s not always the path. Sometimes the more Integris path is to ask God what your will is for us and follow that. You know? And for some of us, it’s being a practitioner, for others, you just may be a gardener, and not just a gardener, gardeners bring beauty to the world. So, it does take a long time to where the edges of the ego are down to think that we have to be a practitioner, or we have to be a public figure. Or we have to be anything really to be somebody and contribute you know, it’s just that can take a while to get over.


Yeah, thank you for coming on with us. Kiran? If you’d like to join us, could pronounce your name for us. That’d be great.


It’s Kiran, can you hear me?




All right. So, thank you. This was a really great meditation. And I agree about both of you having a gift I definitely have like the smile planted on my face every time I attend one of your webinars. But it’s funny that we’re talking about synchronicities because I’ve raised my hand like maybe three or four times and every time I have you guys have answered the question. But I do still have a question about this. You actually have two questions. The first one is, what exactly does synchronicity indicate because I am an intuitive, I’ve been intuitive my whole life and I have experienced synchronicities my entire life. I felt like it’s always just been my guideposts. I feel like it’s just my way of listening to God’s messages for me. However, what I’ve noticed is it doesn’t matter what level of consciousness I’m in, I can be in a state of depression I can be in a state of elation, pure happiness, pure acceptance, it doesn’t matter. I still always experience synchronicities to a point that they don’t really do anything for me anymore. It’s just kind of like “Alright, there it is”. So, I’ve always wanted to know, what is this actually indicating? Is this me tuning into something intuitively? Or is this a message that like I’m on the right path? Or if you have any thoughts about that?


We have 1000 out of 1000 statements, we love crafting those. Relating to synchronicities, synchronicities are a language of the Divine. There’s probably many different 1000 out of 1000 statements, so synchronicities could be one way that we connect to the Greater One Mind, Great Spirit, reality, Divinity. As an intuitive that’s maybe another language as well. So, it’s really interesting what you said about being able to see the synchronicities, whatever state you’re in. The intuitive is a gift. Sometimes it takes getting into a particular state to do that. And maybe it’s more difficult for some people to get into that intuitive zone than it is to just look around them and see a synchronicity. So now I’m just kind of ruminating, Clayten on the idea. There are different languages of connection, and synchronicities being one, and maybe perhaps an accessible one, if you’re watching for them.


Just as you were talking to the lady before, we believe everyone is connected to the Divine, and that everybody has at least one or perhaps more and sometimes many gifts. So, my interpretation of that for you, that’s my belief, I’ll state that as my personal belief, I also happen to believe it’s true. And I’ll just claim it as a belief. My assumption about you, Kiran, is that you are, you are wired to notice synchronicities, which is part of your innate gift that you perhaps came in with, or that was bestowed upon you at some point in your life. So that would be something to think about. And for a lot of people, their relationship with synchronicities, at least when they really start to notice them from my experience, is that they use it as an indication of the direction that the Divine wants them to take in their life. So, one of the ways to go through life is to just have goals and set objectives and follow reasonable outcomes. And another way is to ask, you know, what is your will for me, God, and look for the signs that the Divine is pointing in a direction. So, it looks like the Divine is pointing all the time for you. So, I would assume that through synchronicities, which might be your main gift. That you would use that connection to focus on asking more direct questions about how the Divine wants to guide you. So, when I’m asking for help, and I don’t do this as much as I used to, because I’m so much into kinesiology these days, but I would ask for signs. It’s like, okay, “God, give me a sign|. I’m saying I’ve got to A and B decision here to make, “what should I do?”. I asked for a certain type of sign. I asked for it to be repeated, I asked for you to help me interpret it, and make it so clear that I can absolutely not miss the sign and the message please. Pretty please. So that’s the way I kind of ask. So, this is just making any sense?


Yes, it’s definitely resonating. And that’s kind of what I’m doing. I just don’t know if it was advisable. This is kind of leaping into the next part of my question. So, have either of you heard of this man? I believe he was a pastor. His name’s Neville Goddard? No? Okay. So, his basic message, I haven’t read all of his books, but I’ve just seen like little tidbits here and there. And the message that I’m getting or receiving from that is that everybody’s experiencing consciousness through their own self, which I understand. But he adds that there is no consciousness outside of you, right? Because we’re a shared consciousness, and you’re just a manifestation of that. So, what you’re experiencing regularly is just a mirror of what level of consciousness you’re currently in, which again, I understand. But then he also says that you can drastically and instantly change outcomes of things in your life, just through unwavering belief. But in my experience, I find it more beneficial for me, instead of just holding firm into a belief about anything, I find it more beneficial for me to just let go of wanting that desired outcome entirely. Because there’s something about sovereignty and freewill that comes up for me, so I’m just not really tuning into the aspect of there’s a level of a mirror. But when you’re looking at circumstances like Ukraine, right? I may be tuning into a frequency of the situation in Ukraine, and I can of course, increase my level of consciousness and channel lighter and channel more love towards that. However, people are still experiencing that suffering. Or something as simple as having a difficult boss or a difficult coworker: they’re coming at me with a very bad attitude about something, they still have their sovereignty and their free will to show up in the world in any way that they want. So, by me, just really holding firm that they are, you know, going to be the most loving and beautiful person to me when I go to work the next day or something, this is totally hypothetical. It feels like I’m kind of inflicting something upon their own freewill. So, I just wanted to know what your thoughts were about that.


Do you want to start, Jeff?


Sure. Yeah, that’s really interesting. Thank you, for sharing that and asking that. What comes to mind for me, and I’m appreciating how deeply you’re in this and examining these ideas of freewill, and the part that it plays. So, for me, we have these relationships with each other. And so, we have these other aspects of consciousness that we’re interacting with. I believe in multiple fields of consciousness and multiple expressions happening, that may be connected, and they may be unique in their own way. But that part that someone’s playing in my own development, there’s a trigger, perhaps a button that gets pushed by someone in the way they’re acting. That is a reflection of something in me that I can discover and heal, integrate, clear. And I often find that, that when I when I do that work on myself, then the behavior of the other person changes, but it may not. So, there does seem to be that very complex interaction of, of our inner evolutionary path with each other. And how we assist each other. And whether it’s multi lifetime also seems to be a piece of that. What about you, Clayten, do you have more to add to that?


I asked God how to answer this question. And I’m not sure that this is going to make sense, but I’ll just tell you what I’m getting. So, there’s lots of tools out there and lots of ways to go about life and use the tools and the perspective that gives you peace. Now, the second thing is that when we get triggered by somebody, an empowering way to deal with that is to reflect on what there is to learn. Because typically, the trigger is an unresolved theme in our life, the individual often represents an archetype, and sometimes that person is just being rude or to the point or being very negative, it can even get worse than that. And there is a theme in the spiritual community, where your kind of a self-reflective victim to people who go way over the line. And I just think it needs to be said here that we have the right to protect ourselves. And it’s one thing to be reflective and look for the lesson. And it’s probably best to remain calm all the time. I don’t know. That’s probably up to you, I think to you know, some situations are just brutal. And as lovely as humans can be to each other we can also be I don’t know if “evil” is the right word for it, but you can put whatever language you want on it. You do have the right to protect yourself and not allow anybody’s behavior to cross a line that is not legal, in many cases, not even humane. So, this is an interesting subject. It’s like you brought up a couple of questions, Kiran and sometimes, you know, there’s layers of truth to this and I’m appreciating the conversation and I’d probably have to go a little bit deeper for me to feel like I could offer any more value today and then maybe if you gave a situation that’s real without naming names or circumstances that might help us go a bit deeper?


You actually did just give me what I was looking for, which is every situation just kind of, it’s what feels peaceful and feels right in the moment. Because, as somebody, I’m sure there’s several people on this call right now who are intuitive. But if you’re looking at things through that lens, it’s very easy for you to understand what someone’s going through, right? Some people refer to us being empathetic or an empath or something. But when you understand that and experience it, it’s very easy for you to see it through a spiritual lens and not really see it through “Well what do I need to do? And how do I need to handle this?” lens. So going back to what I was saying, in the very beginning, I think that’s why I do have that intuitive ability, because there’s never going to be like a linear answer. It’s just always going to be you have to tune in in that moment, and just do what you feel is for the highest good in that moment. And that’s kind of where I just wanted some clarity about that. And I do feel pretty good about that. I think I just keep coming back to the same place over and over again. The answer’s not ever going to come outside of you. It’s going to come from tuning into your own heart and your own intuition, right.


It’s a lifetime’s worth of work. It’s easy to say, do what gives you peace in the moment. But who can maintain peace at every moment? Not many people.


Yeah, but I really appreciate that. Thank you so much for talking to me about that.


I hope that helped you. God bless you, Kiran.


Thank you for coming on. Yeah, thank you so much. And it was very interesting.


It’s almost like I need to digest that. She’s a very deep, deep thinker. These answers, you know, philosophically, you can give an answer. But it’s like, making your state the number one priority in your life. Now, that’s not easy even to remember that, then you got to learn the techniques to do it, then you got to practice. And then you got all these situations where you get tested and tested and tested. Oh, man, it’s, you know, it’s a fire purification.


I recall, you watch some video some months ago about being responsible for happiness. What was that exactly? It was being responsible for your own happiness. It’s a responsibility to all of creation or to everyone.


Yeah, this guy. He was talking about the responsibility to be happy. And he gave this metaphor. And he said, “If you don’t think being rich, being happy is a responsibility, ask the child of any parent who was moody and bad tempered. Ask them if being happy is a responsibility.”. I think he framed it in the parent child context, but I just took it as a general principle. And it was like a shocker, man. That was like a shock. I thought about it that way before. Yeah, fascinating, huh?


Yeah, it’s something we they’re talking about in the FLFE business you know, responsibility for mood, maintaining state, a loving state. They’re interacting with everyone in the business and customers and everyone. So, it’s becoming part of the job description now. Right, isn’t it?


Yeah, we were making our key performance indicators for different roles in the company. And for the supervisory roles. I don’t know if it was the first one but was pretty close to the top. And these are evolving. We’re just starting to find ways to measure the value that people created a business in a way that they can easily communicate and maintaining your state is one of the most important things in the job and I mean, I learned that from you with your other companies. I mean, that’s something you’ve done really well it’s almost like unconscious competence you’re pretty levelheaded, Jeff. At least you’re not moody anyway, you know?


And then it’s then it’s the Loving state, right? That’s even the next step up of being, being in a loving state towards yourself. And just think about last night I drove back 45 minutes and I realized I forgot my computer and I go back this morning. And I had had a hard time maintaining loving state from for myself some period of time until I caught myself.


That’s a great opportunity to do some self-flagellating.


That’s what I was trying to avoid. Yeah, that’s right.


I used to always enjoy the stories you used to tell me about the conversations with your brother when something happened in the business. And it’s like, yes. I had heard a lot of businesspeople talk that way.


Yeah, it’s a procedural structural problem. It’s not a person. People want to create meaning and purpose and contribute. And something gets in the way of that, it’s almost always something in the way things are designed that holds them back.


So, what I hear you’re saying is, you’re a bit of a consciousness engineer.


I’ve certainly been doing that. This Spiritual Path and what can you how can you design it, whatever you do in your free life, to get those barriers out of the way, towards maintaining that loving state and being productive, creative and productive. I’m sleeping, that computer is 45 minutes away. It’s alright I need a checklist, what’s where? Where’s the process to? To help keep that from happening. But we’ll segue into business there. We have Gaia. Can you hear me now?


I just wanted to address just quickly, some thoughts about Karen’s conversation. In in Buddhism, I, Buddhists believe that everything in life has two possible choices, you can either respond well, or you can respond poorly, you can come from a good place or a bad place. So, if, for instance, even anger can come from a good place, such as righteous anger, like we have righteous anger, about what’s happening in the war against Ukraine, or we can have bad anger, the anger that just shouldn’t happen at all, probably, we could describe that as Putin’s anger. So, in addition to that, we create karma all the time. It’s not karma. It’s not just about “Oh, it’s my karma, I have to trudge through this”. Karma is created every day. So, what you encounter every day may be something new. And so, you’re either in reaction to it, or you’re in resonance with it. So, the challenge is not to be in reaction to anything. The challenge is to step back and observe the landscape around you, so to speak, whether it’s emotional or whatever, and then choose whether or not you want to be in resonance with it and engage with it. When you are in your head it’s so easy to just come from a place of arrogance and willpower. And willpower is always competitive. So, when you get out of your head and get centered and come from your heart and come from the emanation of your soul through your body, then you will be in resonance with the right response of what to do or the right border to put up. To defend yourself, as Clayten was saying, we have that obligation to ourselves. It’s not just like we can pick and choose, as sensitives, we must protect ourselves. And we must recognize those circumstances those red flags, where we don’t know where someone’s coming from, or we question their agenda. So, if you don’t know where someone’s coming from, and you question your agenda, just step back and let things play out for a while. You can always choose to step back, and recommit to the outcome you want, within yourself, which may not be in the circumstance that you’re in. If you’re walking down the street, and you see a bunch of thugs, walking towards you on your side of the street, you don’t have to purify yourself so that you can go through them, you can choose to commit to a different outcome and move to the other side of the street, because you feel something that doesn’t feel right. So, you know, that’s a small thing, but it shows up in every way in your life. So, what you do in a small thing shows up in a large thing. When you focus on the small things, when you’re coming from your head, you’re in competition, but when you’re coming from your heart, you’re coming from creation. So, it’s always better to be coming from resonating and creating and when those are not possible, then protection. But the thing that I was curious about with the synchronicity’s discussion, was what happens during a super synchronicity? Are we able to use the fluffy boost? To enhance a meditation in order to resonate more strongly with super synchronicities. What is the usefulness of the super synchronicities? And can we use the boost to empower that?


I would go back to what Clayten was saying about asking the universe for information or asking for a sign or some major question that you want to get information about. Using a boost during the meditation could help to raise your level of consciousness during that time, so that your request has more power. So what people are finding is that, as they rise in consciousness, as they spend time in their fluffy environment, since synchronicity is sort of a manifestation, that their manifestations become more powerful, that the things in their life that they wish to occur, then begin occurring. That synchronicity is like a request for information so in a higher consciousness state, which may have more power and may create, not saying that it does, we don’t have a lot of evidence about this, more synchronicities to occur. You have to be sort of able to see them and take notes and there’s tools for noticing synchronicities. And then, as we’ve talked about, going inside and what does that mean to me and what’s the multiple meanings for me in that passage to clean?


I don’t think I have much more to add to that Jeff. Synchronicities indicate that we are in alignment. Super synchronicities would, for me, indicate greater alignment and the importance of that as a lesson for me. It might be more than just an answer to a question, it might be an answer to a theme in my life if it’s a super synchronistic event.


And in the conversation about yellow for example, we got into sort of the spiritual or metaphysical meanings of yellow. And what is lifeforce energy look like, you know, what’s the color of it? What’s the FLFE field look like? What is you know, the life force of plants as its emanated looks like it’s all that kind of yellow gold color? I don’t want to speak for Gary, but there was some meaning in there, that it keeps coming in for him to be to explore. What does that mean for him personally in his work and his relationships with Divinity and other people around him?


For me lately, I’ve been considering synchronicities as nudges from the other side as signs and symbols and totems. Just as communications, little postcard messages, that you’re on the right path, keep going. Or you’re on the wrong path, get over yourself and stop it, kind of thing.

And also, the Sufis, in that religion they believe that consciousness communication is simultaneous, which science has now proven. But for centuries they’ve said, “Well, when you think of somebody and they say, “Oh, I was just thinking of you” well you are both thinking of each other at exactly the same time”. And so sometimes I get these little pings from people that I really don’t want to connect with or speak with. So, I just kind of either mentally, emotionally or even verbally say no, or shout, no, and then the connection is broken, and it stops. So, we have that kind of ability to connect our consciousness with not just one person, but many people. Especially when we join together with a group like this, and all meditate at the same time on the same thing is incredibly potent.


Yeah, and in the podcast, we talk a lot about this activation of a field that we believe, when you think of someone, someone’s activated field. They’ve thought of you, and they’ve activated field around you. And it’s that quantum connection, which is really how I feel if he works. On the podcast we had a biohacking series. And the third one was about protecting yourself, the various techniques for that to protect yourself from thought fields, thought forms and consciousness fields that are around us that maybe come from individuals or from the society at large. Well, yeah, thank you for coming on with us. Gotcha.


Thank you. Take care.


Maria’s it’s top there. Would you like to join us?


Oh, me? Can you hear me?


Yes, we can. Great. Oh, it’s Marta. Sorry. I don’t have my glasses.


Actually, it’s Marta and Maria. So, you were right. Yeah, talk about intuition. I found this conversation very, very interesting. And I feel an inner resonance and I feel deeply touched by the questions and the depth of the conversation.

What came up for me was, when we send prayers to the Ukraine, I thought what else can I do in my personal life, to help if I’m not able to fight on the ground? Or if I don’t want to? And I would like to know what you think about the concept of resolving inner conflicts within to contribute to world peace. That would be my question.


In the back of Power vs Force, that’s a book by Dr. David Hawkins, there is a chart called a consciousness compensation chart, Marta. And depending on the level of consciousness in the world, one positive person, say 500 level of consciousness can contribute for hundreds of 1000s of people below 200, on the Hawkins map of consciousness. So, resolving inner conflict helps us raise our consciousness, and raising our consciousness compensates for negativity. And war is, well, it’s resolving up karma. I think a lot of wars are really about collective karma, not just individual karma. And of course, karma is this morning and yesterday and other incarnations, if you if you believe that. So, one of the most powerful things that we can do to help resolve the situation in Ukraine, or any other negative situation on the planet is to be a person who resolves inner conflicts and is on the journey to continually raising their consciousness. Right, that’s what I believe.


That’s what I believe too, and I am so glad that you resonate with that. I also believe that we, as human beings are fragments of the universe. And if we can unite the different aspects within ourselves in a way that they harmonize, there is a lot of contribution, that’s what I think. And that’s why I’m using the service also. So that I can send out more harmonized energies into the space, and a higher level of consciousness, that’s how I’m trying to live my life. And that’s why I’m appreciating this type of conversation. So, I’m very, very, very grateful to all of you, thank you very much.


Thank you, thank you, Marta. And everyone in the community here, these kinds of conversations, they feed me personally and it is good for us all to be together and to share this journey. It’s quite a journey of evolution together.


So being a happy, loving, joyous person is a very happy, very powerful way to contribute to the greater good of the world and individual situations like Ukraine. It doesn’t mean we couldn’t do other things, or that we shouldn’t do, that’s really between you and your own conscious, I think and the Divine. We always try to go back to God. It’s like, what is your will for me in this situation, God? If I have financial resources, you know, do you want me to share them? Are there other ways that I could participate in helping heal the situation? As a default I like your position, Marta. That’s one thing that I can do that I have the most control over, is my state. That’s what I assume I have most control over. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do other things. And doing other things with hate or malcontent? I think ameliorates the positive benefit of those other things, if you give money, for example, in anger, and you hate somebody and you want this to end, then you’re also sowing a seed. And that seed is going to bear fruit in your own life


yeah, thank you for coming on with us. Is there anything else you’d like to say?


I’m just sitting here. Very, very peaceful, enjoying the energy that I am feeling. And I felt the collective energy of the group when we did the meditation. It was very powerful. It almost moved me, my body physically. So, I can feel the power of us coming together today. And while you were talking, Clayten, I went into a totally different space. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.


She’s a gentle soul.


So, Karen has her hand raised as well. Then we have some people on the phone it looks like well, they don’t have their hands raised. So, Karen’s our last hand. It’s nice to be able to get through everyone.


Can you hear me? Oh, great. Just wanted to say that meditation to the Ukraine was very powerful. I had a Gmail about this little Ukrainian lady that was being arrested for protesting and she had her two little signs out. And she’s like four feet tall. And these two big burly guys are arresting her, and I felt so sorry for her. And I’m really glad you had that meditation for the Ukraine, it was very moving. Also, talk about the fluffy effect on water, I have very hard water in my area. And I feel like now I have soft water. And it’s good, it changed the water. So, it’s great. And also, I have the fluffy service because I think I need all the help I can get. So, I keep it on the high setting all the time. I’m really impressed by the clientele that you have. They’re highly sensitive, and they want to be protected like I do. Because this world right now is so crazy. And in the sensitive people are really having a rough time. I did the numerology on my name, and it turns out to be an eight, which means responsibility. And I thought, “oh, my gosh, I got a lot of responsibility”. And what we are, is responsible for our own spiritual growth because no one else can do it. No sect or religion, you have to do it yourself. Plus, fluffy, it really helps me, I’m really appreciative for it.


Have you seen the Emoto study we did, Karen, on the website? Where you took a picture of the water for FLFE water that was frozen.


I haven’t seen your study, but I have the book. And the book shows that when you pray on water, it changes the physical structure of the water from pollution to a beautiful snowflake, when they freeze the water, it’s been prayed over. It’s great because if you put the word “love” on your bottle of water, you’re changing your water. And then you drink it and it’s great.


And in the evidence page, there’s a study that we did with Emoto, where we shipped water to Japan, with the FLFE field on the water. So that’s there on the site. And we’re actually moving towards other research on water with our research team, so it’s on the list. We had a plant study, couple of several plants’ studies, one with a farm. And we saw a big increase in yield in the farm per acre, on average 27% more crops were yielded in the harvest within the FLFE environment. So that was really interesting to see. So, water may have an effect on the plants as well.


Yes, I grow giant zucchinis and tomatoes. It’s really great on the garden. So, I highly recommend it.


We do have people sending us pictures of their giant vegetables, which is kind of funny, but we get the odd picture.


Well, thank you Karen, thanks for coming on and talk to us


I appreciate you being a subscriber, Karen. Thank you.


So, Lou, would you like to come on with us?


I’m just stunned ever since that discussion about synchronicity, and I think I wrote in the column that where I am now, it was a hideous accident and it’s been a hell of a seven years. I’m amazed I’m still alive. But so much information came out of the questions that other people were asking and your responses. I am absolutely drowning in downloads of information, stuff that I’ve been waiting to hear about. I don’t know what to tell you other than that just want to toss in that. Part of that seven years was another hideous accident, involvement with somebody was I was friends with for 50 years. His girlfriend left him, he was very weepy, turned out to be a covert narcissist, couldn’t be alone. I’m a sloppy empath, so I was I was nailed. And that seemed to bring up recurring situations. So, I think these seven years, this just has kind of been “Shut up, mind your own business, you’re not going to be a healer until you heal yourself.”. Oh, my God. It’s been great and it’s a huge burden at the same time. Oh, my God. Because all my life, I wanted to be a healer and all my life, I never got to my own business. So, there you go. I love you guys. I love what happens when we’re all in a group, that meditation was phenomenal. I’ve joined various groups over the years that are healing groups or idea groups or whatever, but you guys’ kind of reign. You’re the ones for me. The energy when we’re all together is just stunning. Stunning.


It’s quite a community and you’re the ones for us where we’re all together in this.


We spent our meditation on Ukraine. The Russian people, I’ve known a number in my life, some of whom escaped from Russia at other bad times. The Russian peoples are just wonderful. Just wonderful. And it’s amazing. They have survived under autocracy. When you’re talking about a peaceful resolution to this whole situation, including magic, I flashback, I almost have empathy for Putin because of how sick he is. And now I know what to do about that. You know, you don’t hate them, you don’t feel sorry for them. You just send them their own energy to heal themselves. And I don’t know that narcissists can be healed, but that’s not my job. Deciding that answer, what do you say about that?


And work on ourselves?


I’ve always been a mad people person. And I’ve never been anywhere near as isolated as I’ve been here for the last seven years. And now I know why. Also, somebody that I decided to make friends with, these farmers, they were Trumpers and very heavy into the Bible, neither of which I can tolerate. But we didn’t discuss that. And we grew a massive garden. Two years in a row probably fed 15 families. And at the end of that, I guess, I choked it down when Trump was president. And when he didn’t win, they were not able to choke down their anger, and removed me from their lives. And last week, the woman came up to me at a public function and wanted a hug and wanted to say she didn’t understand why we split apart, but she didn’t think it was right or necessary. It blew my mind. It just blew my mind.


That sounds like a little miracle to me.


Well, there they are everywhere, synchronicities. Anytime I look at the clock, it’s one of those numbers any time. Yeah, the other thing about these folks is they have goats, which are massive healers. And this is good birthing time over here. So, I’m very proud that I get to go play with the goats. There’s just something about a baby goat. That’s amazing.


Thank you. Where are you located? Are you in Canada or US?


I’m in southeastern Washington. It’s a horrible place from the dark ages. These people that I did the garden with, they still send Trump $500 a month. They know that he’s the second Christ. They just know. That’s something else. I lived for 45 years in Marin County, California. And as we know, California has grown a hideous sphincter disease it’s having a tough time. Anyway, onward in sideways,


Onward and upward, and sometimes sideways.


That’s what I always say. So, I’m so excited that when we did our meditation and included miracles n the solving of the Ukraine thing, I can’t believe the whole world is sitting on their thumbs watching this one guy in Russia. Amazing. Just amazing.


Thanks for joining us in the meditation. And there’ll be more to come.


I will be here. Thank you so much. Take care


What are you doing Clayten? Should we keep going?


You know, we don’t oftentimes get to go this this long. Because we start the webinars like nine o’clock and then by you know, 10:30 you’ve been up, we’re on the calls at 7am. So, I got some gas in the tank, but I’m going to let you decide because it’s later in the day for you, Jeff.


I’d love to talk to Ida she’s got her hand up.


It’s the first time I try something like that. And it’s the first time I hear you both speaking. I mean, just two hours long. I’m very touched, really very touched. I have just this short question: what would happen if we gave to Putin all the high consciousness? I mean, what would happen?


So, there’s freewill. And so, what does this mean? Just the general principle seems to be in a high consciousness field, people tend to grow and tend to rise in consciousness. We see that in the FLFE environment, but there’s always freewill. And their own path, their own evolutionary path. Good question. Where are you calling from? Italy? Nice. Thank you for joining us.


I found you through Kryon. I know you since you are at Kryon Healing Wednesday. And I’m so grateful. I’m really grateful. Thank you so much.


Yeah, it was great. I’ve been a Kryon fan and Lee Carol, and now Monica for quite some time. I’ve been to a lot of events. John Peterson introduced me and FLFE at a Chicago Kryon event and, and Lee and Monica went on the service and then invited us on the Healing Wednesday. So, it was kind of a lifelong dream to be on Healing Wednesdays with them and be able to bring the service to them and to other people in the Kryon community.


Yes, yes. Wonderful. Thank you so much.


How are you noticing the service? Ida, did you try the service?


Yes. I started just after the Kryon session. And I had the feeling “I can’t really meditate; it’s getting a confusion”. Where is my consciousness? And where is the consciousness? And so, I stopped. And now, some weeks ago I started again, and that problem was not there anymore. I’m going through a strong time with clients because a lot of people need a lot. And it really gives me strength and I’m giving your address to some clients also. And I’m very grateful.


Yeah, thank you for sharing it. It does seem to be very helpful these days with the state of the world and particularly for healers and people consciously on the edge evolutionary path.


Thank you so much.


Yes, thanks for joining us. Bless your passion. Thank you.


Yeah, I mean, it does bring up an interesting question, Jeff, some people say, “Well, why don’t you just, you know, put a really high consciousness field around these people. And it could change things.”. And you know, first of all, we use kinesiology and our own sort of discernment to test what’s in the highest and best interest of all creation, that’s our default position on things. There is a law of noninterference where you don’t have the right to interfere in somebody’s path. And that’s a struggle sometimes to figure out where that is. Because we have a resource that can do good and does do good. So, we occasionally will, like we Jeff mentioned earlier, will put a PIF on all of Ukraine to try to help the situation. And eventually we’ll take that off, but right now, we keep getting it a “Yes”. So that’s part of the challenge of the judicious management of power. And I think asking for a blessing for Putin and anybody else that’s angry and entrenched in their own their own negativity, whatever that is, there’s worse things we can do than that?


And we asked people not to put the fluffy service on other houses, if the people don’t know, at least the full service, you know, at 550, 560, 570. Because of the hydration requirements, as we’re immersed in the lifeforce energy, and our bodies are using it for healing. So, putting a super high field on someone, just the permission to do that would most likely be “No”. But as Clayten said, we test everything, all the service work that we do, we test whether it’s in the highest best interest of all creation to do so. Well, Claudia has got her hand up, maybe one last one and then we could wrap up Clayten, if that’s okay?


Sure. Your call, Jeff.


Welcome, Claudia.


Hi, I’m calling from Switzerland. And my question is very simple. And how can you from where you are in Canada affect my consciousness field. I do not understand the technicalities of it. And I am a meditator for a very long time. And I like to think that I generate my own consciousness, although not really generate because consciousness is all that is. And I just dip in and out the conscious field as I understand it, and I am trying the service for the last 15 days, actually in two days it will finish. And I’m skeptic in the way that I felt wonderful. But I don’t understand the technicalities of it. And I’ve been in many places where obviously the consciousness was higher, I mean, you can feel when you enter into either an ashram or in the presence of a mystic. When you are in the presence of a mystic or a land where a mystic walked, or highly evolved being or something like that, you can feel it. You also can feel it when you meditate. And at least me, sometimes I’m meditating, and nothing is happening at all, I’m just in my mind. But other times, I touch certain other dimensions that are, I also don’t like the word higher, but there are different from my normal state of mind. And I understand that as consciousness. But how can you kind of create that? I think it’s wonderful, and I’m really, really enjoying the service. But I’m curious about technology.


I could start so. It’s an interesting question, and I understand where you’re coming from with it, it is hard to wrap your mind around how this how this could work. And, you know, our purpose is to activate a field of consciousness that supports us, in our own evolution, so you are generating your own consciousness, your own evolutionary path and rising in consciousness and connecting to all that is in your own way. And our purpose is to support you in your environment, to be free from outside influences, and to be supported at a high level of consciousness so that you don’t have to compensate for a lower area that’s around you and use your own. So, you don’t have to use your own personal energy to compensate for what’s lower than your personal state around you. So, the technology itself, is very much like human consciousness, it actually works in really the same way. But it is a technology that creates a quantum connection between the system they have a piece system, it’s a physical system, and a place in the home subscription, or a field around an object, like the phone or object subscription. And that field is activated by a unique identifier. Either it’s the location of the address, or it’s the cellular phone number. But it’s much in the same way that if you’re thinking of someone, say you’re doing distant healing, or you’re just sending love to someone in your family, and you’re thinking of them, we believe that there’s a field activated around them. And that your love and your good wishes for their health are in that field. And then they benefit from that. It’s in much the same way the FLFE environment uses the unique identifier and then has in it basically prayers, you know the requests of Divinity that are positive statements supporting the consciousness of the space to rise. So, it is a consciousness technology. Is there anything more Clayten, you’d like to answer that?


We respect Integris skepticism and thank you for asking the question in a way that feels respectful to me. And that’s the first thing I’d like to say. It is interesting that these technologies exist. Jeff explained it technically very well, I don’t think I can say anything else about that. But we believe that these technologies like ours are emerging in the world to compensate or help compensate for the negative side effects of many of the electronic conveniences that we have. Yeah, I mean, I like Wi Fi, I really do. It’s so convenient. And it seems that nature or the Divine, whoever you want to think of that, it provides other possibilities to help consciousness evolve. And technologies like ours that can create these environments, we believe are nature expressing itself to help compensate for especially people who are very sensitive to help them live a better life. And we consider ourselves stewards of that and see stewardship expressed and we’re not the only ones. I would consider you a steward of the energy that you have, and you share in your meditations, I just don’t think they’re all for you. I think you have a benevolent attitude towards life. And you’re curious about how we do the same things that you do. Because you’re praying, you’re sending out good energy, and helping and some people, at some point may ask you the same question about how you do it.


That’s an interesting way of seeing it.


Yeah, in Dr. David Hawkins’ work, when we’re talking about consciousness compensation, if you read his book at the first edition, I think it’s page 289, he has a little mathematical formula, where you can calculate the number of microwatts associated with each level of consciousness. And what we did at one point is we added up, we did the math on if you had, you know, 500, monks, that calibrated at 520, and they were praying on a place 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which means you’d need at least three sets of 500 monks, plus all the support to feed them and all the things that need to be supported to have a human do that. And we tried to see where the service was on the equivalency scale, just from the microwatt’s electricity, like the human consciousness, I don’t believe can be 100% replicated by technology. But the great thing about technology is you can just run all the time. Whereas if you’re going to have 24/7 prayers for somebody, like say, the Dalai Lama, the Dalai Lama, I believe, has people praying him probably 24/7. Because we have Buddhists around the world. And he’s such a great example of an iconic spiritual leader. And I had a personal experience with him and his auric field that I believe is supported by people praying for him all the time, maybe like you.


Thank you, I am enjoying it very much and for me, how do I say it? I don’t have the words in English. So, it just helps me with my own. It’s just like, it enhances what’s happening inside of me and in my meditations in my day-to-day life. And it seems that environment around me in my house. I work from home, so I spend a lot of time here. And it’s lighter. It’s clear. So, thank you very much.


You’re welcome. How did you hear about us, Claudia?


Um, well, we were talking about coincidence or things. I can’t even remember, it was one thing leads to the other, one thing leads to the other. And then I was very curious, because I’m really not technical at all. And I’m like, how could they do this? I’m going to try it out. But it felt resonated immediately. So that’s why I try but I can’t say where I heard you, but I’m also a listener of Kryon. But it was not through them through somebody else. I think the name of the person actually was mentioned by somebody else here. It was a woman, I think, Diane, Regina?


Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for joining us for the free trial and we hope to see you again. Yeah, the Integris skeptic, it’s really an interesting concept and something we’ve talked with our research team quite a lot. And so, we put in a fair number of resources into research. And part of it is, you know, it’s evidence of the FLFE and other high consciousness fields really focusing on FLFE at first, high consciousness field benefits. We did a survey of subscribers, Gary’s quite excited by the data. And we’ll be publishing that in the white paper. And, of course, the plants studies are another one where there’s no placebo effect, you either get a better result or you don’t. And so, we’re looking to do more and more of those and, but it is it’s important for people to be able to wrap their mind around it, and be able to say, “Okay, there’s enough evidence, I’ll try and do the free trial”. And, you know, our commitment has always been the free trial is free, and there’s no strings attached, and you actually have to look at subscribing after the free trial’s over. We really want to provide that. You know, it’s our mission to provide that optimal environment for the evolution of consciousness. And I’m grateful to have all of you along on this ride with us. And it’s wonderful to talk to everyone. I’m just kind of wrapping myself up Clayten


I’ll ask for a closing thought.


But I did want to mention the research that Dr. Gary Schwartz has been assisting us to step up the research that we’ve done in the past to a new level of rigor. And the extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It’s also following the evidence wherever it goes and seeing what we can do to improve FLFE or to take the next step. And those of you that have been with us a long time know that we continually improve the service. There’s no stopping sight of that. But again, thank you for being here with us and joining us on this webinar on Saturday morning. And I’m just filled with gratitude and love for all the subscribers.


Sounds like you’ve transitioned, Jeff, are you closing? Am I interrupted you there?

Speaking of following the evidence, wherever leads, my mind certainly doesn’t like that. It just wants to take a bit of evidence or take a bit of something to jump to a conclusion. So, it’s a discipline that I’m learning from the research team. Gary and Lewis and Paule and you, Jeff. To keep following the evidence because the evidence keeps presenting itself. Some of the evidence that I’m noticing lately is that it seems that FLFE is becoming more of a community and not just a service, and that we are finding likeminded people in the world to, to share our lives with and that’s becoming richer and richer for us. I’ll speak for me, I speak for many people in the office, if not everybody that having all of you in our lives is part of what makes work more joyous. And so, thank you, for all of you here that are kind to our customer service people. And they speak very highly of all of you. We don’t get to talk to many of you just on these, I guess podcasts or webinars mostly webinars, of course. So, I haven’t really thought before Jeff about thanking everybody for treating our staff so well. But it really does help me personally that that our staff are so happy. I’m happy to be dealing with all of you as customers. And that isn’t always. There isn’t always a given. I mean, I think 98% of the conversations they have are really fun conversations and, and there’s shared kindness. So, just want to say I appreciate that amongst all of you. I think that’s all that’s all for me, Jeff.


Onward and upward. Onward and upward.

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